• Tag Archives work
  • Status Report – 110723


    Status Report – 110723:

    Patreon. That is this week’s focus. The trailer is done and is premiering at 7PM CST November 12, 2023 (this Sunday evening) on YouTube.

    There are so many cool things about this new page and as a creator I get to play around with every single one of them.

    I plan to send out THE CANISTER X TRANSMISSION as usual this Saturday then a special Patreon Announcement edition on November 13, 2023. Might want to subscribe to make sure you get it.

    As well, promotion continues for ZOMTROPOLIS: A RECORD OF LIFE IN A DEAD CITY. I placed an order with the printer over the weekend so in the next couple weeks or so there will be an unboxing video revealing it as well as the two new collected editions of THE CANISTER X TRANSMISSION and a couple other titles I need some stock for.

    Watch this space, as they say.

    But it’d be better if you subscribed. For a creator, a subscription to something they do is important. It helps in so many ways on so many levels and, best of all, it’s free. Costs you nothing other than a click.

    I should probably put out a list of free things readers and fans can do for their favorite creators for free. I know money’s tight for everybody these days and I know there are a lot of readers and supporters out there who would like to try a creator’s work but can’t for whatever reason. That’s understandable and totally valid.

    So, yeah, if you can do something for a creator that doesn’t cost you a cent, take the second or two and go ahead and do it. The support is still there, and in the arts, as cliche as it sounds, it’s not always about the money. Art is meant to be shared. Creators just ask money for it so they can buy the time they need to make it for you.

    All right, enough rambling. Time to get back to work.

    This has been your Status Report for 110723.

  • The Canister X Transmission: Year Four

    The Canister X Transmission: Year Four

    The Canister X Transmission: Year Four DriveThru

    Begin transmission . . .

    Running weekly from May 2017 to April 2018, The Canister X Transmission was sent via email to readers worldwide.

    Instead of writing letters with a fixed set of topics, A.P. Fuchs simply wrote letters to his readers every week, covering topics like the Frozen Storm Kickstarter, self-publishing, work plans, opinions on publishing, depression, freezing winters, and more.

    The Canister X Transmission: Year Four was about connecting with readers through the simple act of writing a letter and the meaning that entails, so sit back, have a coffee, and connect with writer A.P. Fuchs as he brings you into his world of life as a working writer.

    Exclusive to this collection is a special Issue One Hundred-fifty-seven A newsletter unavailable anywhere else.

    Welcome to The Canister X Transmission: Year Four.

    Available as a paperback at:

    Amazon (US)
    Amazon (CAN)
    Amazon (UK)
    Barnes and Noble

    Available as an eBook at:

    Amazon Kindle (US)
    Amazon Kindle (CAN)
    DriveThru Fiction

    Please visit here for The Very Long Year Five.

  • The Great Patreon Dilemma

    The Great Patreon Dilemma

    Patreon Logo

    As you know, I once had a Patreon page. With it, I’d air articles and essays, behind-the-scenes stuff, serialized novels, and exclusive stuff for my patrons. The problem was, for the amount of work I was putting in, it didn’t do well monetarily, so I shut it down as I was basically making a buck an hour working on it.

    However, and in a bit of a dilemma, I’m thinking of bringing my Patreon page back but under a new, simpler model.

    It would basically be this to start and, no doubt, would evolve over time.

    Two tiers:

    1) A mere tip jar for a buck. Just a simple way of saying thanks for all the content.

    2) 5 bucks flat fee per month. This would get you everything I share publicly plus content just for patrons, like a serialized novel, one to be read before anybody else.

    That’s it. The content would be regular as I’m producing stuff all the time, but by sharing it behind a Patreon paywall, then I get something out of it too, and also have an avenue to share stuff I don’t share with the general public. This could be special videos, special commentary, special thoughts, excerpts of my work, and more.

    I still have my page but it’s inactive at the moment. I just need to flick the switch and under this new model, folks would have a chance to check out all the back-content plus the new stuff to come.

