• Tag Archives schedule
  • Release Schedule Change

    There’s been a release schedule change.

    My summer and fall releases have been pushed back so here’s the tentative new schedule:




    BLOOD OF THE DEAD reissue

    Apologies for the delay. With it being summer, my team and I have different schedules so it’s been difficult to align them. Rest assured, these books are coming.

  • Status Report: Notes from Sabbatical – 120420

    status report 120420

    Status Report: Notes from Sabbatical – 120420:

    December is here. And it came too quickly. The days have been rocketing by.

    I’m working again but via a different schedule (the sabbatical one). I’m still recovering from burn out so am taking the time in the off-hours for self-care. But in the on hours, I’m getting things done.

    Speaking of which, I have some spots to fill in my freelance schedule so if you have need of an experienced editor and/or book cover designer, I’m your man. I’ve helped bring 170+ projects to life and always keep the author’s vision in mind.

    For my rates and other services, please go here.

    Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to working with you.

    This concludes Status Report: Notes from Sabbatical – 120420.

  • Status Report – 042320

    status report 042320

    Status Report – 042320:

    We’re working on a schedule shift here where I start my day a little bit later because I find I function better after the mid-morning hours. However, I also was just having coffee and decided to upload the second-to-last chapter of Gigantigator Death Machine to Patreon so my readers there got this week’s update bright and early. If you’re not reading Gigantigator Death Machine, please do. One more chapter to go and the book is done. Once complete, it will remain on Patreon while we start up the second serial novel in a few weeks.

    The plan for the day is to make comics. We’re gaining a ton of ground on Fredrikus. While the drawing is going on, so are other behind-the-scenes items so that come launch, all the necessary ducks are in a row.


    Now, back to coffee.

    This has been your Status Report for 042320.

  • Slowing Down to Speed Up: Social Media Schedule Shift

    Slowing Down to Speed Up 2

    Slowing Down to Speed Up: Social Media Schedule Shift.

    As mentioned in this entry, the blogging schedule is changing here for the short-term due to the workload behind the screen. This also will affect how I run my social media. In short, nearly all my networks will be used to point people to articles of interest, videos, blog entries, and a few other things as per usual, the difference being that that’s pretty much all they’ll be used for. Sure, I might throw in some musings or wisecracks, but in terms of social discussion, we’re pretty much in Broadcast Mode.

    Regarding Instagram, we’re going to primarily be turning it into an art channel and a book cover showcase as well as a notifier of new YouTube videos.

    The social media game is changing in general and the above changes to my social media schedule are my way to utilize those platforms in the best way possible for my particular business model.

    And, of course, tweaks and adjustments will be made along the way as time goes on because that’s the nature of this game.

    Type “A.P. Fuchs” into your social networks’ search bars and you should find me since I am on most platforms.


  • Status Report – 021420

    Blood of the Dead by A.P. Fuchs Galley Proof
    Blood of the Dead galley proof

    Status Report – 021420:

    Busy with the reissues.

    The pic above shows the galley proof for the reissue of Blood of the Dead. I broadcasted a picture of it coming off the printer to Instagram yesterday.

    The schedule dictates next week is the review for Possession of the Dead.

    We’re getting there, people.

    All that matters is the endgame, which is the 2020 vision.

    The main goal is to do our final year-end review with a smile and a sense of accomplishment.

    Thank you for walking the Project Rebuild path with me.

  • Stay Focused Social Media Blocking App and Timex TW5M23300 Watch

    Stay Focused Social Media Blocking App and Timex TW5M23300 Watch.

    Last week I was off-line except for a couple of tasks that needed doing via the Internet (like administration). To ensure I remained off-line–I’m just as human as the next guy (I think)–I got an app for my computer phone called Stay Focused. This app can block any app on your phone and, in the free version (which I used), can block up to 5 apps at once. You set a schedule by telling it which hours and what days you want certain apps blocked. I applied these to the social media apps on my pocket computer to keep me on lockout. While true I’m in Broadcast Mode in the winter, as part of broadcasting I sometimes need to go into an app like Instagram and post something. The problem is one glance at the feeds can quickly lead to two, then three, and so on, and the next thing you know you’ve fiddled away an afternoon scrolling and scrolling and refreshing and scrolling.

    This picture is a screenshot of the app from the day I went dark. You can see the stat on there says I’ve already tried opening the app 3 times and each time it didn’t work (was running tests). The timer on locking me out of these apps ran for a week. And it worked! Once I knew I was locked out, I didn’t give the apps a second thought.

    Stay Focused APF

    Stay Focused also acts as a master lock, meaning you have these little locks under it (like the apps you’re blocking), but then you can lock Stay Focused itself–but only in 6-hour chunks in the free version–to ensure you don’t unlock your blocked apps. I’m assuming this is for extreme cases where certain people need a double padlock on their phone. To get even more extreme, I’m pretty sure there’s a lock on Stay Focused that forbids you from uninstalling it in an effort to destroy your barriers.

    What was interesting was it kept track of how many times I unlocked my phone to do something, like reply to a text from family. I was disgusted when I saw, at the end of one of the days, I had unlocked the phone around 35 times. I barely used it that day! But numbers don’t lie. I barely used it? That was 35 times in the span of 12 hours (roughly). That’s approximately 4 times an hour. That’s once every 15 minutes. My unlock count steadily dropped as the week wore on and I got busier, but this goes to show how much we’ve integrated pocket computers into our lives.

    The app has other features, like how long you are using any one program and your total phone usage for the day.

