• Category Archives Life
  • Stuff about life.

  • vLog – The Pacific Ocean

    vLog – The Pacific Ocean

    vLog Pacific Ocean thumbnail

    Here’s a new vLog while staring out onto the Pacific Ocean on the West coast in Lincoln City, Oregon. I had my feet in the water and even took a slurp of it (then spat it out–so salty) just to say I’ve been in–and tasted–both oceans. I saw the Atlantic Ocean in Florida and now the Pacific Ocean in Oregon.

    Here are some thoughts while staring out onto the never-ending blue of beautiful water and the white crests of waves.

    Don’t forget to subscribe to stay up to date on all the latest videos and shorts and reels.

    The Pacific Ocean off the West coast of Oregon

    Since this is a vLog, don’t forget to check out the About Me page on this site for insight into what I do. Thanks.

  • A.P. Fuchs TikTok Channel Introduction

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    A.P. Fuchs TikTok Channel Introduction

    Here you go, folks, my TikTok introduction video which I finally had time to create. I do hope you subscribe to my channel. What’s cool about TikTok is I can quickly vLog about things, showcase collectibles, promote my books and comics, and just have a good time without going through the longer video production that I normally do for my YouTube videos. (Which, by the way, as of this writing, I have two cool long videos to put together and post so stay tuned.)

    So, yeah, here I am on TikTok. Come join the party!


    A.P. Fuchs TikTok intro. Here’s an overview of my channel: Books and comics I create, collectibles, fun, and everyday life stuff. Leave your TikTok link in the comments. See you! #TikTok #APFuchs #introduction #tiktokintro #tiktokintroduction

    ♬ original sound – A.P. Fuchs
    TikTok Channel Introduction

    If you need to contact me, as always, use the contact page on this site. Peace.

    Edit: When I set up this post, the video showed up fine but when it posted-posted, the video gets cut off. I’m going to leave it up as it’s probably WordPress and the TikTok embed feature working out a few bugs. Hopefully it’ll post in full soon.

  • A.P. Fuchs Now on TikTok!

    TikTok logo

    Well, I caved and got hooked up on TikTok. Already posted some short videos. Will post more but I don’t know how much is too much too often so I’ll regulate it at a moderate pace to start. It’ll be an assortment of things I find amusing plus an emphasis on Pop Culture, of course. BookTok is on the list. I have ideas but it’ll take a while to get through all my books so plenty of content to create and post before needing something new.

    These TikTok videos will be different from my YouTube videos as they’re short-short whereas my YouTube videos are 3 to 5 minutes long, roughly.

    Wanna join me and Tok?

    Just click the little icon below and follow.


    TikTok logo small

  • Itching to Write

    With summer drawing to a close, it means it’s time to get off my summer schedule and back to my regular one. Problem is, my regular schedule doesn’t fit what I have coming down the pike.

    Presently, I have six books in production and each one needs my attention. I’m finally at that stage where I don’t need to multi-task with them but can work on them one at a time. This will speed up release.

    But I want to write. I want to get started on THE BATTLE OF POWER trilogy in THE AXIOM-MAN SAGA.

    I’m going to have to spend some think time on this because the variables between my professional life and my personal one don’t always flow together.

    Bottom line is I want to get writing and just focus on that.

  • In Health News

    I’m feeling much better. The lingering effects of covid have lifted. I’m still not 100% due to other issues but the brain fog is gone and I’m getting things done.

    All is on schedule for the summer releases, including GIGANTI-GATOR DEATH MACHINE: TRIPLE FEATURE.

    Unfortunately, I won’t get the Axiom-man books done in time for comic con. I can write fast enough but it’s the publication lead time that’s the problem.

    I’m going to still keep working, though. One step at a time.

  • Clean up Day

    Having been so focused on getting books out to you, a lot of little things have piled up both professionally and personally. Today I’m working my way through a laundry list of to-do items like drafting up this week’s issue of THE CANISTER X TRANSMISSION.

    I won’t likely get it all done and I have a class tonight. By the time that’s over, it’ll be time to wind down before bed.

    Anyway, sometimes you need to set aside a day to play catch-up.

  • The Daily Schedule of a Writer/Artist 2

    The Daily Schedule of a Writer/Artist 2

    canister x transmission collections

    Since recovering from being ill–and I’m still recovering–here’s what my current daily schedule looks like:

    Wake up and pet the dogs. I’m usually up before everybody else.

    Post my daily Good Morning post on Facebook and give the day’s positivity rating. The rating is given based on how I feel at that exact moment.

    Make coffee.

    Have a small bite to eat.

    Have coffee and surf the feeds and check email, taking note of which ones I need to respond to later.

