One night Gabriel Garrison was visited by a nameless messenger who bestowed upon him great power, a power intended for good. Once discovering what this power was and what it enabled him to do, Gabriel became Axiom-man, a symbol of hope in a city that had none.
A young boy goes missing.
Taken, in the middle of the night.
No clues. Nothing except the remnants of a black cloud, like the one coughed up from inside the Doorway of Darkness.
A black cloud that takes Axiom-man to a world not his own.
A dead world, where a gray and brown sky shrouds an entire city in a miasma of decay.
The streets are empty. The young boy is nowhere to be found.
One night Gabriel Garrison was visited by a nameless messenger who bestowed upon him great power, a power intended for good. Once discovering what this power was and what it enabled him to do, Gabriel became Axiom-man, a symbol of hope in a city that had none.
A mysterious anonymous letter promises to reveal he is Axiom-man unless he bows down to the sender’s demands.
And the timing cannot have been worse.
Redsaw has become more powerful than when Axiom-man battled him on what has become known as Black Saturday, and he has determined to attain unstoppable power through the only means he knows how: murder.
Chaos ensues and as the air is saturated with the stench of blood, Axiom-man must find the means to stop Redsaw before the whole world is swallowed in a web of death.
Complicating matters, something strange is happening to Axiom-man’s powers. The abilities he has put his faith in have changed.
As time runs out and city streets are overrun with carnage and fear, Axiom-man is pushed to his breaking point as he tries to stop the madman’s reign of terror, while also trying to discover what is happening to his powers and how they tie into a supernatural event that took place over five hundred years before.
On Sunday, I finally finished writing ZOMTROPOLIS: A RECORD OF LIFE IN A DEAD CITY.
It is a study on heartbreak, zombies, a broken post-apocalyptic metropolis, and a man descending into madness where the line between what’s real and what isn’t has become blurred.
Next steps:
Personal edits
Editor edits
One final go-through
Formatting and production
Off to the printer and e-distributors
Hopefully you’ll check out the book
Here’s a clip I recorded Sunday, tired and haggard a very short while after finishing the book.
Thanks for watching this old dog talk about his accomplishment. To watch more, please subscribe here.
While we wait for ZOMTROPOLIS, why not check out my other stand-alone zombie book, ZOMBIE FIGHT NIGHT: BATTLES OF THE DEAD? Great reviews. Everything awesome between two covers.
One night Gabriel Garrison was visited by a nameless messenger who bestowed upon him great power, a power intended for good. Once discovering what this power was and what it enabled him to do, Gabriel became Axiom-man, a symbol of hope in a city that had none.
The messenger has fled, leaving Gabriel alone with mysterious abilities he knows little about. The things he can do, the powers–the options are limitless.
But only if he knows how to use them.
As he embarks on the path of discovery, Gabriel must try to understand why he was chosen to receive the most powerful of all gifts and, with the help from no other, come to a decision as to what to do with them.
Even if it takes the death of an innocent to convince him.
One night Gabriel Garrison was visited by a nameless messenger who bestowed upon him great power, a power intended for good. Once discovering what this power was and what it enabled him to do, Gabriel became Axiom-man, a symbol of hope in a city that had none.
One night after a routine patrol, a mysterious black cloud appears over the city. Flying over to investigate it, Axiom-man is stopped short when the cloud’s presence shakes him to the core. An electrifying fear emanates from the cloud and he can barely get near it. Quickly, the cloud takes flight and leads him on a wild goose chase throughout the city, only to flee from him in the end. Almost immediately after the cloud’s appearance, a new hero arises, Redsaw, clad in a black cape and cowl. The people, now enamored with this new super-powered marvel, seem to have forgotten about Axiom-man and all he’s done for them.
Except something’s wrong. That same fear that emanated from the cloud drips off Redsaw like a foul smell and Axiom-man can barely get close to him without feeling ill.
What is Redsaw’s agenda and who is he? And why is it every time Axiom-man gets close to him it feels as if his powers are being sucked away?
As if that wasn’t enough, Gabriel’s day job hasn’t gotten any easier. His co-worker and the woman he adores, Valerie Vaughan, has little interest in him, and his boss has made it clear that one more day late to work will be the day he cleans out his desk. Then there’s the new trainee, Gene Nemek. What is his fascination with Redsaw and why is he never around when Redsaw appears?
