• Tag Archives Facebook
  • A Little Letter to my American LGBTQ Friends

    A Little Letter to my American LGBTQ Friends

    Hi. I'm worried about you. In short order you're going to be a target and will be robbed of your basic humanity. I am the step-father of three LGBTQ young adults so that's where I'm coming from. To think that harm would come to them over that one thing makes me angry, upset, and sad. I am so sorry for what's to come because what's coming is viewing you as non-human no differently than doing the same regarding race or religion or politcal stance or any other unwarranted way to treat someone as less than human. What's going to occur is an echo of 1939. Unfortunately, and especially being Canadian, I have no power to change what's coming. The best I can offer you is love and a voice of standing up against bullies. I do not know how LGBTQ rights work at present in the US. We have rights and protections here in Canada, but as per those things, those items are on paper versus on the human heart so, yes, unfortunately it's difficult for certain groups within your community (ie. Trans persons) to obtain work or even just simply be treated with respect. I hope there might be mechanisms in place in your area that could come to your aid once the dehumanizing commences, but, again, I don't know what is currently available Stateside in regards to those mechanisms. What I want to offer you is this: No matter what happens, you ARE a human being and you ARE loved (at least by this Canadian). Please consider me, though we're far apart, as someone coming alongside to walk with you whether in speech or in silence (your choice) and I'll hold your hand if needed for comfort or assurity or whatever else a warm hand might provide. I'm so sorry. Humans these days pride themselves on being oh so smart and advanced and yet can't even get a basic thing like respect right. It's not that hard: Just be kind and recognize the other person is a person like you therefore deserves to be treated with dignity. Again, super simple concept but seems to be extraordinarily complex for some (which is both pathetic and sad). In the end, all I'm trying to say is I'm concerned for you on several levels. I guess we're not as advanced as we think. With love, APF

    The following is a Facebook post from a few days back. I want to put it here for archiving but also for anyone who might need to hear it.



    I’m worried about you. In short order you’re going to be a target and will be robbed of your basic humanity. I am the step-father of three LGBTQ young adults so that’s where I’m coming from. To think that harm would come to them over that one thing makes me angry, upset, and sad.

    I am so sorry for what’s to come because what’s coming is viewing you as non-human no differently than doing the same regarding race or religion or politcal stance or any other unwarranted way to treat someone as less than human. What’s going to occur is an echo of 1939.

    Unfortunately, and especially being Canadian, I have no power to change what’s coming. The best I can offer you is love and a voice of standing up against bullies.

    I do not know how LGBTQ rights work at present in the US. We have rights and protections here in Canada, but as per those things, those items are on paper versus on the human heart so, yes, unfortunately it’s difficult for certain groups within your community (ie. Trans persons) to obtain work or even just simply be treated with respect. I hope there might be mechanisms in place in your area that could come to your aid once the dehumanizing commences, but, again, I don’t know what is currently available Stateside in regards to those mechanisms.

    What I want to offer you is this:

    No matter what happens, you ARE a human being and you ARE loved (at least by this Canadian). Please consider me, though we’re far apart, as someone coming alongside to walk with you whether in speech or in silence (your choice) and I’ll hold your hand if needed for comfort or assurity or whatever else a warm hand might provide.

    I’m so sorry. Humans these days pride themselves on being oh so smart and advanced and yet can’t even get a basic thing like respect right. It’s not that hard: Just be kind and recognize the other person is a person like you therefore deserves to be treated with dignity.

    Again, super simple concept but seems to be extraordinarily complex for some (which is both pathetic and sad).

    In the end, all I’m trying to say is I’m concerned for you on several levels.

    I guess we’re not as advanced as we think.

    With love,


  • Content Schedule 2023

    Content Schedule 2023


    As you might have noticed, I’ve been pouring a lot of energy back into creating on-line content.

    For a while, I couldn’t. Too many life changes and ups and downs. But now things have settled somewhat so I’m able to do things writing- and publishing-wise again.

    Here is the current weekly content schedule that’s planned for the remainder of 2023:

    MondayYouTube video
    Tuesday – Misc. blog post
    Wednesday – Misc. blog post
    Thursday – Misc. blog post
    FridayBook Spotlight Video

    And, of course, throughout the week there will be a few shorts and reels via YouTube and TikTok, Facebook and Instagram.