    By now Melinda is up so I have more coffee and spend time with her before she has to go to work.

    Work on the current project. As of this writing, it’s proofing the galley for the reissue of REDEMPTION OF THE DEAD.


    Non-committal work. By this I mean work I can do and get done but not share with anybody yet (i.e. a blog post, the newsletter, YouTube video, etc.).


    Work on the current project.


    Review and share the non-committal work

    Personal tasks (i.e. personal correspondence, bills, etc.).



    I may or may not call it a day at this point. Depends what time it is. Melinda gets off work at 4:30 and then it’s time to get ready for supper.

    Evening walk with Melinda and then a quick walk with the dogs.

    Chill out time.


    And that’s the daily schedule of a writer/artist.

  • Not Dead Yet

    station ident apr2420

    I haven’t blogged here in nearly a year, which makes me a hypocrite because I used to stress blogging fairly frequently. Thing is, I fell ill again and had to put a full stop on most things while I recovered. I was able to pick at odds and ends but wasn’t able to get back into the full swing of things.

    Over the past few weeks I’ve been as productive as ever and finally brought some book stuff out of the darkness and into the light. I did a lot of work and the following is an update as to where my various projects are at.

    In no particular order:

    Giganti-gator Death Machine: Triple Feature – with the editor.
    The Canister X Transmission: Year Four – with the formatter.
    The Canister X Transmission: The Long Year Five – with the formatter.

    Expected release: Summer 2022


    Blood of the Dead – with the formatter.
    Possession of the Dead – with the formatter.
    Redemption of the Dead – beginning of final proofread.
    Surprise Project – In pieces but not in a bad way. Just need to assemble everything and write something for it.

    Expected release: Fall 2022

    The Axiom-man Saga:

    The Summoning – to be written soon.
    Episode No. 4: Transformations – to be written.
    New Dawn – to be written.

    These three Axiom-man books will be written back-to-back because these three stories are The Battle of Power Trilogy, so essentially one story told over three parts. My goal is to have them out by Winnipeg Comic Con in the fall. I know the above looks like a lot and overshooting the year but you have to remember what these projects are and how close each one is to being finished.

    Other items:

    Fredrikus – I have one episode inked and ready for scanning. The comic is temporarily on the backburner while I finish up the above.
    The Canister X Transmission: The Very Long Year Six – I plan to resume the newsletter at a later date. I want to wait until I’m fully back up and running so I have something to write to you every week.
    YouTube – I have a package here at Axiom-man Central that I want to do an unboxing video for so look for that soon. I also plan to make more videos once I’m fully back in the saddle.
    Canister X – I’ll blog when I can and when I have something to say.

    And there you have it: A complete picture of what’s happening with various projects on the go. Let’s hope my health keeps up.



  • Information Diet


    Information Diet:

    One of the things we’ve been reviewing around here is our intake of information from our interaction with the Web.

    I’m old-fashioned and struggle with everything having to be on a screen–whether for work or play–so to help myself, I’ve entered Mostly Broadcast Mode when it comes to social media. This has cut down on the chatter and done wonders for my mental health. I also get my news directly from the source via a few news apps I have on my computer phone. Other sources of incoming data come from a good old-fashioned newspaper focusing on local news. For websites, I have an app on the computer phone called Read (which I discuss here) and it’s a way to log the websites and blogs I regularly visit and be notified when a new post shows up. Most of them I can read directly on the Read app, which then eliminates the urge to surf the Web.

    The idea here is to stay informed while also watching my Web time so I can spend more time making things for you guys.

    Yes, the irony of having a blog (on a screen) and a webcomic (on a screen) and a YouTube channel (on a screen) doesn’t escape me. I’m just doing my best to adjust to the Digital Frontier as best I can after having taken some time away from it.

    I’m finding the older I get, the harder I find change, but I also realize I need to embrace change to some degree in order for this whole multimedia A.P. Fuchs experiment to work.

    Like I’ve been saying lately, one thing at a time.


  • vLog – Socially-distanced Nature Walk

    vLog socially distanced nature walk thumb

    vLog – Socially-distanced Nature Walk.

    Come join me on a socially-distanced nature walk at a park near my house.

    I’ve always been a walker. Find them relaxing.

    I also tell you a couple quick stories from my childhood and how walking formed the core storyline of The Axiom-man Saga.

    Don’t mind the wind. It was fairly breezy.

    Hope this little video helps you virtually get out of the house.

    Location: Undisclosed park in Winnipeg, MB, Canada.

    Don’t forget to subscribe to stay up to date with all the latest videos. With the Fredrikus webcomic launching soon, well, there are plans.