    It’s not a question of if this will happen. It’s a question of when.

    My only fear is it’ll flop again. But maybe not. I do know I can make it work. Just need to give it some time to grow.

    We’ll see.

  • Status Report – 091223


    Status Report – 091223:

    Work, work, work. That’s what’s been happening every day since I got back from vacation.

    See, I’m middle-aged, which means–though still a ways off–retirement is approaching and I need to be prepared, especially in today’s economy, so I’ve been burning the candle on both ends with the day job and then with writing and publishing outside those hours. I also need to ensure a future for my kids. Not that I’m to take care of everything for them, but rather have the means to do nice things with them and their one-day families.

    The latest development-in-progress is an exclusive Axiom-man site, one solely dedicated to him and his adventures across various media.

    See, here at the Realm of Heroes and Monsters, the ol’ Canisterx.com, is a compilation of all my work, besides my webcomic. I want Axiom-man to have his own space and breathing room on the Web. I have for a long time. He had a site once, one dedicated to his webcomic, which was the published issues serialized on the Web. But he never really had a home and it’s time he gets one.

    So I’ve been working on that as well as toying with the idea of bringing my Patreon back in a kind of Version 2.0. It’d be streamlined, simple, loaded with content, and worth the $5-a-month I plan to charge.

    But one thing at a time.

    Axiom-man first.

    If you have not read the character, I suggest getting your feet wet with the first book. It’s the origin story and Axiom-man’s first big battle with a supervillain. It’s the story that started it all and spawned (thus far) seven additional books plus a side adventure and some short stories.

    By the way, he’ll show up in the podcast soon and in other ways on the Web as well. Stuff is done but I’m releasing things slowly instead of all at once. People are busy on the Internet and to dump everything Axiom-man on them all at once would only cause them to move on. So, yeah, a little at a time.

    Okay, that’s enough for today. Time to get back to work.


    This has been your Status Report for 091223.

  • Status Report – 090622

    status report 090622

    Status Report – 090622:

    Yesterday marked the end of summer for me thus the end of my easier summer schedule. Today I’m preparing the fall one. Lots going on in the fall in terms of book production and releases as well as two comic convention appearances.

    As a reminder, I will be at the following events so mark your calendars. I’ll have books for sale and you can bring copies from home for signature, if you’d like. I do not charge for autographs or pictures.

    Winnipeg Comiccon – October 28 to 30, 2022 – RBC Convention Centre (Winnipeg)
    FanQuest – November 12 & 13, 2022 – Norwood Community Centre (Winnipeg)

    Part of prepping for these appearances is ensuring I have enough book stock to take along with me so I’ve been slowly going through what I have and setting up an order at the printer for what I need. As long as my print order is in by the end of the month, that will allow enough time for printing and shipping.

    I’ve also been reevaluating current and upcoming work in terms of what I reveal to the public about these projects. How many times have I said such-and-such will be ready for such-and-such a date and it hasn’t been? Sure, part of it had to do with me being ill. Another part had to do with summer. Another part had to do with my own disorganization. You’d think after all these years of doing this that I’d have this down to a science. But, again, in the big picture, being ill and spending a long time doing a webcomic would slow things down in terms of release(s).

    No matter.

    New season.

    New start.

    Here we go.

    This has been your Status Report for 090622.

  • Not Dead Yet

    station ident apr2420

    I haven’t blogged here in nearly a year, which makes me a hypocrite because I used to stress blogging fairly frequently. Thing is, I fell ill again and had to put a full stop on most things while I recovered. I was able to pick at odds and ends but wasn’t able to get back into the full swing of things.

    Over the past few weeks I’ve been as productive as ever and finally brought some book stuff out of the darkness and into the light. I did a lot of work and the following is an update as to where my various projects are at.

    In no particular order:

    Giganti-gator Death Machine: Triple Feature – with the editor.
    The Canister X Transmission: Year Four – with the formatter.
    The Canister X Transmission: The Long Year Five – with the formatter.