    And what of the ads on the site, Fuchs? Aren’t they a little instrusive? Yes, they sometimes can be and I’m still figuring out proper ad placement so it doesn’t interfere with your site experience. However, these ads are how this site and FREDRIKUS‘s gets paid for. The entertainment machine isn’t free and is, frankly, quite costly. A great help would be if you took a microsecond and clicked an ad or two on your way to your next on-line destination as a way of “leaving a tip.” There’s also the PayPal button for donations in whatever amount you want.

    But the biggest thing you can do for me is subscribe to my YouTube channel. I’m really trying to grow it and your subscription goes a long way in helping with that so thanks in advance.

    As for 2024’s content schedule, I don’t know just yet. Right now I’m focusing on finishing the year off strong. I’m sure a 2024 announcement will come along at some point.

    Thank you for hanging out at my website this week. Much appreciated.



  • Fredrikus Social Media

    Fredrikus head shot 2

    Fredrikus Social Media:

    I started Fredrikus up on a couple of the social channels. It will be through these channels you’ll be notified of new strips, so if you’d like to get on board on the ground floor and not have to worry about getting notifications when the strips air, please like/follow at the following pages:

    Fredrikus on Twitter
    Fredrikus on Facebook

    I might add another network or two down the line, but these two are what I’m doing right now.

    More news as this webcomic develops . . .

  • Inktober is Upon Us – An Invitation

    As mentioned in yesterday’s post, I’m participating in Inktober this year. This is my first time. For those who don’t know what Inktober is, it’s basically NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) but for artists. The goal? Draw one inked drawing a day and share it with at least one person on-line or off-.

    Today is Day Three so after I post this blog entry, I’ll be working in my sketchbook to create a new offering. Days One and Two are posted to my social media, which is where you’re invited to check out my daily drawings. My Inktober efforts show up on my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr feeds.

    Join me.

  • Why the Standard “Author Platform” Doesn’t Work

    Why the Standard “Author Platform” Doesn’t Work

    Social Media Author Platorm

    This article was originally published June 5, 2017 on the Operation Awesome Blog.

    All right, let’s talk straight. Specifically, let’s talk author platforms. You’ve read the articles. You’ve been told how important they are. You’ve been given a list of what to include. Heck, you’ve even taken all that information to heart and acted upon it.

    And the book sales aren’t happening.

    So you keep at it, hoping one day it’ll all pay off. Day in and day out you bust your tail on social media and the Web only to keep missing your goal sales-wise. Or, perhaps, you hit it some months and others you wonder what it’s all for. Frustration sets in and you don’t know what’s going on. You did what Author A said. You got your Facebook page, your Twitter account, your blog, your Instagram and all the others—yet still you’re just another author voice shouting into the storm.

    Here’s the issue: you’re following someone else’s advice. Worse, you’re following it to the letter and in the game of publishing, following the author platform advice to a T is a death sentence.

    This is why:

    Publishing is a giant crapshoot. There is no sure-fire way to do anything. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either lying or trying to sell you something. While true there are basics and groundwork you can lay, that’s all those things are. Yes, your standard author platform recipe should be part of your game plan. That’s no different than saying you want to sell your book but you know you can’t sell your manuscript as is. You need to make it pretty and put it between two covers before you can do so. That’s a given. The basics.

    The standard author platform isn’t working for you is because you aren’t making it yours. You’re making it like someone else’s or, simply, following the basic recipe without adding the personal tender loving touch that makes your cookies taste better than the other guy’s.

    This is how to fix the issue, written step-by-step, but don’t treat it like an instruction manual. Customization, you know?

    Step one:

    Lay down the standard recipe. All good baking has a fairly consistent base across the board. Have your Facebook page, your Twitter, blog, Instagram and all that. Customize each page and make it about you and your books then commit to a Web plan where you’re active on each on a regular basis.

    Step two:

    Start adding the TLC. Don’t make your Facebook page like Joe Famous’s. Make it like yours.

    I hate the word “brand” when it comes to this author stuff. It turns us into a product and, frankly, art is never about product. It can become a product, but should never be a product. See the difference? This world is sickly loaded with consumerism and people pushing products non-stop twenty-four hours a day. Most of us have tuned out the racket. But what draws us and captures our attention? Unique items and unique people. This so-called “brand” you’re supposed to become? How about voice? After all, your voice is what makes your art what it is to begin with. Why turn that off when sharing it with people?

