• Category Archives Life
  • Stuff about life.

  • Status Report – 033120

    Pen and keyboard

    Status Report – 033120:

    Driving a tired and sleepy car today, but the show must go on. Did today’s work on Project Rebuild. Now I’m doing this. Then onto something else afterward.

    Assuming the world doesn’t explode by end-of-week, on Friday I’m scheduled to speak with someone who understands the Matrix better than me and we’re going to do some behind-the-scenes work on this blog to turn it into the on-line machine I need for going forward (which basically means taking what’s here and doing some back-end stuff to achieve what I hope is the final step in my media machine model). If the blog gets a little screwy on Friday or, potentially, the days leading up to it because I decide to monkey around, just hang tight.

    In the meantime, stay safe. Stay healthy. Eat right. Rest right. It’s all any of us can do to ensure we are as healthy as possible for the days ahead.

    Side note: The latest Patreon article is written and will be uploaded after final review. The topic is what to do if you’re feeling your arts career is sinking. Part one of two. Read it here by subscribing to the Essays tier. Also gets you access to all uploaded chapters of Gigantigator Death Machine. Thank you in advance for your support.

    This has been your Status Report for 033120.

  • Status Report – 032620

    Status Report – 032620:

    skeletal tree
    The view outside.

    Outside, it’s cool and gray, but all is well here at Axiom-man Central. We’re taking care of some things on the personal front and are still working on things on the professional front.

    Saturday’s newsletter is written and ready to go outside its pre-send proofread.

    Just kind of moving along at a comfortable pace.

    Keep well. Stay safe.

  • An Elaboration of 2020 and a Career Shift

    Comics work
    Part of a print in progress on the drawing board

    An Elaboration of 2020 and a Career Shift.

    After years of putting it off, I’m stepping down from being solely an author. “Solely” being the operative word. The book publishing industry rewarded me in the ways I needed, taught me the things I wanted to learn, and helped me meet the types of people I wanted to meet, both creator and reader alike. And while true that since I’ve been back from being ill, I’ve taken on the mantle of writer/artist instead of just writer, I thought it’d be a fair thing to tell you what the current road map looks like career-wise so I don’t accidentally mislead you.

    This is the general plan:

    2020 is a year of rebuilding hence Project Rebuild. Throughout the course of the year–with the very end of the year being the ideal-but-flexible deadline–I’ll be bringing my book list into the 21st century and will release a new thing or two along the way. And it will take the whole year or potentially more because I have a lot of titles and all this takes time.

    Going forward in 2021, I have a few books that are done that need releasing so those will be tended to as well as finishing off some works-in-progress to wrap them up.

    While the above two are occuring, I’ll be spending most of my time and energy devoted to making comics. Comics are what started me on the publishing path and are a great love of mine. In short, writing books will be a secondary thing compared to the comics.

    All I want to do is finish the last bit of my book publishing life and make comics going forward.

    For Axiom-man fans, don’t worry. Lots of prose adventures coming. I’m referring to my non-superhero work.

    I also need to point out something to my readers that needs to be taken into consideration: I’m still sick. I’m much better than before, but even when I started up again at the end of last August, I was operating at around 65-70% capacity. Going hard at 1000mph has dropped me to about 50% on a good day, 40-45% on every other day. Each day I come to the keyboard, I’m not healthy on multiple levels, but I work anyway because making art and stories is what I do and it’s what helps me survive. All I’m saying is I’m changing things on various levels so I don’t keel over and die one day in the middle of a script or while drawing something. It is also important to point out that my shift to comics isn’t about accommodating for being unwell. It’s about looking ahead to my deathbed when I’m lying there and looking back. I know I’ll regret it if I don’t do comics and since time is the most valuable thing on this earth, I want to spend it doing something I love.

    Thank you.

  • Nightwing and Bane Toy (Action Figure) Collection Showcase

    Nightwing and Bane Action Figure Toy Collection thumbnail

    Nightwing and Bane Action Figure Collection.

    When it comes to Batman’s universe, Nightwing has always been a favorite on the hero side and Bane on the villain side. Here is my Nightwing and Bane action figure collection with a Nightwing Pop! figure thrown in for good measure.

