• Tag Archives Fredrikus
  • Status Report – 052324


    Status Report 052324:

    I heard back from Archives Canada regarding my reserved eBook ISBN number for CAUGHT IN BLACK HEADLIGHTS. I’m in a position to upload now but when I do, I want to make sure my head is clear so I can make any last-minute adjustments correctly. This may happen within the next couple if days but definitely this weekend so we’re still on track for release.

    For those who read my recent newsletter, I came to an agreement with myself that for the secret Fredrikus project, if we average one item every few days, we’ll be in good shape come time when other stuff is wiped off the plate. Then after that, things will bulldoze ahead and my comic goals for 2024 will be met.

    Yesterday, I posted about how to overcome writer’s block. You can check out the entry here or the direct video here.

    Further, THE CANISTER X TRANSMISSION: THE VERY LONG YEAR SIX is about 70% formatted, which keeps us on track for an end-of-June release.

    Lastly, work on the BATTLE OF POWER TRILOGY is still underway and thus far we are on schedule. I’m going to be putting down a lot of words in the near future and I know I’ll feel lighter once the first installment is complete. The other two installments all feed from that one so once that one is complete, then it’s kind of an issue of expanding on it but not in a purple prose way. In a more story way. As mentioned, this concludes the first act of THE AXIOM-MAN SAGA.

    This has been your Status Report for 052324.

  • Special Fredrikus Project in the Works

    Special Fredrikus Project in the Works

    Fredrikus 1 webcomic cover release

    Soon, Fredrikus is coming at ya in a way he’s never done before. What is it, you might ask? Well, just wait and see, dear reader. But I can assure you it’s an experiment in the comic medium and I’m bringing Fredrikus along for the ride.

    In the meantime, please check out the Official Fredrikus Webcomic about an down-and-out anthropomorphic dog in a dystopian sci-fi world.

    For excting books and comics to tide you over in the meantime while this special Fredrikus project is constructed, please visit the Book and Comic Shop here on this site.

    Thanks for supporting the worlds of art, comics, and books!

  • Fredrikus: The Webcomic Return?

    Fredrikus: The Webcomic Return?

    Fredrikus Paper Doll webcomic

    I’ve been giving FREDRIKUS a bunch of thought and his world is certainly one I want to get back to. I have other pressing committments like THE BATTLE OF POWER TRILOGY for THE AXIOM-MAN SAGA and I committed this year to superhero fiction as the priority. However, the artist in me wants to draw something too.

    A lot has changed in my life since the last FREDRIKUS strip and, as is the spirit of the strip about a down-and-out anthropomorphic dog in a dystopian sci-fi world, there are some things I need to say and the webcomic is a good place to say it.

    So, that said, my plan is to create new strips at a leisurely, non-deadline pace then share them with you. I’m not saying they’ll be anytime soon. Just saying it’ll be an unseen side project while I work on other things so my hand’s itch to draw is satisfied.

    In the meantime, there is a special plan for the current strips available but I will reveal that in due time.

    For now, start at the beginning and read a couple issues’ worth of free comics. The Fredrikus webcomic is waiting for you.

  • Read Fredrikus: The Webcomic From the Beginning

    Fred in shadow

    Been feeling lost?

    Why not come home to an old favorite: FREDRIKUS, a webcomic about a down-and-out anthropomorphic dog in a dystopian sci-fi world?

    It’s about life, screwing up, getting some wisdom, then hitting that hard road again to get it done.

    Serialized comics in episode form. Plus, the cartoon (see below) that birthed it all.

    Read the comic by clicking on the graphic below.

    Read Fredrikus

    Please visit the Art page on this website for more drawing and cartooning.

    Fred the Dog in Once Upon a Weiner (2000 VHS Animation Demo Reel)

    Help bring more cartoons and comics to people by subscribing to my YouTube channel here.

    Thank you for being a part of Axiom-man TV.

  • Happy New Year 2024 (2023 in Review)

    Happy New Year 2024 (2023 in Review)

    Happy New Year 2024

    Happy New Year, everybody! Yeah, I know this post isn’t on New Year’s Day but I wanted to wish you all the best before the clock strikes 12 tonight.

