• Tag Archives project
  • The Daily Schedule of a Writer/Artist 2

    The Daily Schedule of a Writer/Artist 2

    canister x transmission collections

    Since recovering from being ill–and I’m still recovering–here’s what my current daily schedule looks like:

    Wake up and pet the dogs. I’m usually up before everybody else.

    Post my daily Good Morning post on Facebook and give the day’s positivity rating. The rating is given based on how I feel at that exact moment.

    Make coffee.

    Have a small bite to eat.

    Have coffee and surf the feeds and check email, taking note of which ones I need to respond to later.

    By now Melinda is up so I have more coffee and spend time with her before she has to go to work.

    Work on the current project. As of this writing, it’s proofing the galley for the reissue of REDEMPTION OF THE DEAD.


    Non-committal work. By this I mean work I can do and get done but not share with anybody yet (i.e. a blog post, the newsletter, YouTube video, etc.).


    Work on the current project.


    Review and share the non-committal work

    Personal tasks (i.e. personal correspondence, bills, etc.).



    I may or may not call it a day at this point. Depends what time it is. Melinda gets off work at 4:30 and then it’s time to get ready for supper.

    Evening walk with Melinda and then a quick walk with the dogs.

    Chill out time.


    And that’s the daily schedule of a writer/artist.

  • Project Rebuild Update

    Project Rebuild Update:

    This is just a note to say that Project Rebuild has resumed. A few health lapses put the project on hold as well as a few things outside of my control. The good news is my health is in a better place so I’m able to dedicate the appropriate amount of time to it. The main goal is still to have Project Rebuild be the overarching project for 2020. The only thing that has changed are the specifics to the timeline (like release dates).

    Anyway, I’m eager to get back into this because it’s an important piece of my overall publishing puzzle.

  • Notice: Going Dark for the Week

    going dark

    Going dark.

    In an effort to make sure the reissue and new release schedules are on track, I’ll be offline this week so no blog entries until I return. (I might post something if I need variety but that’s a maybe.) Feel free to check back every day just in case and/or surf the blog for past entries to get caught up on anything you missed. Also, my social feeds are on automated Broadcast Mode so I cannot be reached there. If you’re a Patreon subscriber, this week’s post for the Essays tier will show up in the Patreon feed on your pocket computer (or on the website on the non-pocket computer). It’s an essay on how to always keep your audience engaged.

    If you are a client, please use email. If you are a reader and need to reach me, please use email. Please note that email is very low priority so unless I owe you a project (which I can identify by the sender), most likely emails will be replied to upon my return. If it’s an emergency, then you know who you are who has that kind of access.

    Enjoy your week, everyone. See you on the other side in Saturday’s newsletter.

    To keep busy while I’m away, here are some suggestions:

    Surf my YouTube channel and subscribe to check out all the latest videos and be notified of new ones.

    Read Gigantigator Death Machine on Patreon.

    Read back issues of The Canister X Transmission and be sure to subscribe to receive a letter from me every Saturday in your inbox.

    Review the social feeds to the right if viewing this entry on a standard web browser to make sure you and I are connected on your various social networks. If you are viewing this on your computerized telephone, type “A.P. Fuchs” into your social network’s search bar and you’ll find me.

    Relax and take care of yourself however that might look like.

    See you.

  • First Batch of Releases 2020

    Creator Retreat 2017 GMB Chomichuk Art
    Mug art by G.M.B. Chomichuk

    First Batch of Releases 2020.

    With Project Rebuild underway, we’re getting into that season I’ve been talking about for the past while: release season.

    Though the project list between new stuff and the reissues is long, here is the short-term release schedule with an estimate on timeframe. (Times to be locked down next week so the below is a rough guide. Things will probably happen faster but I’m giving breathing room just in case.)

    Current Project Rebuild titles:

    Blood of the Dead – later February 2020
    Possession of the Dead – later February 2020
    Redemption of the Dead – later February 2020

    New release:

    Gigantigator Death Machine – First half of 2020

    We’ll revisit this list as time goes on.

    Also note Gigantigator Death Machine is currently airing on my Patreon as a serial novel. You can read it early by going here (just a buck a month plus it’s a way to support me as a creator; new chapter every two weeks).

    The method to the madness here is seeing where things are at after the first round of reissues. This will inform the timing of the next batch of reissues and the next new release, but for now, let’s focus on First Batch of Releases 2020.

    There are more cool things happening behind the scenes but I haven’t gotten into them publicly. Some details are still being ironed out (involves other people) so if/when I’m able to talk about it, I will. Regardless, these processes behind the scenes are working and all is on track.

    Have a good day.

  • Recap Tunnel: Reviewing 2019

    Superman Intarsia Clock
    Background: A Superman intarsia clock I made in junior high.
    Foreground: a Lego Enterprise (a gift from my son)

    Very soon the Timeline of All Things goes into a new decade so it’s fair to begin reviewing 2019.

    Soon we’ll all be taking some time to think and reflect and look forward to the 2020s with excitement and a little fear.

    Soon everyone on Earth will have to get used to writing 2020 when they date something.

    This is a heads up that between now and when the year closes out, some blog entries will show up recapping various items from the past year in an effort to play some good old-fashioned “remember when.”

    First up, and solely because I want to give people time and not do it at the last-minute, my freelance rates are changing January 1, 2020, so if you would like someone to edit your book/comic, design your book/comic cover, layout the interior, or do custom artwork, please go here to see my current rates and extensive experience. I will honor 2019’s rates if I’m booked by the end of the day on December 31 even if you’re project won’t be ready for me to work on until early in the New Year.

