• Category Archives Canister X
  • Any and all things pertaining to A.P. Fuchs and his Canister X.

  • The Great Patreon Dilemma

    The Great Patreon Dilemma

    Patreon Logo

    As you know, I once had a Patreon page. With it, I’d air articles and essays, behind-the-scenes stuff, serialized novels, and exclusive stuff for my patrons. The problem was, for the amount of work I was putting in, it didn’t do well monetarily, so I shut it down as I was basically making a buck an hour working on it.

    However, and in a bit of a dilemma, I’m thinking of bringing my Patreon page back but under a new, simpler model.

    It would basically be this to start and, no doubt, would evolve over time.

    Two tiers:

    1) A mere tip jar for a buck. Just a simple way of saying thanks for all the content.

    2) 5 bucks flat fee per month. This would get you everything I share publicly plus content just for patrons, like a serialized novel, one to be read before anybody else.

    That’s it. The content would be regular as I’m producing stuff all the time, but by sharing it behind a Patreon paywall, then I get something out of it too, and also have an avenue to share stuff I don’t share with the general public. This could be special videos, special commentary, special thoughts, excerpts of my work, and more.

    I still have my page but it’s inactive at the moment. I just need to flick the switch and under this new model, folks would have a chance to check out all the back-content plus the new stuff to come.

    It’s not a question of if this will happen. It’s a question of when.

    My only fear is it’ll flop again. But maybe not. I do know I can make it work. Just need to give it some time to grow.

    We’ll see.

  • The Canister X Transmission: Good to be Back

    The Canister X Transmission thumbnail

    It’s been two issues since THE CANISTER X TRANSMISSION went on a temporary hiatus . . . for a long time. It was needed. Not so much a break from the newsletter itself, but a break from the writing world in general. But now I’m back and am feeding you words every day. Videos, too, but those are fun.

    THE CANISTER X TRANSMISSION: YEAR FOUR and THE CANISTER X TRANSMISSION: THE LONG YEAR FIVE are at the printer’s and distribution is already underway. Since it’s not fully underway, I haven’t officially launched the books, but I will. Soon.

    People might wonder, “Why should I buy these collections, even a cheap eBook, when I get them in my inbox every Saturday?” Good question and a fair one. My answer is two: 1) You get a bonus issue in each collection, one not available anywhere else so if you enjoy the newsletter, it’s something extra for you. 2) It’s a way to show support for free content. Three bucks for the eBook where all issues are in one place and you don’t need an internet connection to read them. Sort of a way of putting a few bucks in a busker’s guitar case, if you want to look at it that way.

    Anyway, more issues to come. More content to come. More [hopefully] amusing items to read.

    Besides, you get my killer clown novelette free as a thank you for subscribing. Funnily enough, the same question about the collected editions of the newsletter can be asked for THE DANCE OF MERVO AND FATHER CLOWN. But my answer is the same: Supporting free content and supporting the creator who made it for you.

    But enough about sales. It feels good to be writing THE CANISTER X TRANSMISSION again. It’s sort of a way to air out my head plus also introduce you to stuff that you might’ve missed during the week. You can read over two hundred back issues for free here.

    Speaking of which, I don’t post every video I make to my blog. Lots of shorts and reels go out during the week so to ensure you get them, head on over to YouTube or TikTok and follow along. This way you won’t miss anything video-related.

    Crap. I did it again, didn’t I? Just pitched you on something. Bad habit.

    ZOMTROPOLIS: A RECORD OF LIFE IN A DEAD CITY is about to enter the editing stage so I can make my end-of-October deadline for release. I’ve been through the book a few times already, just not the new stuff I wrote to complete it. It will be an easy edit for both myself and my editor. Then it goes into production and the cover is made and ta da! Book.

    Hope you check it out once it’s released. I’ll be making a big stink about it so you’ll probably hear about it somehow.

    Anyway, time to get back to work.

    Enjoy your day.

    One step at a time.

  • Batman Batmobile Hotwheels Shorts and Reels No. 6

    HotWheels Logo

    Batman Batmobile Hotwheels Shorts and Reels No. 6

    Some people prefer watching shorts and reels to longer videos so that is why I am posting my hotwheels shorts via blog entries here.

    These are cool cars. Imagine them life-sized? I mean, not the ones we’ve seen in live action already, but the animated ones? Now THAT would be cool!