    For this entry, I’m going to reprint yesterday’s New Year’s edition of THE CANISTER X TRANSMISSION. If you like what you read and would like to subscribe, please use the subscription form to the left of your screen if you’re on a desktop. If not, please go here.



    Issue Three Hundred-three – December 30, 2023

    Telecom handheld transmission:

    Welcome to Issue 303 of THE CANISTER X TRANSMISSION and the final issue of THE VERY LONG YEAR SIX for 2023.

    This past year was a busy one both professionally and personally, the majority of my time spent either working or sleeping. But we got a lot done and laid a firm foundation for PROJECT REBUILD 2.0. I’m happy with all that was accomplished this year and also am enjoying the feeling of finally being back into the swing of things.

    This issue is going to be structured like all the rest but we’re going to gear each section as a kind of look-back on the year, but before we do, I promised my thoughts on New Year’s resolutions last issue so here they are: New Year’s resolutions, though well-intended in concept, are ridiculous because, objectively speaking, they have zero effect on the flow of Time. Sure, we as a species divided Time into chunks as per the solar cycle, but that doesn’t change Time as a whole. Time is Time, an unbeatable and unmanipulative force that we’re a part of the second we’re conceived through to our deaths.

    In short, every day/evening/night is New Year’s resolution day. Lift off the calendar grid and we’re all just a bunch of fish swimming along Time’s current and only headed in one direction. That said, we can make our resolutions at any moment. We can act upon them at any moment. We also cannot act upon them at any moment.

    The choice is ours.

    * * *

    Work log:

    2024’s road map has been laid and this week we took a look at, and acted upon, some items of that map. Other parts were planned and locked down in terms of a we-first-do-this-then-we-do-that, step-by-step kind of way, which is how my brain is wired for any project, creative or not. I like to get the overview first with the endpoint made clear, then I look at the path to get there and break down the nuts and bolts of the goal so I know the thought-through way to get there as efficiently as possible while allowing grace for human error (because human error is also an unstoppable force).

    This week’s work, due to Christmas and being on holidays, was pretty much cut in half as a result. But we still got stuff done and still maintained a holiday schedule because, as you know, this break was much-needed.

    In short, we got things set up for the early part of 2024 so there will be a smooth transition when the clock strikes midnight tomorrow.

    * * *

    Blog headlines:

    vLog – The Lord of the Rings vs The Dark Tower (Hollywood, Listen Up!)

    Realm of Heroes and Monsters: Story Time Podcast Episode 18

    Canister X Mailbag – Custom Funko Pop! Figures Christmas Unboxing – 10312023 – 122523

    Boxing Week eBook Sale!

    2024 Business Formulation: The House

    The Way of the Fog (The Ark of Light Volume One)

    Look, Up on the Screen! The Big Book of Superhero Movie Reviews Book Spotlight

    vLog – Writer Rider? (Roger, Roger)

    * * *

    Content notice:

    As is the usual around here, we made stuff for the public and for patrons.


    Hotwheels Dream Garage Bone Shaker

    Writer/Artist A.P. Fuchs Funko Pop! Figure – Merry Christmas

    Hotwheels 55th Anniversary ’67 Camaro

    Green Goblin Marvel Legends Retro Action Figure

    DC Justice League 2” Superman Figures (blue suit and black suit)

    Look, Up on the Screen! The Big Book of Superhero Movie Reviews Book Spotlight Teaser




    * * *

    Release notice (a different sort of list):

    This year was packed with releases across various mediums. To round them up, I’ve broken them down into sections for you.





    Comics and cartoons:

    FREDRIKUS Episode 38: Lobster (comic)


    AXIOM-MAN: Short Animated Film (cartoon; co-writer)

    FRED THE DOG IN “ONCE UPON A WEINER” (storyboard video with cartoon comparison)



    A ton of videos and shorts and reels were created this past year, all focusing on superheroes and monsters and my books and comics.

    I’m looking to grow the channel so I invite you to subscribe and check out the stuff that’s there. Some cool stuff planned for 2024 so might as well get in on the ground floor.

    Here’s the channel’s trailer.


    At the end of August we launched my first podcast, THE REALM OF HEROES AND MONSTERS: STORY TIME with A.P. FUCHS. New episode every Sunday. We’re 18 episodes of 30 into Season 1. After the season is done, we’ll take a month-long break then come back with Season 2 of which we’ll shake up the program and still deliver on story time.