From flying over city streets and soaring at dizzying heights, to balancing a secret identity with destiny, Axiom-man must discover what Redsaw’s presence means and how it ties into the messenger’s life-altering visit before the city—and the world—are enamored with an evil that has haunted the cosmos since the dawn of Time.
It’s definitely not like other writers’ offices with books everywhere and a computer. It’s also not like your traditional artist studio with the smell of paint on the air and lots of brushes and pens laid out.
When I say in my newsletter I work in a bunker, well, you’ll see that I’m not far off.
My studio was originally going to be a basement bathroom but the previous owners of the house didn’t finish it. They got as far as framing it and marking out on the cement floor what goes where (i.e. the tub here, the toilet there, etc). So, I went out and got a roll of carpet, cut it to size, put it down, then put all my equipment where I wanted it to be. What I forgot to mention in the video is the computer desk I’m using I’ve had since I was about 5 or 6. It’s small, but I’ve made it work and the room is too small to put in something new from IKEA or wherever. Besides, one of the drawers has a sticker on it one of my kids put on it when they were toddlers. Yeah, I’m sentimental like that.
Anyway, this is it, the A.P. Fuchs 2023 Studio Tour. This is where I produce my books and comics and make sure they get out to you.
Hope you dig my little nerd’s nest.
Welcome to the real-life Realm of Heroes and Monsters!
With summer drawing to a close, it means it’s time to get off my summer schedule and back to my regular one. Problem is, my regular schedule doesn’t fit what I have coming down the pike.
Presently, I have six books in production and each one needs my attention. I’m finally at that stage where I don’t need to multi-task with them but can work on them one at a time. This will speed up release.
But I want to write. I want to get started on THE BATTLE OF POWER trilogy in THE AXIOM-MAN SAGA.
I’m going to have to spend some think time on this because the variables between my professional life and my personal one don’t always flow together.
Bottom line is I want to get writing and just focus on that.
I haven’t blogged here in nearly a year, which makes me a hypocrite because I used to stress blogging fairly frequently. Thing is, I fell ill again and had to put a full stop on most things while I recovered. I was able to pick at odds and ends but wasn’t able to get back into the full swing of things.
Over the past few weeks I’ve been as productive as ever and finally brought some book stuff out of the darkness and into the light. I did a lot of work and the following is an update as to where my various projects are at.
In no particular order:
Giganti-gator Death Machine: Triple Feature – with the editor. The Canister X Transmission: Year Four – with the formatter. The Canister X Transmission: The Long Year Five – with the formatter.
Expected release: Summer 2022
Blood of the Dead – with the formatter. Possession of the Dead – with the formatter. Redemption of the Dead – beginning of final proofread. Surprise Project – In pieces but not in a bad way. Just need to assemble everything and write something for it.
Expected release: Fall 2022
The Axiom-man Saga:
The Summoning – to be written soon. Episode No. 4: Transformations – to be written. New Dawn – to be written.
These three Axiom-man books will be written back-to-back because these three stories are The Battle of Power Trilogy, so essentially one story told over three parts. My goal is to have them out by Winnipeg Comic Con in the fall. I know the above looks like a lot and overshooting the year but you have to remember what these projects are and how close each one is to being finished.
Other items:
Fredrikus – I have one episode inked and ready for scanning. The comic is temporarily on the backburner while I finish up the above. The Canister X Transmission: The Very Long Year Six – I plan to resume the newsletter at a later date. I want to wait until I’m fully back up and running so I have something to write to you every week. YouTube – I have a package here at Axiom-man Central that I want to do an unboxing video for so look for that soon. I also plan to make more videos once I’m fully back in the saddle. Canister X – I’ll blog when I can and when I have something to say.
And there you have it: A complete picture of what’s happening with various projects on the go. Let’s hope my health keeps up.
This is just a note to say that Project Rebuild has resumed. A few health lapses put the project on hold as well as a few things outside of my control. The good news is my health is in a better place so I’m able to dedicate the appropriate amount of time to it. The main goal is still to have Project Rebuild be the overarching project for 2020. The only thing that has changed are the specifics to the timeline (like release dates).
Anyway, I’m eager to get back into this because it’s an important piece of my overall publishing puzzle.