    So . . .

    Format and design your pages to reflect you and your books. Don’t be all authorish. Don’t be all bookish. Don’t make people feel like they’re in a stuffy library when they visit you on the Web. In other words, don’t be so professional you come off as cold. Cold people suck.

    Into baking or crafts? Build that into your page designs and content.

    Into superheroes and comics? Put up some indie superhero character art as part of your banner and pictures.

    Into sci-fi and tech? Give your page(s) a mechanical flare and make the electro-junkies squee on the inside when they visit you.

    Into horror? Spook it up, man.

    Get the idea?

    Step three:

    With your on-line base of operations already established, leave it alone for a bit and start playing around with other marketing ideas.

    Some items . . .

    Set up book signings. Table at conventions. Hook up with some craft shows and flea markets. Arrange a book tour, say, local at first then, depending on success, look at traveling out-of-province/state, even country.

    Set yourself up as a unique property at these events. Don’t just have a plain table. Add some posters and signage. Add some props. Display your books in a pyramid-like tower. Stand out. Fool around. Don’t be the lonely author who sits there with a handful of books laid out boring and flat in front of them, longingly gazing at the passersby, your eyes pleading, “Please come talk to me. Please come buy my book.” I mean, you took all this time to personalize your on-line presence, why wouldn’t you do the same for your off-line one?

    Casually bring up you’re an author into everyday conversations. You can subtly work your pitch into whatever you’re talking about with someone—choose appropriately, of course—and at a bare minimum leave them with a business card. But have books on-hand or in your car in case a sale is to be made. Trust me, it happens.

    Go to open mic nights and share story excerpts or poetry. This is your chance to pimp your work, network and perhaps get hired for new projects.

    Do workshops.

    And a thousand other things. These examples are to make this point: lay your groundwork—that author platform—then play around with other marketing avenues. You’ll be surprised what works. You’ll also be surprised at what doesn’t because what works for Author A doesn’t always work for Author B.

    Book marketing is all about customization. It’s about finding what works for you and putting energy into those things while discarding the things that don’t after you’ve given them a fair chance (i.e. six months to a year or something). And you know what? Even that thing you did that didn’t work for your first novel might be the goldmine that works for your second one. Each book is different. Even each book in a series is different.

    Authors want the easy way out. “I just want to write,” they say. Well, if that were really true, you wouldn’t be publishing as well, right?

    Or they want to be told what to do: that standard author platform recipe. Come on. How can you be so creative in fiction then totally useless outside of it? Don’t you know your life is a story and so is your book career? That creative flare that you put on the page can be used off of it, too. Stop thinking inside of your book and start thinking outside of it.

    After this article is drafted, my plan for the day is to revisit my platform, one that I’ve already customized to me over the years—self-publishing since 2004—and take inventory on what’s working and what isn’t. I’m going to make some changes and try new things. Going to add my own TLC instead of relying on the standard Author Platform recipe.

    I’m eager to see how these cookies turn out. I already know my zombie chocolate chip ones are dead ringers for a win and my Axiom-man cookies are super.

    Screw the standard author platform. It’s boring and useless. But your own? The one with your personal touch?

    That’s something special.

    Get to it.

  • Why You Need a Newsletter

    Why You Need a Newsletter

    canister x transmission newsletter collections

    This article was originally published November 28, 2016 on the Operation Awesome Blog.

    The Internet is a painfully crowded place, especially these days. I remember in the late nineties when the Web was starting to take shape. There were some basic websites and, well, that was about it. Communication on-line was pretty much email. Now look at us—everyone’s on-line, we’re all shouting, and social media is the main form of communication.

    Unfortunately, there’s just too many people and these days, with every one and their monkey writing a book, there’s too many authors and it’s near impossible to get noticed. Sure, it happens, and some authors build a sizable and—keyword: pragmatic—social following, but for the most part, many struggle in this area.

    Newsletters bypass all the number games associated with social media, the whole like-for-like and I-follow-you-you-follow-me tactics, and all the rest. (Which are pretty much useless because those are about quantity not quality.)

    Productive numbers are where it’s at and newsletters, by their very opt-in nature, cater to that. Do you want to know who is truly invested in what you do? Start a newsletter.

