• Tag Archives workflow
  • On One Thing at a Time

    On One Thing at a Time

    On One Thing at a Time

    In our effort to Slow Down to Speed Up, we’ve been adjusting our workflow to One Thing at a Time. Yes, we have several irons in the fire at any given moment, but in terms of dedicated approach, we are working on one thing at a time throughout the day, sometimes for the whole day depending on what it is.


    Today’s main task was proofing the second part of my two-part article series for Patreon on what to do if you feel your career in the arts isn’t doing well and then uploading it. This is complete and can be accessed here.

    The next task was to promote it online (also done). Now we do this blog entry before moving on to something else.

    However, the day had a priority task–the article–thus the One Thing at a Time approach.

    Due to world events, I’ve had to adjust my workflow and for right now, One Thing at a Time is the best thing for how I conduct my day.

  • Status Report – 041420

    Status Report 041420

    Status Report – 041420:

    Enjoying the new workflow, which follows my new system of Slowing Down to Speed Up.

    We are almost where we need to be to discuss Project Jackass here on the blog.

    Also, this was blog was retooled behind the scenes recently. A couple minor tweaks left–basically settling on one or two other plug-ins–but otherwise we seem to be back up and running smoothly here.

    Websites are fun.

    Right, don’t blog about blogging. That’s Old Internet.

    Had a health lapse recently but seem to be getting back on track. (Non-COVID related.) This is good.

    Back to the drawing board. Consider this notice one that says, “Yes, we are still working here and almost have news.”

    In the interim, please check out my YouTube channel and consider subscribing. Heroes and monsters are what the videos are all about.

    This has been your Status Report for 041420.

  • Self-care Day


    As we continue barreling down the 2020 Timeline of All Things at 1000mph, we also need to remember to take time for self-care, so today will be a half day–or self-care day–because I have an appointment that needs tending to if this middle-aged machine is going to keep bringing you books and comics.

    Attention is also being given to the workflow behind the scenes because, I’m learning, I can’t approach this business like I did prior to being ill. Different variables, both internal and external, have created a different climate in which to work.

    Some retooling is occuring in order to not wind up bed-ridden again.

    Yes, I recognize I sometimes talk a lot of publishing flow here on the blog. This is just me getting my ideas up and processed so I can try a mosaic of things, see if they work, and remove and/or add where needed until the mosaic has some form to it and I’m happy with the image.

    Enjoy your weekend. Read some movie reviews.

    New issue of The Canister X Transmission ships tomorrow.

    See you.

  • Full Creative Plate

    Full Creative Plate
    This photo is indicative of the work week thus far.

    I have a full creative plate.

    Lots going on, with some projects for clients on the tail-end of completion, Project Rebuild in full swing, and working on other projects both in terms of on-line content and for hardcopy books and comics. While this week seemed full on the onset, the load is already beginning to lighten due to tying up some things yesterday. I figured out on the weekend why things have seemed hectic: Project Rebirth. When Project Rebirth started in the fall, it was a project that had a lot of moving parts and a lot of little tasks associated with it so each day I was doing a plethora of things to get my career running again. Now, and I’m fairly sure I’ve previously mentioned, my workflow is shifting to fewer things in the day because those fewer things take more time. In the end, this switch-up in working is a welcome one because I nearly crashed prior to the Holidays with juggling so many things.

    Anyway, adjustments made. Focus change pleasant.

    Speaking of focus and zeroing in, today I posted a couple of pages to Patreon of pencils from Secret Project No. 3, showing what these things look like before they’re ever printed in comic book form. Go here to check it out and read past patron-only blog posts, essays, a serial novel, and more.

  • Gimme Back my Weekends

    This weekend was a lesson in learning I need my weekends. I spent a lot of time futzing with this blog revamp effort and, man, times have changed. The last time I redesigned the site was somewhere between 2011 and 2013 (I think). Tech has advanced so much that I was lost and spent a lot of time trying things and hitting walls.

    (See, this blog needs to be set up a certain way so it functions the way I need it to for my overall media machine; it’s not just setting up a basic site and calling it good.)

    I’ve never been tech savvy, meaning, I’m the kind of guy whose brain works for most things on the premise of show-me-a-time-or-two-then-I-can-do-it. I also learn through trial and error. But when it comes to tech and looking at it and already having a general idea of how things go? Nope. The last time I was like that was when I got my first computer back in grade six. (Yes, they had computers back then. They were called abacuses.)

    So here we are. This site was supposed to be done by today but isn’t, so please bear with me. Keep checking back as daily blogging will continue. It just won’t be pretty until the revamp is complete.

    Back to weekends: My workflow is much different now due to various reasons both personal and professional and my body and brain don’t work like they used to. Let’s blame age for that. And that I’m still recovering from being ill.

    I need my weekends to recharge after going at breakneck speed throughout the week. I’m not 30 anymore.

    Formal announcement for when the blog is complete is forthcoming.

  • Adjusting Workflow Settings

    keyboardmouseAttempting a new workflow this week. It’s similar to the current one, but with some adjustments to increase productivity.

    When you’re independent, you wear a lot of hats and sometimes you think you took off Hat A to wear Hat B, but then soon realize Hat B isn’t fitting right because Hat A got glued to your head. Which then indicates there was an imaginary motion in taking off Hat A, and, worse, the delusion that you did until confronted with the reality the stupid thing didn’t come off after all. This applies to Hats C and D, E and F. G’s a pain, and H is an idiot. It gets worse because I complicates things and J is a jackass. K is ok, I guess, but L drives me nuts.

    This is all just a complicated way of saying I got stuff to do and I need to do it and I have too many hats.