    Hotwheels Batman Forever BatmobileBuy at Amazon
    Hotwheels Batman Asylum Purple BatmobileBuy at Amazon
    Hotwheels Brave and the Bold Black BatmobileBuy at Amazon

    Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for regular video content!


    As per usual, if you have collector video suggestions, you can contact me here.

  • Status Report – 091823


    Status Report – 091823:

    It’s official. It’s done. As per this blog entry, ZOMTROPOLIS: A RECORD OF LIFE IN A DEAD CITY is complete. See the entry for the next steps in the process.

    Also what’s done is THE CANISTER X TRANSMISSION: YEAR FOUR and THE CANISTER X TRANSMISSION: THE LONG YEAR FIVE. Those went off to press late last week. Now it’s just an issue of the printer processing the files, sending me a proof, me approving it then getting it into distribution. Like the other collected editions, they will be available in paperback and eBook and contain a bonus issue of the newsletter exclusive to those collections.

    We’re programmed until the end of November thus far in terms of Book Spotlight Videos and the REALM OF HEROES AND MONSTERS: STORY TIME podcast. Other stuff is complete behind the scenes but not uploaded yet.

    For those who missed it, THE CANISTER X TRANSMISSION newsletter is back. The new issue went out this past Saturday. Subscribe here for this Saturday’s issue.

    Other than that, I’m pleased that I finally was able to share the FREDRIKUS animated short with you. I’ve been wanting to for the past couple of years but needed the adapter to connect my very old VCR to my also-old computer. I finally got one and the video was shared. There was some additional brief animation on the reel as well along with a few pieces of artwork. I’m not sure if I’ll upload it or not. I’ll have to think of a way to make it longer because the segments of animation and the few pics last all of twenty seconds. But they’re cool pics. Three-point perspective, some modern, some sci-fi.

    We’ll see.

    Anyway, I’m pretty tired and I still have work to do.

    A.P. Fuchs signing off.


    This has been your Status Report for 091823.

  • Batman Batmobile Hotwheels Shorts and Reels No. 5

    HotWheels Logo

    Batman Batmobile Hotwheels Shorts and Reels No. 5

    Oh man, I just picked up a bunch of wicked batmobiles Sunday. You’ll see them showcased soon enough. I couldn’t believe what I found! Had to get them. Excited to show them to you. Stay tuned to my YouTube shorts channel. You can also always catch them here as well.

    So, without further ado, here is the latest batch of Batman Batmobile Hotwheels Shorts and Reels.

    Hotwheels Batman: The Animated Series BatmobileBuy at Amazon
    Hotwheels Batman Forever Silver BatmobileBuy at Amazon
    Hotwheels Classic Batman Cartoony 1960s BatmobileBuy at Amazon

    Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for regular video content!


    As per usual, if you have collector video suggestions, you can reach me here.

  • Content Schedule 2023

    Content Schedule 2023


    As you might have noticed, I’ve been pouring a lot of energy back into creating on-line content.

    For a while, I couldn’t. Too many life changes and ups and downs. But now things have settled somewhat so I’m able to do things writing- and publishing-wise again.

    Here is the current weekly content schedule that’s planned for the remainder of 2023:

    MondayYouTube video
    Tuesday – Misc. blog post
    Wednesday – Misc. blog post
    Thursday – Misc. blog post
    FridayBook Spotlight Video

    And, of course, throughout the week there will be a few shorts and reels via YouTube and TikTok, Facebook and Instagram.

    And what of the ads on the site, Fuchs? Aren’t they a little instrusive? Yes, they sometimes can be and I’m still figuring out proper ad placement so it doesn’t interfere with your site experience. However, these ads are how this site and FREDRIKUS‘s gets paid for. The entertainment machine isn’t free and is, frankly, quite costly. A great help would be if you took a microsecond and clicked an ad or two on your way to your next on-line destination as a way of “leaving a tip.” There’s also the PayPal button for donations in whatever amount you want.

    But the biggest thing you can do for me is subscribe to my YouTube channel. I’m really trying to grow it and your subscription goes a long way in helping with that so thanks in advance.

    As for 2024’s content schedule, I don’t know just yet. Right now I’m focusing on finishing the year off strong. I’m sure a 2024 announcement will come along at some point.

    Thank you for hanging out at my website this week. Much appreciated.