    Don’t forget to like and subscribe. Your subscription will help me make books and comics.



    Related blog entries:

    Superman: Man of Steel 1995 Toy (Action Figure) Collection Showcase

    Superman Toy (Action Figure) Collection Showcase: Iconic Uniform

    Playing Card Collection Showcase (Bicycle, Bee, Aristocrat, Tally-Ho)

  • Superman Toy (Action Figure) Collection Showcase: Iconic Uniform

    Superman Action Figure Toy Collection thumbnail

    My Superman Action Figure Collection Showcase.

    Part of the toy collection that surrounds me in my studio is my Superman action figure collection. I collect Superman across various toylines where he’s wearing his iconic suit. I shot this little video showcasing the collection. (And when I say on the blog and in my newsletter I work in a bunker, as you can see, I work in a bunker! No smoke blowing here.)


    Related blog entries:

    Superman: Man of Steel 1995 Toy (Action Figure) Collection Showcase

    Nightwing and Bane Toy (Action Figure) Collection Showcase

    Playing Card Collection Showcase (Bicycle, Bee, Aristocrat, Tally-Ho)

    Please like and subscribe. Your subscription helps me make books and comics.


  • Superman: Man of Steel 1995 Toy (Action Figure) Collection Showcase

    Superman Man of Steel Toy Collection

    Superman: Man of Steel 1995 Toy (Action Figure) Collection Showcase.

    I’ve always been a collector of various things so shot this video for you showcasing my Superman: Man of Steel toy collection that lines the walls of my studio with my other figures. There’s something about having all those figures side by side on display that gets me excited and strikes inspiration.

    Watch the video below to check out these cool figures. Be sure to subscribe so you’re notified when other collectible videos are uploaded.


    Related blog entries:

    Superman Toy (Action Figure) Collection Showcase: Iconic Uniform

    Nightwing and Bane Toy (Action Figure) Collection Showcase

    Playing Card Collection Showcase (Bicycle, Bee, Aristocrat, Tally-Ho)

  • Self-care Day


    As we continue barreling down the 2020 Timeline of All Things at 1000mph, we also need to remember to take time for self-care, so today will be a half day–or self-care day–because I have an appointment that needs tending to if this middle-aged machine is going to keep bringing you books and comics.

    Attention is also being given to the workflow behind the scenes because, I’m learning, I can’t approach this business like I did prior to being ill. Different variables, both internal and external, have created a different climate in which to work.

    Some retooling is occuring in order to not wind up bed-ridden again.

    Yes, I recognize I sometimes talk a lot of publishing flow here on the blog. This is just me getting my ideas up and processed so I can try a mosaic of things, see if they work, and remove and/or add where needed until the mosaic has some form to it and I’m happy with the image.

    Enjoy your weekend. Read some movie reviews.

    New issue of The Canister X Transmission ships tomorrow.

    See you.

  • vLog – 1000mph Club (Working Method)

    vLog 1000mph Club Working Method

    I made a video discussing the 1000mph Club which, though commonly used to describe car speed, was also used by Warren Ellis in his newsletter, Orbital Operations, about working at a breakneck pace.

    Take a look at the vLog below to see what I said about it. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to stay current on all the latest videos.


    Ps. Have a question for me that you’d like answered in a video? Shoot me an email and I’ll do something up for you. Thanks.

  • Mild Day in Winnipeg and Goals for the Week

    Main goals for the week include: Continue keeping the Project Rebuild wheel in motion, continue work on the new art print I started last week, and some behind-the-scenes stuff connected to my little media machine. I’m sure secondary goals for the week will pop up, but until they do, these items get the focus.

    Fairly mild morning here in Winnipeg. We got hit with some real cold weather last week but it’s begun to let up.

    Presently drinking coffee and allowing the brain to come on-line for the day.

    Tomorrow, a new entry for the behind-the-scenes tier airs on Patreon. Get an inside look at how things work behind the curtain here at Axiom-man Central by going here and joining my Patreon journey. Thanks.

  • Stay Focused Social Media Blocking App and Timex TW5M23300 Watch

    Stay Focused Social Media Blocking App and Timex TW5M23300 Watch.