    It’s focused marketing: sending out communication and information to people who have chosen to hear what you have to say. Actually, I don’t even like to use the word “marketing” in this case because that totally devalues the point of a newsletter, which is connecting with readers who genuinely care about you in return.

    Look at the word itself: newsletter. It’s a letter, not a brochure.

    Sure, your newsletter numbers might be smaller than your Facebook likes, but they’re quality numbers, which have more value than just a high like count. The people who have chosen to receive a newsletter from you are the same people who are more likely to get a copy of your book because a genuine interest in you has already taken place.

    There are so many ways to go about doing a newsletter, some of which are:

    The Plain Jane promo newsletter.

    This is the kind that only goes out when an author has a new release. It’s not about communicating with the reader, but simply selling to them. I find these shallow; see the newsletter work breakdown above.

    The monthly update newsletter.

    Typically something sent out once a month, this is the newsletter where the author says what’s going on with them, where what project is at in the production process and to promote a book(s) or event or something.

    The weekly newsletter.

    My personal favorite and the kind I run, which I’ll get to in a moment. The weekly version can be like the monthly one, just sent out weekly. Or it can be about creating a dialogue with the readers and talking points of interest, usually to do with writing or books or entertainment.

    My weekly newsletter, The Canister X Transmission—presently in its second year—has four main points: writing/publishing/marketing tip of the week; book/comic spotlight from my catalog; creator spotlight focusing on indie and mainstream creators who’ve impacted my career; rant of the week, which is basically a positive or negative thing depending on what’s been heavily on my mind for the past seven days.

    I also offer a free thriller e-novelette download if you sign up.

    The benefits:

    Regular connection with readers who actually want to hear from you exercise in self-discipline to maintain the newsletter schedule, which then trains you to keep deadlines for other projects like, um, your books an opportunity to market work to readers without spamming, which can lead to sales options outside of the usual channels a chance to encourage and inspire others

    Ultimately, newsletters make the on-line world a smaller place and, frankly, in today’s obscenely overcrowded rat race society, it’s sorely needed. It’s a chance to quiet down, meet with a reader, and open up about what’s going on on your end. And you’d be surprised. Readers respond to newsletters with their thoughts, questions and more.

    Beats an overcrowded social media channel any day.

  • Axiom-man and Auroraman: Frozen Storm Kickstarter Announcement

    Axiom-man and Auroraman Kickstarter AnnouncementIt is with great pleasure that A.P. Fuchs and Jeff Burton announce the upcoming Kickstarter campaign for the team-up novel, Axiom-man and Auroraman: Frozen Storm.

    Not only will this Kickstarter fund the novel, but also fund Auroraman No. 1. Earlier in 2016, Jeff kickstarted Issue 0 to great success so we’re excited to work on this dual effort together and bring you a fantastic issue of Auroraman complete with a short comic at the end that leads into Frozen Storm.

    Jeff and I have already discussed the general outline for the story and can’t wait to show you what’s in store as time gets closer to launching the Kickstarter into full gear.

    I can, however, tell you one thing about Frozen Storm and it’s this: these icy villains put the abominable snowman to shame.

    Keep watching this blog for more announcements, same with my Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, the newsletter, and more. And, of course, stay tuned to the official Auroraman Facebook page.

    2017 is going to be one cold year and it’s going to take two superpowered heroes to keep the ice at bay.

    Here’s Jeff’s promo video for the announcement:

  • Broadcast Mode Initiating November 1st

    Winter 2016/17 Creative Hermitage

    Please be advised that effective November 1st I will be off social media for the most part for the 2016/17 winter season and am scheduled to be back in April.

    I’ve been preparing for this for a long while now and a lot of work has been put into keeping you guys entertained while I’m away. My social feeds will remain active but robots will be doing most of the posting. Some stuff, like Instagram, has to be manual. Facebook and Twitter are the two main places I’m stepping away from.

    Earlier this year, I was off social media for about two months and it was something I needed both professionally and personally. As part of my overall master plan for my career, this second, longer break from the on-line social world is also needed.

    If you need to get a hold of me, please use email, which will be checked once a day, Monday to Friday.

    The best way to keep current on my projects and get behind-the-scenes info is to sign up for my weekly newsletter, The Canister X Transmission. Go here to subscribe.

    Also be sure to check in on this website when you can because things will be happening here as well.

    Have a good winter.