  • Superman Super Powers Action Figure Unboxing

    Superman Super Powers Action Figure Unboxing

    Superman Super Powers Action Figure Unboxing thumbnail

    This looks like a job for Superman!

    I searched and I searched, high and low and low and high, then one day out of the blue a kind lady offered to gift me this SUPER action figure because she saw on social media I was looking for it but to no success.

    Special thanks to Veronica and Zach for their kindness.

    This is it! A Superman Super Powers action figure! This is a retro release by McFarlane Toys, utilizing the same branding Kenner did way back in the ’80s. I played with my Superman toy when I was a kid until I wore it out so bad my folks had to buy me a new one. It got lost over the years but now I have Superman anew and this fanboy is thrilled to the bone!

    Up, up and away!

    Fly away with it at Amazon here.

    Now check out the unboxing video:

    Canister X Mailbag – Superman Super Powers Action Figure Unboxing – Sept122023

    Don’t forget to subscribe to stay up to date on all the latest videos.

    Thank you for watching Axiom-man TV.

  • Status Report – 091223


    Status Report – 091223:

    Work, work, work. That’s what’s been happening every day since I got back from vacation.

    See, I’m middle-aged, which means–though still a ways off–retirement is approaching and I need to be prepared, especially in today’s economy, so I’ve been burning the candle on both ends with the day job and then with writing and publishing outside those hours. I also need to ensure a future for my kids. Not that I’m to take care of everything for them, but rather have the means to do nice things with them and their one-day families.

    The latest development-in-progress is an exclusive Axiom-man site, one solely dedicated to him and his adventures across various media.

    See, here at the Realm of Heroes and Monsters, the ol’ Canisterx.com, is a compilation of all my work, besides my webcomic. I want Axiom-man to have his own space and breathing room on the Web. I have for a long time. He had a site once, one dedicated to his webcomic, which was the published issues serialized on the Web. But he never really had a home and it’s time he gets one.

    So I’ve been working on that as well as toying with the idea of bringing my Patreon back in a kind of Version 2.0. It’d be streamlined, simple, loaded with content, and worth the $5-a-month I plan to charge.

    But one thing at a time.

    Axiom-man first.

    If you have not read the character, I suggest getting your feet wet with the first book. It’s the origin story and Axiom-man’s first big battle with a supervillain. It’s the story that started it all and spawned (thus far) seven additional books plus a side adventure and some short stories.

    By the way, he’ll show up in the podcast soon and in other ways on the Web as well. Stuff is done but I’m releasing things slowly instead of all at once. People are busy on the Internet and to dump everything Axiom-man on them all at once would only cause them to move on. So, yeah, a little at a time.

    Okay, that’s enough for today. Time to get back to work.


    This has been your Status Report for 091223.

  • The Canister X Transmission is Returning

    The Canister X Transmission Years One and Two
    The Collected Editions of The Canister X Transmission Years One and Two

    It’s been since October 2022 since the last issue went out. That’s a long time and a lot has happened in the interim. A big part of things are some lifestyle changes I’ve been making that’s been sucking up most of my time. Now I’ve learned to manage that time better thus enabling me to get back into newsletter writing.

    If you’re a previous subscriber to THE CANISTER X TRANSMISSION, thank you, please stay on board as your regular Saturday newsletter from me is coming back to your inbox.

    If you haven’t yet subscribed, please do so. It’s free, it’s content, it’s entertaining and informative, plus you also get a free creepy novelette as a thank you for subscribing.

    Don’t delay. Get your email ready.

    Subcribe here and I’ll see you soon.



  • Batman Batmobile Hotwheels Shorts and Reels No. 4

    HotWheels Logo

    Batman Batmobile Hotwheels Shorts and Reels No. 4

    So here we are, back again. Yep. I love hotwheels, namely superhero ones like these three killer batmobiles you’re about to see. It seems every time I’m near toys in a store I have to go hunting for a batmobile–or any kind of supermobile–that I don’t have.

    It’s that collector’s bug, man.

    Anyway, here are a few more YouTube Hotwheels Batmobile Shorts and Reels for you to enjoy.

    Peace out.

    Hotwheels Batman 1989 Gold Hightlights batmobile – Buy at Amazon
    Hotwheels Batman: The Brave and the Bold batmobile – Buy at Amazon
    Hotwheels Comic Book Batman batmobile in Silver – Buy at Amazon

    Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for regular video content!


    As per usual, if you have collector video suggestions, you can reach me here.