    Second up are the Public Journals. These are the entries that are titled, “On Fill-in-the-blank.” I’m thinking of making a page here on the site linking to them all. They regularly air on social media. These have been fun to do and are a bit cathartic. Due to their short nature, they are good for voicing an opinion or concern without going on and on about it. In short, they are meant to be straight, brief, and to the point. Feel free to poke around the blog to track down the entries. You can make a game out of it. (Or just use this cheat link.)

    Have a good day, people.

    Remember, The Canister X Transmission goes out tomorrow. Be sure to subscribe here so you don’t miss it.

  • Gearing Up for the Holidays

    Christmas Snowman
    Christmas snowman doing reverse chin-ups.

    I’ve officially entered that season where I’m gearing up for the Holidays. And I know I’m gearing up for the Holidays because I’ve hit my wall after four months of going hard trying to rebuild my career after being ill for so long. Next week is Christmas week and I’m taking the week off effective Sunday. Daily blog posts are still planned as is the newsletter. If you’re a Patreon subscriber, the behind-the-scenes tier airs next week. But that’s pretty much it for me for the Holidays. I’ll be back in full swing the week after.

    Also, I have a Christmas thing planned for both Patreon and this blog (both different special Christmas things), so make sure you’re hooked up to All Things A.P. Fuchs before next week rolls around so you get everything.

    In the end, this break is needed. I plan to read, sleep, watch a little TV, and eat and visit.

    Emails will be replied to when I get back.

    – A.P. Fuchs

    Ps. Today on my Patreon page was a Patron-first Announcement revealing the real title of Project Jackass. As a patron, you get project reveal news before anyone else. Subscribe today for as little as a buck to make sure you’re always in the loop. (Other things like an ongoing serial novel, bonus posts, and more should keep you busy between Patron-first Announcements.)

  • Secret Project No. 3: Drawing Phase Begins

    Secret Project No 3 Notebook and Paper

    Today, the drawing phase of Secret Project No. 3 begins!

    This is a horror comic that I showed a very brief glimpse of on my Patreon’s behind-the-scenes tier. I haven’t really mentioned it here on the blog but it’s a project I’ve been sitting on for a decent chunk of time (two years, maybe?). A few pages are finished but the strips inside are not. Time to get the whole thing done and published. Since it’s a full-sized issue, and considering the time it takes to make comics, this won’t be available until early next year.

    With 2020 right around the corner and taking into account my overall plan regarding the “things I need to finish” from Project Rebirth, it’s time to get my butt in gear and get this particular project complete. (See this blog entry regarding what “things I need to finish” is all about.)

    A title is still being settled upon. I will share it with you once I figure out what it is.

    In the meantime, may the drawing phase commence!

  • New Artwork and Publishing Services Rates for 2020

    New Artwork and Publishing Services Rates for 2020

    Keyboard and Pen and Markers
    I work with both traditional and digital tools.

    With 2020 around the corner, it’s time for me to visit my freelancing Artwork and Publishing Services Rates again and adjust things for the New Year.

    The following rates will be effective on January 1, 2020. If you book me before January 1, I will honor my old rates so this is a chance to book me now even if your project won’t be ready to go until early in the New Year.

    The formula for the list below is Old Rate > New Rate

    All rates are in US funds.

    Editing (which is a full edit that covers everything from copy editing to proofreading):

    Short stories (1,000 – 7,000 words): 1¢ per word > 1.5¢ per word

    Novelettes (7,001 – 15,000 words): $250 > $275

    Novellas (15,001 – 40,000 words): $325 > $350

    Short novels (40,001 – 60,000): $425 > $450

    Novels (60,001 – 80,000 words): $500 > $525

    Blockbusters (80,001 – 120,000): $625 > $650

    Doorstops (120,000+): inquire for quote


    Paperback formatting – $200 > $225

    eBook formatting – $150 > $175

    Paperback and eBook formatting bundle – $325 > $375

    Book Cover Design (includes the paperback and eBook files):

    Using stock art/photos/art you acquired elsewhere: $275US or $350CAN > $300US or $400CAN

    A note on stock photos: I do my best to seek out stock photos that are free for commercial use, however, sometimes the perfect photo needs to be purchased. Responsibility of cost for the purchased photo is the client’s. All proposed purchases are cleared with the client first.

    NEW – Using my original art created for the project’s cover (which includes the use of the art plus all the design that goes into a stock photo cover): $500US or $675CAN

    NEW – Artwork Commissions

    Penciled only: $150 (for up to two figures; additional figures $20 each)

    Inked: $200 (for up to two figures; additional figures $30 each)

    Colored (digital or traditional media, depending on the piece): $350 (for up to two figures; additional figures $40 each)

    Custom Artwork: If your project doesn’t fit the above commission guidelines, inquire anyway and we’ll figure out something that works for both of us.

    Thank you. I look forward to working with you.

    (For fun, if you’re looking for more cartoony artwork from me, you can find it in my webcomic, FREDRIKUS, and, hopefully, a laugh or two.)

  • Axiom-man/Auroraman: Frozen Storm – Paperbacks Hot Off the Press

    Axiom-man/Auroraman: Frozen Storm Paperbacks Hot Off the Press
    Watch the video on YouTube by going here.

    A new video has been uploaded and this time we take a look at the Axiom-man/Auroraman: Frozen Storm paperbacks hot off the press!

    Special thanks to local Hignell Book Printing for doing such an amazing job. The quality is outstanding!

    Next step: Sign the necessary copies then send them over to Auroraman creator Jeff Burton for his signature. Copies will then be sent out to Kickstarter backers.

    If you missed the Kickstarter and would still like a copy, please go here or visit the Frozen Storm thumbnail on the left where the book is available from a retailer of your choice in paperback or eBook.

    Thank you for your support on this project.

    Watch the video by going here. (Don’t forget to like and subscribe!)

    Other videos on my channel can be viewed here.