Fighting and Other Animation Shorts and Artwork (VHS 2000)
This short chunk of animation and art made up the first part of my animation demo reel. “Once Upon a Weiner” with Fred (Fredrikus) the dog was presented after. I wanted to share these brief cartoons and art pieces with you as a way to bring the past into the present.
Fighting and Other Animation Shorts and Artwork (VHS 2000)
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Canister X Mailbag – Batman v Superman and The Mandalorian Funko Pop Unboxing – 12012023
We treated ourselves to a few items because I’ve been busting tail lately and needed a reward so I picked up BATMAN V SUPERMAN: THE ULTIMATE EDITION and The Mandalorian Funko Pop! because I like Mando and I like Pops.
Canister X Mailbag – Batman v Superman and The Mandalorian Funko Pop Unboxing – 12012023
Batman v Superman: Ultimate Edition at Amazon here.
Canadian Scribbler: Collected Letters of an Underground Writer Book Spotlight
Bringing together letters from 2005 – 2013, Canadian Scribbler: Collected Letters of an Underground Writer is a look into the world of independent publisher, author, editor and cartoonist, A.P. Fuchs.
Topics include: self-publishing tips and tricks, writing advice, the C4 Lit Fest short story critiques, Fuchs’s superhero epic The Axiom-man Saga, book reviews and commentary, the Second Coming, thoughts on the comic book market, the gray areas of modern day society, and much more.
Includes letters to such literary notables as Stephen King, Dave Sim, George Clayton Johnson, Piers Anthony, Brian Michael Bendis, Kevin J. Anderson and many others.
Always insightful, often witty and consistently inspirational, Canadian Scribbler: Collected Letters of an Underground Writer is a thoughtful collection of letters from one man whose passion for the creative industry—and trying to survive in it—shines through on every page.
Canadian Scribbler: Collected Letters of an Underground Writer Book Spotlight
For those who read this past Saturday’s newsletter, you know I had an Axiom-man novelette that I needed to do something with. Well, the decision has been made and this week I’ve been expanding it into a longer adventure team-up story.
THE AXIOM-MAN SAGA in terms of the main series features Axiom-man in solo adventures whereas the team-up stories are side tales.
What you see above is the cover, that is, what the cover looks like before it’s made into an official book cover. All covers to THE AXIOM-MAN SAGA are designed by me then the crude sketch is handed over to Axiom-man cover artist Justin Shauf for pencils and inks.
My hope with this cover is to do something different in terms of superhero covers and it’s all in the coloring. I’ve never seen it done before but I think it’s a unique concept that can be pulled off. Stay tuned.
Due to book production time, this won’t be released before 2023’s clock runs out but look for it early in the New Year.
In the meantime, check out THE AXIOM-MAN SAGA to get caught up. Thanks and enjoy some good superheroic reading time.
As much as I like to support the little guy, sometimes you have to go to the big chains for your collectibles, and during this trip, we did find a couple things I haven’t seen anywhere else.
Let’s go!
vLog – Collectibles Shopping Trip at Walmart!
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Realm of Heroes and Monsters YouTube Playlist Curation
As my YouTube channel begins to grow, at this present stage I’ve come to a point where I had to adjust my playlists to keep things more ogranized for those who view and/or follow playlists.
There are the news ones I created and organized. I have plans to tweak and adjust some more, but this is my start:
So as you can see, 5 lists were created to better sort the channel which makes for easier navigation.
Feel free to explore the above and don’t forget to subscribe to the Realm of Heroes and Monsters on YouTube. Helps keep the book and comic machine going.
It’s been a good while since I’ve done one of these blog posts showcasing some Hotwheels Batmobiles so here you go, three shorts and reels all in one place. Of course, a 9th volume is coming but one thing at a time.
Cheers. Enjoy.
Hotwheels Blue Dark Knight Batmobile – Buy at Amazon
Hotwheels Batman: The Animated Series Batwing – Buy at Amazon
Axiom-man: Something Rotten Up North (Short Story):
When Axiom-man is notified of the dead coming back to life in Flin Flon, Manitoba, he takes flight and heads north to verify the terrible news. Upon his arrival, he is greeted by hordes of the walking dead and wonders if this outbreak is tied to his visit to a parallel Earth where the undead had replaced the living. As he struggles to combat the undead and search for survivors, Axiom-man soon discovers the problem is far worse than he thought.
AXIOM-MAN: SOMETHING ROTTEN UP NORTH is Available as an eBook at:
We hit up Dollarama for some collectible shopping! What’s cool is I live in about a 10-block radius of several stores so I do a collectible circuit, so to speak, and see what I can find in my main three collectible catagories: playing cards, action figures, and hotwheels. Let’s go shopping . . . again!
vLog – Collectibles Shopping Trip at Dollarama!
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