• Tag Archives A.P. Fuchs
  • The Meaning Behind Canister X

    The Meaning Behind Canister X

    Canister X

    “Canister X” is an unusual name for a blog. There’s a story behind why that name was chosen. It’s not a terribly exciting story, but perhaps one that’s slightly amusing.

    As is required of authors, a website is needed. Most writers use their name as their domain name. I did that, too, once upon a time. But one year–I can’t remember which–I forgot to renew the apfuchs.com domain and then I lost it. I tried to re-register it only to find out someone had snatched it up. The site was in German. I had no idea who this person was and didn’t know how to go about reaching them to see if I could have my domain back, so I had to come up with something else. If memory serves me correctly, I decided to rename the site with something unique. I can’t remember the options I went through but “Canister X” came to mind and I assigned meaning to that name. The “Canister” part is after Ninja Turtles, you know, the container that had the mutagen in it. The “X” part was about the site being about anything and not locking me into a particular idea or theme, and as you can see from the content on this site, it’s fairly varied. Sort of a “you never know what you’re gonna get.”

    Later, “Canister X” also became part of the title of my minicomics: Canister X Comix.

    I hope to one day get my A.P. Fuchs domain back and then use it to point to here or vice versa, but until then, Canister X is the name of this thing so we’re running with it.

    This is your blog history lesson for the day.

  • The Canister X Transmission: Year Two

    The Canister X Transmission: Year Two

    The Canister X Transmission: Year Two

    Begin transmission . . .

    Running weekly from May 2015 to April 2016, The Canister X Transmission was sent via email to readers worldwide.

    Every week, readers received updates from the desk of A.P. Fuchs that served as a behind-the-scenes gateway into his views on the publishing industry and past work.

    The newsletter covered four main topics:

    Writing/Creating/Publishing, in which Fuchs shared his views on writing and creating as well as tips to help other writers and artists along their journey.

    Project Analysis, where A.P. discussed his extensive backlist and what went into each project.

    Creator Spotlight, where a variety of writers and artists were given the spotlight as well as their professional and personal impact on Fuchs and his work.

    Weekly Ramble, in which whatever happened to be a point of interest that week became the topic of discussion.

    Exclusive to this collection is a special Issue Fifty-three A newsletter unavailable anywhere else.

    Welcome to The Canister X Transmission: Year Two

    Available as a paperback at:

    Barnes and Noble

    Available as an eBook at:

    Amazon Kindle
    Drivethru Fiction

    Please visit here for Year Three. Enjoy!

  • C4 Horror Con 2016 Recap

    On February 13 and 14 I attended C4’s first Horror Con here in Winnipeg at the RBC Convention Centre.

    C4 has been around for a long, long time and has run multiple conventions, but this was their first horror one. To be honest, I wasn’t sure what to expect or if, from a tabling point-of-view, it would be a good venue for me. Sure, there was the obvious: I write monster fiction and that should do well at a horror show, but that doesn’t matter if nobody shows up.

    Well, let me tell you, people did show up. A lot of people. I don’t know the exact numbers, but Saturday was hopping and there were times I had so many people getting books from me it was hard to keep up. There were a few lulls, but they didn’t last long and I was back to explaining my books, talking horror and having a good time.

    My table:

    Horror Con 2016 Table
    Horror Con 2016 Table


    On Saturday, I was on a panel for writing horror along with Chadwick Ginther and J.H. Moncrieff. It lasted about an hour and we talked about writing gore, going for the gross out, killing characters, that little nonsense thing called writer’s block, and a whole ton more.

    The panel:

    In order: Chadwick Ginther, J.H. Moncrieff, A.P. Fuchs
    In order: Chadwick Ginther, J.H. Moncrieff, A.P. Fuchs

    As usual, my zombie trilogy, Undead World, moved like crazy. I had to bring extra copies in for Sunday. As well, Magic Man Plus 15 Tales of Terror was a popular choice along with Viscious Verses and Reanimated Rhymes.

    In the end, I’m pleased to report it was a very solid show, both in terms of fun and selling books. I was shocked because my total-books-sold tally was not far under all those copies moved at C4 last fall, the big show that I wait all year for and with an attendance of over 40,000 people. This certainly makes a point about niche marketing.

    But all this book number junk aside, in the end, I was just glad to go, hang out with my convention friends and share in a common fandom.