    Last week I was off-line except for a couple of tasks that needed doing via the Internet (like administration). To ensure I remained off-line–I’m just as human as the next guy (I think)–I got an app for my computer phone called Stay Focused. This app can block any app on your phone and, in the free version (which I used), can block up to 5 apps at once. You set a schedule by telling it which hours and what days you want certain apps blocked. I applied these to the social media apps on my pocket computer to keep me on lockout. While true I’m in Broadcast Mode in the winter, as part of broadcasting I sometimes need to go into an app like Instagram and post something. The problem is one glance at the feeds can quickly lead to two, then three, and so on, and the next thing you know you’ve fiddled away an afternoon scrolling and scrolling and refreshing and scrolling.

    This picture is a screenshot of the app from the day I went dark. You can see the stat on there says I’ve already tried opening the app 3 times and each time it didn’t work (was running tests). The timer on locking me out of these apps ran for a week. And it worked! Once I knew I was locked out, I didn’t give the apps a second thought.

    Stay Focused APF

    Stay Focused also acts as a master lock, meaning you have these little locks under it (like the apps you’re blocking), but then you can lock Stay Focused itself–but only in 6-hour chunks in the free version–to ensure you don’t unlock your blocked apps. I’m assuming this is for extreme cases where certain people need a double padlock on their phone. To get even more extreme, I’m pretty sure there’s a lock on Stay Focused that forbids you from uninstalling it in an effort to destroy your barriers.

    What was interesting was it kept track of how many times I unlocked my phone to do something, like reply to a text from family. I was disgusted when I saw, at the end of one of the days, I had unlocked the phone around 35 times. I barely used it that day! But numbers don’t lie. I barely used it? That was 35 times in the span of 12 hours (roughly). That’s approximately 4 times an hour. That’s once every 15 minutes. My unlock count steadily dropped as the week wore on and I got busier, but this goes to show how much we’ve integrated pocket computers into our lives.

    The app has other features, like how long you are using any one program and your total phone usage for the day.

    In the end, getting an app like this is highly recommended, especially if you are a phone junkie and recognize you have a problem (dopamine addiction). And, yes, the irony of this kind of post ranting about frequent phone use is not lost on me. I fully recognize a good part of my business is digital and having people on-line looking at or reading my stuff is better for me yet here I am encouraging my readers to go live life in the physical world. Oh well. But my refutation to the irony is this: I’m referring to balance. Is your on-line and off-line lives balanced? Take away sleeping hours, eating, and body maintenance, and see how much time is spent on a screen while you’re awake. The rest is up to you.

    (I know that author J.B. Bennet got on board and locked themselves out of things during working hours each day, so others see the merit in this.)

    I made this video on Friday of last week and aired it yesterday. It gets into what happened during my time off-line. Watch and subscribe. You might relate.

    Lastly, for months I was getting frustrated of having to pull out my phone to check the time. While 9 times out of 10 all it was was checking the time, there was always that one time in there where it became an excuse to futz around on the phone. I couldn’t have that. I needed to be off-line, so I took the plunge and got myself a basic sports watch by Timex. As a kid, I had a couple of their Ironman watches, which I loved. I was aiming for another basic Ironman this time around but it was suggested to me that’s more a watch for a 15-year-old than a man so opted for a different one because I thought that was a valid point (I’m talking purely the aesthetics).

    This is the watch I got, model TW5M23300:

    Timex TW5M23300 Watch APF

    And that was how I kept dark last week.

    Taking a break from the Internet is something I’ve recommended for years for the sake of maintaining all facets of one’s health. I will go off-line again somewhere down the road because 2020 is a stupidly busy work year and sometimes you need to just shut up and get the job done. But that upcoming time off-line won’t be for a while yet. Not until my first holiday of 2020. Until then, I’ll be here, writing to you and making books and art and comics and videos.

    Keep coming back to the blog every day. There’s always something being posted.

    – APF

    Ps. Today, a new chapter of Gigantigator Death Machine aired on Patreon! Please go here to get access to this fun romp of creature horror for just a buck!