    The podcast is currently available for your listening (and viewing) pleasure at:


    YouTube Music

    Canister X



    Lots of content went out via the socials. The best place to ensure you and I are hooked up via various social channels is by checking out my LinkTree, which then branches off to my various web hideouts. Join me and let’s connect.

    And, of course, we maintained a steady blog schedule, delivering content 6 days a week, sometimes 7.

    We also launched Patreon 2.0 and stacked it with content along with a basic tier structure:

    $1 – General tip jar; my gratitude for your support is your reward.

    $5 – All access to both public and patron-only content. There is a ton of content for both on the site. Serial books and comics, essays and articles, videos, photography, artwork, and more. I hope you join the journey.


    We resumed THE CANISTER X TRANSMISSION and had to find a new transmission service along the way. I’m still getting used to using MailerLite hence why the past couple of issues had some unnecessary text.

    As for TinyLetter, presently the site is still up along with THE CANISTER X TRANSMISSION back issues. Subscribing via that site is no longer an option and I don’t know if or when my TinyLetter page will come down so if you want to read the back issues, now’s the time. You can also support this newsletter by purchasing the collected editions (complete with a bonus issue unavailable anywhere else) in paperback or eBook via the usual suspects.

    * * *

    As we head into 2024, and as of the writing of this newsletter, my headspace is split in two. One side is focused on creating, the other focused on the business side and the necessary prep for doing shows, delivering content, maintaining the unseen business stuff behind the scenes, and the upcoming tax season.

    I had hoped to accomplish a lot more during this winter break but to be honest, I desperately needed to slow down so I did get some stuff done, just not all.

    2024 is coming. Time to finish resting up.

    Have a great New Year’s Eve and, please, stay safe.

    Thanks for spending 2023 with me.

    All the best,

    A.P. Fuchs

    Happy New Year 2024, MB

    End transmission

    Thanks for sticking with me this year and digging into what I’ve been bringing into the Web. More to come.

    So, again, Happy New Year 2024!

  • 2024 Broad-and-Loose Publishing Plans

    2024 Broad-and-Loose Publishing Plans

    2024 broad and loose publishing plans

    If you’ve read my newsletter, it was revealed that in terms of publishing focus regarding 2024, my current plan is to first see 2023 through to the end in terms of content releases and year-end fiscal wrap-up. In short, do some fun stuff and conduct some actions on the business side of things so come midnight, December 31st, 2023 will be done business-wise. So that’s where my headspace is at: 2023 see-through then, in my mind’s eye, a division line then on the other side of that line, 2024.

    2024 is currently planned publication-wise in broad blocks.

    Here’s where the headspace and planning is at as of this writing:


    Late January/early February – AXIOM-MAN/CRIMSON CLOAK: SCARLET SYNERGY teamup novella release.

    Approx. June/July – AXIOM-MAN: BATTLE OF POWER TRILOGY, the final arc within the series that wraps up the first act of the overall AXIOM-MAN SAGA. These books are created back-to-back with a planned three-part cover image so when you put the books in a row, you get a full, cool image that compliments the story. At the same time, each cover of the three-part image will stand on its own.




    The following titles are either done or nearing completion so their specific release windows aren’t known until I analyze where each project is at and then can time it from there.


    GETTING DOWN AND DIGITAL: HOW TO SELF-PUBLISH YOUR BOOK 2nd Edition (updated and revised since the 1st edition’s info has become stale-dated over the years)


    Fall 2024 – FREDRIKUS Nos. 1 and 2 in print and eComic

    Regarding the above non-fiction, and since my focus will be 90% on fiction, the above non-fiction titles are presently “floater titles” in my head therefore to be released/peppered throughout the year. If it turns out my blocked-out timing is off or life happens in a way that legitimately alters the above plans, then all of the above non-fiction releases are subject to change release-wise, with perhaps a title or two saved for 2025.

    In short, fiction first, non-fiction second, the fiction releases being the priority.

    Since I’m such a planner-aheader, and can only think in so much detail about said ahead plans, as of right now, the loose release block schedule above is the best I can offer at this time. Timing and more concrete info will be announced once things begin to lock down.

