We have clearance, Clarence. What’s your vector, Victor? And now we have a writer rider. Yes, I’m well aware my form and skill on horseback needs a lot of work, but I only ride once a year–twice, if I’m lucky–so overall, Bell and I did not too bad.
Have a laugh at my expense as I almost fall off the horse at the beginning of the video.
Filming by A.P. Fuchs and Christine Steendam.
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Fuchs talks about this second phase of his journey here on YouTube and what it’s really all about by citing Harvey Pekar and his work with AMERICAN SPLENDOR. Bottom line: It’s about being down-to-Earth and revealing everyday life. It’s about relating to viewers. It’s about the audience and one man’s effort to connect on some level with whomever tunes in.
Check out A.P. Fuchs’s Books and Comics in paperback and eBook at:
vLog – Hotwheels Collectibles Shopping Trip at Dollar Tree!
This place is my secret stash for hotwheels. Didn’t know they carried so many until I went in there looking for playing cards. I was let down on the latter but, boy, did they deliver on the former!
Welcome to my Hotwheels Collectibles Shopping Trip at Dollar Tree!
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Canister X Mailbag – Watercolor Paper Unboxing – Nov062023
A special order for myself came when I ordered some Christmas presents. Now, unfortunately I can’t show you the Christmas presents because it’ll ruin the surprise for who they’re for, but I can show the watercolor paper I ordered and why I ordered it (outside of doing watercolors).
From my old man’s garage, October 8, Canadian Thanksgiving 2023.
Just showing off some cool beer can art that caught my eye and also a brief message about making a little bit of coin while, more importantly, helping the environment.
And, yes, you have to be over 18 to watch it. I don’t want to be a bad influence on the younglings even though the content is harmless. Alcohol, you know?
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On Sunday, I finally finished writing ZOMTROPOLIS: A RECORD OF LIFE IN A DEAD CITY.
It is a study on heartbreak, zombies, a broken post-apocalyptic metropolis, and a man descending into madness where the line between what’s real and what isn’t has become blurred.
Next steps:
Personal edits
Editor edits
One final go-through
Formatting and production
Off to the printer and e-distributors
Hopefully you’ll check out the book
Here’s a clip I recorded Sunday, tired and haggard a very short while after finishing the book.
Thanks for watching this old dog talk about his accomplishment. To watch more, please subscribe here.
While we wait for ZOMTROPOLIS, why not check out my other stand-alone zombie book, ZOMBIE FIGHT NIGHT: BATTLES OF THE DEAD? Great reviews. Everything awesome between two covers.
Just looking out onto the lake, thinking of some things and sharing them with you.
It’s good to take time to reflect on one’s self, take inventory, improve on what needs improving, be thankful for that good thing which has been achieved.
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For the first time in almost 20 years, I took my first vacation. We headed south to visit family. Had good times. Took a ton of pictures. Got lots of rest while also keeping busy sight-seeing. This video contains a bunch of shorts and reels I took while down south.
I wonder what next year will bring . . .
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