    In the end, getting an app like this is highly recommended, especially if you are a phone junkie and recognize you have a problem (dopamine addiction). And, yes, the irony of this kind of post ranting about frequent phone use is not lost on me. I fully recognize a good part of my business is digital and having people on-line looking at or reading my stuff is better for me yet here I am encouraging my readers to go live life in the physical world. Oh well. But my refutation to the irony is this: I’m referring to balance. Is your on-line and off-line lives balanced? Take away sleeping hours, eating, and body maintenance, and see how much time is spent on a screen while you’re awake. The rest is up to you.

    (I know that author J.B. Bennet got on board and locked themselves out of things during working hours each day, so others see the merit in this.)

    I made this video on Friday of last week and aired it yesterday. It gets into what happened during my time off-line. Watch and subscribe. You might relate.

    Lastly, for months I was getting frustrated of having to pull out my phone to check the time. While 9 times out of 10 all it was was checking the time, there was always that one time in there where it became an excuse to futz around on the phone. I couldn’t have that. I needed to be off-line, so I took the plunge and got myself a basic sports watch by Timex. As a kid, I had a couple of their Ironman watches, which I loved. I was aiming for another basic Ironman this time around but it was suggested to me that’s more a watch for a 15-year-old than a man so opted for a different one because I thought that was a valid point (I’m talking purely the aesthetics).

    This is the watch I got, model TW5M23300:

    Timex TW5M23300 Watch APF

    And that was how I kept dark last week.

    Taking a break from the Internet is something I’ve recommended for years for the sake of maintaining all facets of one’s health. I will go off-line again somewhere down the road because 2020 is a stupidly busy work year and sometimes you need to just shut up and get the job done. But that upcoming time off-line won’t be for a while yet. Not until my first holiday of 2020. Until then, I’ll be here, writing to you and making books and art and comics and videos.

    Keep coming back to the blog every day. There’s always something being posted.

    – APF

    Ps. Today, a new chapter of Gigantigator Death Machine aired on Patreon! Please go here to get access to this fun romp of creature horror for just a buck!

  • Patreon Tiers Shifting in the New Year

    A.P. Fuchs Patreon Button

    My Patreon tiers are shifting in the New Year. Starting in early 2020, while the current programming will remain, some new tiers and options will be added.

    Things are in the planning and lock-down phase at the moment as I work out the schedule.

    My Patreon page is a place for exclusive content and first looks.

    An announcement is forthcoming once I finish putting the 2020 Patreon picture together.

    Stay tuned.

    Ps. A new chapter of Gigantigator Death Machine was posted today. You can read it and all its previous chapters for just a buck by going here. Thanks.

  • Publishing Plan Formulation

    A.P. Fuchs 2020 Books and Comics
    Be ready for 2020

    While I was ill a lot of stuff fell by the wayside. Some projects were done, others unfinished. It’s taken a while to figure out where things are at but today I came up with a publishing plan that I’m comfortable with, especially since I’m still on the mend.

    So that said, here’s the plan:

    While I’m doing the “more” of Project Rebirth, I will be publishing comics until the “more” is complete. I will talk about the “more” soon enough on the blog so stay tuned for that. Regarding comics, I have two projects on the go and they are such that I can maintain both without killing myself. They are Project Jackass and Project Cobalt.

    Status of each:

    Project Jackass: In the writing phase along with release and publication planning. Some design done. Publication planning mostly complete. This is a project that will be executed in an unusual way compared to what you’re used to from me.

    Project Cobalt: New phase just started but still in the writing phase overall. Publishing plan mostly pinned down.

    These are scheduled to debut next year.

    There is a tiny chance Project Jackass will arrive before 2019 is out but don’t hold your breath. There are a lot of things that need to come together for this and my schedule is quite packed at the moment because apparently doing 101 things at once is how I roll.

    One thing is certain, however: My days as just being a writer are over. I’m in a new era in my personal life and the old chapter is closed, including how I handled my creative career during that time. Going forward, I’m a writer/artist so my energies will be spent making both books and comics. Comics are what started me in this business all those years ago and it’s fitting that things have come full circle.

    I can’t wait to reveal what these project code-names really are.

    Stay tuned.

  • Status Report – 112519

    Notebook and Sketchbook and Calendar
    Sketchbook, notebook, and calendar (yes, I use paper for planning).

    Status Report for 112519:

    We’ve turned a corner here at the Central now that a good chunk of Project Rebirth is out of the way. The next step is to review my Project Media notebook (not pictured) and see how the items listed in there fit on the schedule.

    I have some goals in mind for the next little while, with overarching goals to take me into the spring and, in some cases, beyond. What needs to be done is figuring out the timing of these things so a release schedule can happen.

    I’m guessing part of the day today will include me sitting in a chair and pondering timelines.

    Stay tuned.

  • On Scheduling

    On Scheduling

    on scheduling

    It’s important for every creator to make a schedule for their creative time. The idea of “creating when inspired” or “in the mood” doesn’t work. (Been there, done that.) Not very long ago I was mocked on-line for suggesting a creative schedule to someone who was having trouble creating. The answer I proposed to their problem was to treat it like a job and just do it. Most seasoned creators will tell you that you have to create whether you feel like it or not if you want a career in this business.

    The formula is simple: Approach this casually, you’ll get casual results. Approach this diligently, you’ll get diligent results.

    There is no way around this. And, usually, once you get going on a project after deciding to start working, the project starts to flow on its own anyway.

    Schedule out your time. Schedule out your projects.

    It’s worth taking the time to do this step. In fact, it actually saves you time later in a multitude of ways.

    Scheduling. It’s important.