    Lastly, the fiction focus for 2024 is superhero stuff. My last couple releases (ZOMTROPOLIS: A RECORD OF LIFE IN A DEAD CITY and GIGANTI-GATOR DEATH MACHINE: TRIPLE FEATURE) have been monsters so we’re getting back into the heroes side of this whole REALM OF HEROES AND MONSTERS thing.

    There may or may night be a couple of surprises. I have something quick planned but it involves another person and in this game, when it comes to working with others, certain allowances need to be made because sometimes things happen beyond your control and you just have to wait it out so no official announcement or projection regarding this possible project(s) until things are more solidified.

    2024 should be a good year.

  • Patreon 2.0 Thus Far

    Patreon 2.0 Thus Far

    Patreon 2.0 thus far

    It’s been a little over a month since Patreon 2.0 launched.

    Since then, here’s a list of patron-exclusive content that’s aired so far:

    PE: Copper Horse (photo)

    PE: I Wonder What They’re Gonna Think? (Blog post))

    PE: Welcome to Patron-exclusive Videos! (video)

    PE: Quick Note – About Serial Books



    PE: Quick Note – A.P. Fuchs LinkTree

    PE: Ye Olde Sawblade (photo)

    PE: Behind the Scenes – Caught in Black Headlights


    Where Did the Sunshine Go? (from CAUGHT IN BLACK HEADLIGHTS)


    PE: Creating: Time Allocation (essay)

    PE: Quick Note – ROHAM: STORY TIME with A.P. Fuchs Season Length

    PE: Gnome nom nom (photo)

    PE: Quick Note – Out of Order?


    PE: The Day I Almost Died (video)

    That Cold Chatter (from CAUGHT IN BLACK HEADLIGHTS)

    PE: Behind the Scenes – FREDRIKUS Pages


    PE: Quick Note – You Can Look Ahead

    PE: A Drop of Ink on Silver Sphere (photo)

    Lots more set for the New Year with much fun and excitement to come. I hope you join me on this journey.

    Realm of Heroes and Monsters Patreon Page Trailer

  • Fighting and Other Animation Shorts and Artwork (VHS 2000)

    Fighting and Other Animation Shorts and Artwork (VHS 2000)

    fighting animation shorts and sci-fi art thumbnail

    This short chunk of animation and art made up the first part of my animation demo reel. “Once Upon a Weiner” with Fred (Fredrikus) the dog was presented after. I wanted to share these brief cartoons and art pieces with you as a way to bring the past into the present.


    Fighting and Other Animation Shorts and Artwork (VHS 2000)

    Don’t forget to subscribe to stay up to date on all the latest videos.

    Thank you for watching Axiom-man TV.

  • Fred the Dog in Once Upon a Weiner (Storyboard Video 2000 VHS)

    Fred the Dog in Once Upon a Weiner (Storyboard Video 2000 VHS)

    once upon a weiner storyboard video thumbnail

    Prior to animating, and after the script, the story needs to be blocked out via storyboards before the drawing phase of cartooning. I did my best to time the storyboards with the cartoon so you could see how the layout worked on the final product. You can also see how some of the colors changed for the backgrounds and what was included in the storyboards and what was not.

    The captions beneath the storyboards might go by too quick to read but, again, I was trying to time the storyboards with the cartoon itself so feel free to pause where need to read the storyboards.

    Anyway, this is some behind-the-scenes stuff for you and a bit about what goes into making a cartoon.


    Fred the Dog in Once Upon a Weiner (Storyboard Video 2000 VHS)

    Don’t forget to subscribe to stay up to date on all the latest videos.

    Thank you for watching Axiom-man TV.

    Fredrikus thanks you, too. Read his webcomic from the beginning here.

  • New FREDRIKUS Episode

    New FREDRIKUS Episode

    Read Fredrikus Title Red

    Fredrikus has returned–at least for one episode–in his four-color glory for your reading pleasure. At the time I wrote this strip, I was in a corny mood so, heads up, it’s a corny one but you might get a chuckle.

    Readers of FREDRIKUS know I flip-flop between sarcastic drama and joke strips. This one’s a joke strip.

    Anyway, stopping listening the man writing you and go see what happens when an anthropomorphic dog takes on a lobster. (You can also click on the graphic above to check out the strip. Don’t forget to click an ad after reading and support the ol’ dog.)


    PS. To start at the beginning of the comic, please go here.