    Putting books in a bag for a reader
    Putting books in a bag for a reader

  • The Dance of Mervo and Father Clown: A Clown Horror Novelette

    The Dance of Mervo and Father Clown: A Clown Horror Novelette

    The Dance of Mervo and Father Clown: A Clown Horror Novelette

    After the divorce, all Jackson wanted was to spend the weekend with his father.

    He just didn’t count on his dad pushing him to go into the haunted house at the carnival.

    Soon, Jackson is immersed in a colorful world of white paint, floppy shoes, rainbow overalls and . . . blood, all ruled by the psychotic Father Clown.

    And there’s no escape. Not from under this big top.

    Welcome to twisted clown horror.

    Available as a paperback at:

    Barnes and Noble

    Available as an eBook at:

    Amazon Kindle
    Drivethru Fiction

    For more horror titles, please visit the Book and Comic Shop.

  • The Canister X Transmission: Year One

    The Canister X Transmission: Year One

    Canister X Transmission: Year One

    Begin transmission . . .

    Running weekly from May 2014 to May 2015, The Canister X Transmission was sent via email to readers worldwide.

    Serving as a source of inspiration for writers and artists everywhere, its impact was made known by the replies sent to A.P. Fuchs’s inbox week-to-week.

    The newsletter covered four main topics:

    The Creative Thought of the Week, in which Fuchs added his two cents on the ups and downs of being a writer, staying motivated, advice and encouragement, and other topics that were part and parcel of making up stories for a living.

    Work Updates, in which readers were informed of works-in-progress and where what stood on the publishing schedule.

    Fanboy News, in which was relayed something of interest from the world of pop culture.

    Marketing/Publishing Tip of the Week, in which ideas and strategies were conveyed to further one’s reach with their books and comics, and were also advised of some of the traps to avoid.

    Exclusive to this collection is a special Issue Zero newsletter unavailable anywhere else.

    Welcome to The Canister X Transmission: Year One

    Available as a paperback at:

    Barnes and Noble

    Available as an eBook at:

    Amazon Kindle
    Drivethru Fiction

    For the next book in the series, Year Two, please visit here.

  • Zombie Fight Night: Battles of the Dead

    Zombie Fight Night: Battles of the Dead

    Zombie Fight Night: Battles of the Dead Front Cover

    In 2027 A.D., the Zombie Apocalypse took the world by storm and no one was prepared. Countless lives were lost as humanity battled to regain control of their planet. Eventually, they did, and out of the ashes of fallen civilization rose a new world, one bent on revenge against the hordes of the undead that took everything from them.

    Enter Tony Sterpanko, entrepreneur extraordinaire who found a way to capitalize on humanity’s thirst for vengeance against the zombie. He created Zombie Fight Night, a worldwide craze where the undead men and women who remained from the apocalypse faced off against people and beings that once existed on Earth or were existing for the first time.

    It is ten years later and at Blood Bay Arena, fortunes are won and lost. Men are made millionaires over night. Others are not so lucky and find themselves broken and destitute.

    Mick Chelsey is one such man: gambling addict, lousy husband and Zombie Fight Night fanatic.

    Except now, in order to still watch the fights and try to win back all he’s lost, he needs to bet fast and big otherwise death will come for him.

    Let the battles begin.

    Zombies fight Bigfoot, werewolves, vampires, Axiom-man, Bruce Lee, samurai, kickboxers, robots and more in this ode to blood-and-guts action from Blood of the Dead author, A.P. Fuchs.

    You ready to get it on?

    It’s time for Zombie Fight Night: Battles of the Dead!

    Available as a paperback at:

    Barnes and Noble

    Available as an eBook at:

    Amazon Kindle
    Drivethru Fiction

    For more zombie and post-apocalyptic fiction, visit the Book and Comic Shop for a ton of titles!

  • Hibernation Notice

    This is the official website of Canadian author and cartoonist A.P. Fuchs.

    I’m the author of over 30 books with more being created all the time. I write from Winnipeg, Manitoba, and am in the midst of a ton of deadlines, which is why this website will be quiet for a while. My main conduits to the outside world are Twitter and my newsletter, which is sent out weekly. To keep up-to-date with me, those two are your best options. I do pop in on Facebook once in a while, but will be scaling that back as I work off-line to finish a couple manuscripts and start some new ones.

    I bid you all well. Keep warm this winter.