  • Why You Should Stop Selling Your Book (and Do Something Better)

    Why You Should Stop Selling Your Book (and Do Something Better)

    selling your book

    This article was originally published July 7, 2016 on the Operation Awesome Blog.

    Now, repeat after me: selling your book is bad.

    Very bad.

    “Wait . . . what?” you say. “If I don’t sell my book, who’s going to read it? Isn’t selling my book and making money what authors are supposed to do after publication?”

    I don’t know. Is it?

    If you want to ensure your book won’t sell, sell your book.

    Here’s what I mean:

    The on-line world is loaded with authors whining and begging people to, “Buy my book!” They form groups on Facebook, which amount to nothing more than broke writers marketing their books to other broke writers. They tweet purchase links all day and hit up social networks with ads . . . then cry at night because it did absolutely nothing for them.

    How do you get a following these days with everyone and their dog writing a book, publishing it and calling themselves an author?

    Or how does someone who starts from scratch come out of nowhere and move copies of their work without shoving it in people’s faces? (And we’ve all seen them: those authors whom we’ve never heard of move a gazillion copies.)

    To build a following, marketing your book will get you nowhere. Sure, you might catch a few sales and feel like a success story all your own—and rightly you should, to be honest—but to keep those sales going and to build a readership, you need to switch up your game plan.

    You need to start marketing yourself.

    Some people call this branding. What are we? Cattle? I don’t want a brand for my books. I don’t want my books to be what I’m known for. I want me to be what I’m known for. When I’m dead and gone, that’s the thing that matters, not how many books I sold.

    Stop chasing the almighty dollar and start chasing the reader.

    You don’t want to be known as that distant author behind a desk somewhere. You don’t want to be that high-and-lofty literary guest at some convention. You want to be that down-to-earth extra awesome person who’s a familiar face at shows and signings. You want to be that friendly and approachable on-line personality who’s a class act and is genuinely interested in interacting with their readers.

    “But all I want to do is write!”

    Then get out of the business, frankly. Or, if you must write, then don’t publish. As much as I’m an art-first-money-later guy, I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t want to make a few bucks off what I do. The motivation to make cash isn’t to be rich, though. I don’t care about that stuff. I just want to make enough to live on. But I can’t do that selling my book. I have to sell me.

    Let me break it down for you in really simple terms:

    When you first started writing, you went through a lot of trial and error and a lot of drafts. As you wrote a few books, you noticed your style started changing and at one point you reached that magical book where everything was different and you found your voice. Since then, your voice has been your style. Writing is easier, editing is easier, coming up with stories is easier, too.

    This applies to your marketing efforts. You need to find your voice. You can’t just be another author spamming the world. There are ads everywhere for everything. People ignore that stuff. But they don’t tune out unique voices . . . especially if that voice has something of value to say. This is how followings are made and grown. You become known as the author “who’s like that.” Not the author “who’s like so-and-so . . . and a million others.”

    I’ve been publishing since 2003, and indie publishing since 2004. I’ve seen it all. People have come and gone. There’s been successes and failures. Ups and downs. Yet there is one thing that has remained consistent throughout all of it: the authors who found their marketing voice are the ones who are still doing well today, who have a following, and have cultivated loyal readers based on who they are and not just their work.

    To be clear, I’m not diminishing the importance of putting out good books. Sometimes that can indeed be enough to build a readership (i.e. it initiates word-of-mouth, etc.). But if you’re an author lost to the din of the flooded publishing world, writing a damn good book is probably not going to cut it. You need to get yourself out there and expose yourself to readers by showing them who you are behind the page.

    Some writers niche themselves and become known for a certain thing or a certain personality. Others are more broad-brush. Whatever the case, simply blasting ads everywhere isn’t going to do anything for you. But if you meet people, whether on-line or off-, and not just use it as a means to pitch them your book, you’ll be surprised at how many copies you’ll move.

    Put the people first, your book/comic/whatever second. This is so important. This about reputation and, at least for me, I never, ever buy books from people who blatantly shove it in my face. I don’t care how good the cover is or what the synopsis is about. As a reader, I want to be cared for. I want to know this isn’t just a money game to the writer.

    Art first, book(s) second.

    And if you’ve somehow missed the point of everything above, all I’m saying is be yourself, share yourself, then share info about your book after that.

    Connect with readers first, then point them to the page.

    We good?