    Expected release: Summer 2022


    Blood of the Dead – with the formatter.
    Possession of the Dead – with the formatter.
    Redemption of the Dead – beginning of final proofread.
    Surprise Project – In pieces but not in a bad way. Just need to assemble everything and write something for it.

    Expected release: Fall 2022

    The Axiom-man Saga:

    The Summoning – to be written soon.
    Episode No. 4: Transformations – to be written.
    New Dawn – to be written.

    These three Axiom-man books will be written back-to-back because these three stories are The Battle of Power Trilogy, so essentially one story told over three parts. My goal is to have them out by Winnipeg Comic Con in the fall. I know the above looks like a lot and overshooting the year but you have to remember what these projects are and how close each one is to being finished.

    Other items:

    Fredrikus – I have one episode inked and ready for scanning. The comic is temporarily on the backburner while I finish up the above.
    The Canister X Transmission: The Very Long Year Six – I plan to resume the newsletter at a later date. I want to wait until I’m fully back up and running so I have something to write to you every week.
    YouTube – I have a package here at Axiom-man Central that I want to do an unboxing video for so look for that soon. I also plan to make more videos once I’m fully back in the saddle.
    Canister X – I’ll blog when I can and when I have something to say.

    And there you have it: A complete picture of what’s happening with various projects on the go. Let’s hope my health keeps up.



  • Status Report – 020721

    status report 020721

    Status Report – 020721:

    I’ve been off my sabbatical since the beginning of January. Since then, I’ve done my best to work at a pace that is more health-ful. It’s one thing to go 1000mph, but it’s also important to know when to ease off the gas. I had my foot to the floor for too long and paid the price, which was burn out. It took about five months to recover to the point where I can go a little harder without compromising my health. I still made art during those months but at a much slower pace.

    Since being off sabbatical, I’ve spent most of my time making comics, namely Fredrikus.

    Episodes 18-20 have aired along with the front cover and first page of Issue 2. Go here to check them out.

    Episode 21 to air shortly.

    If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop me an email by going here.

    This concludes your Status Report for 020721.

  • On Think Days

    On Think Days

    On Think Days

    Sometimes the mental baggage piles up, and I’m not referring to personal issues (though those days happen, too). In this case, I’m referring to creative efforts. Sometimes the headspace gets cluttered, and when you’re often going 1000mph, it can happen even more. Throw some sleep difficulties on there and, well, on some days life is like peering through a fog.

    Today will be spent coasting, that is, moving from thing to thing and spending time in thought and sorting through my mental landscape and getting myself organized. Of course, this looks like I’m doing nothing, but since making books and comics is primarily a cerebral effort, I’m actually doing a lot, just intangibly. Often, the bulk of the work is done in one’s head and what shows up on paper is only a small piece of said work.

    Think days are allowed. Coast days are, too.

    Here we go.

  • Status Report – 051120

    status report 051120

    Status Report – 051120:

    As you can see, it’s a chilly day here in the Great White North.

    Spring is never coming.

    Sipping coffee. Still waking up.

    We are doing computer work today because we have deadlines. Priority one is Web stuff.

    Book and Comic Production Season starts this week and will run for a while as we get to work bringing you some things we’ve been working on since I’ve been back.

    Time to log this entry then get to it.

    This has been your Status Report for 051120.

  • Status Report – 042720

    status report 042720

    Status Report – 042720:

    Supply pick-up today so we’ll be popping in and out of the studio as we take care of things at the homestead.

    The main work goal for today, however, is working on Fredrikus. I have a timeframe in mind and would like to achieve it.

    I also uploaded a new video to YouTube this morning that showcases my Superman metal lunch box collection. Please go here to check it out. Please also advise if there is any trouble with the video because YouTube was acting up today.

    And, as usual, feel free to drop me a note at any time.

    This has been your Status Report for 042720.