• Tag Archives novel
  • On Juggling Multiple Projects

    On Juggling Multiple Projects

    on juggling multiple projects

    I used to work on one novel, one short story, and a poem at the same time. Then I switched to working on one book and/or item at a time. Now I’m back to working on multiple things at once. It’s a stretch of the mind, to be sure, but also a method of getting a lot done because you are multitasking. These days I usually have one personal project, something freelance, and something art-related all happening at the same time. Thus far, things are working out okay. This will probably change in the future as the project schedule changes, but until then, I’ll stick with this method of working.

    On a personal note, I am looking forward to things slowing down a bit. Can only go hard for so long until you burn out and, frankly, that’s already happened several times over. Gonna need time to recuperate but this going hard is all part of my masterplan so you gotta do what you gotta do when juggling multiple projects.


  • Axiom-man/Auroraman: Frozen Storm Kickstarter Update

    Axiom-man Kickstarter Card
    Featured: Original 4×6 hand-painted Axiom-man card by Justin Shauf, available as an add-on to the Kickstarter.

    Update on the Axiom-man/Auroraman: Frozen Storm Kickstarter:

    Jeff Burton and I are amazed at how much support this project has received. Not only are we closing in on a third funded, but the indie superhero community is behind us in helping get not just the Frozen Storm novel out, but also Auroraman No. 1 (which features a mini-comic at the end that leads into Frozen Storm). We want to thank each and every one of you who has contributed in bringing these projects to life in some way, whether that’s through pledging or social media shares or spreading the word through some other means.

    Jeff and I both believe it’s important to bring more Canadian superhero adventures to readers, and doing this Kickstarter is a way in which to accomplish that. As of this writing, there are 26 days left to go. Please take a moment and check out the Kickstarter page for the awesome rewards and tiers this campaign has to offer. Please also consider supporting these projects. Making comics and books is an expensive endeavor and we want to make sure all those we have on board creating the comic and book get properly compensated for their time and effort.

    Thank you again to everyone who’s gotten behind us on this. You’re in for a super treat once the rewards start shipping because there’s not only the exciting comic and book, but original art, toys, collectibles, and more.

    See you on the Prairies.

  • What is Coming Up in 2017

    A.P. Fuchs 2017

    I commit to nothing.


    Post over.


    However, I meant the above: I commit to nothing.

    Instead of doing the usual writer shtick of announcing what projects are coming out and when, I’m simply going to announce them as I complete them.

    There are only three confirmed titles coming from me in 2017 thus far. They have already been announced on this blog, but I will mention them again and mention why I know they are guaranteed to be released.

    The Canister X Transmission: Year Three – This is being written week-to-week and, like Years One and Two, the collections have been published within a couple of months of that newsletter’s year having ended.

    Untitled Flash Fiction Collection – This is part of the Year Three experience, so each week a new piece of flash fiction is sent out to readers. A total of 60 pieces of flash fiction will comprise this collection–52 from the weekly newsletter, a 53rd from the collected edition of the newsletter–and the remainder to be written afterward.

    Axiom-man and Auroraman: Frozen Storm – This is a novel I will be writing for a kickstarter project that begins in March. Since it’s being kickstarted, and assuming Auroraman creator Jeff Burton and I hit our goal, this book will be published on time for backers.

    Regarding Secret Project No. 1 and Secret Project No. 3–projects mentioned in my newsletter–they will be announced upon completion. What about Secret Project No. 2, you ask? Since it ties directly into Secret Project No. 1, I can’t say anything about it just yet.

    As for other works in various stages of finishing, same deal: they will be announced upon completion.

    Commit to nothing.

    I have also restructured my 2017 on-line marketing efforts and just today finished automating the whole year. There will be some manual posts but the rest will be the social media bots doing my bidding.

    Your best bet in keeping up-to-date on things is by regularly checking this blog or subscribing to my newsletter.

    Have a safe and Happy New Year.

    See you in 2017.

  • Axiom-man and Auroraman: Frozen Storm Kickstarter Announcement

    Axiom-man and Auroraman Kickstarter AnnouncementIt is with great pleasure that A.P. Fuchs and Jeff Burton announce the upcoming Kickstarter campaign for the team-up novel, Axiom-man and Auroraman: Frozen Storm.

    Not only will this Kickstarter fund the novel, but also fund Auroraman No. 1. Earlier in 2016, Jeff kickstarted Issue 0 to great success so we’re excited to work on this dual effort together and bring you a fantastic issue of Auroraman complete with a short comic at the end that leads into Frozen Storm.

    Jeff and I have already discussed the general outline for the story and can’t wait to show you what’s in store as time gets closer to launching the Kickstarter into full gear.

    I can, however, tell you one thing about Frozen Storm and it’s this: these icy villains put the abominable snowman to shame.

    Keep watching this blog for more announcements, same with my Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, the newsletter, and more. And, of course, stay tuned to the official Auroraman Facebook page.

    2017 is going to be one cold year and it’s going to take two superpowered heroes to keep the ice at bay.

    Here’s Jeff’s promo video for the announcement:

  • Coles Bookstore – Kildonan Place – Signing Appearance (Back Again!)

    Mech Apocalypse PaperbackLet it be known I’ll be back at Coles Bookstore in Kildonan Place here in Winnipeg this Saturday (August 27) to sign copies of my military sci-fi, action-packed novel, Mech Apocalypse.

    (I’ll also be there to sign any books of mine you might bring.)

    I will be there from 1-3pm.

    Would be a delight to see you.

  • C4 Winnipeg 2015 Appearance

    All packed and ready to go for C4 Comic Con 2015
    All packed and ready to go for C4 Comic Con 2015
    Just a heads up I’ll be in Artist Alley at the RBC Convention Centre here in Winnipeg this weekend for the annual C4 Comic Con. I’ll have my entire catalogue on hand as well as giving away free copies of my first novel, A Stranger Dead, with each purchase.

    Show hours run:

    Friday – 2pm – 9pm
    Saturday – 9am – 7pm
    Sunday – 10am – 5pm

    I plan on being there from open until close each day. If, by chance, you come by my table and I’m not there, it means I’ve stepped out for a few minutes to stretch my legs but will be back shortly. Just hang tight. Likewise, if you have any books you’d like signed, bring them down and I’d be happy to sign them for you.

    See you then.

  • NaNoWriMo Plans for 2015

    20141022_161746_resizedAs much as I’d like to sit down and start a new novel from scratch, present deadlines dictate otherwise so even though this is my first year doing NaNoWriMo–I’ve always never bothered because I was writing anyway so just did my own thing–I’m not going to do it 100%. Yes, I’ll do the 50k, but no, I won’t be doing a new novel.

    What I will be doing is the following, which will use up that 50k:

    – Finish Zomtropolis (10-15k to go)

    – Finish Mech Apocalypse 2 (25k to go)

    – Two short story commissions (around 4-5k each)

    If the above doesn’t tally 50k, then I’ll do something short to round it out. You’ve got to basically do about 1,700 words a day to achieve the NaNoWriMo goal. I can do that. As well, since I’m working the Comic Con this weekend, Nov. 1 is out for me as a writing day, so the earlier I can start is Monday. Might be Tuesday because the day after the con I’m usually trashed and just veg out.

    Regardless, 50k before November is over. Done.

  • Canister X Book Review #2: L.A. Stalker by David L. Kilpatrick

    L.A. Stalker by David L. Kilpatrick
    Click Here to Order from Amazon.com

    L.A. Stalker
    by David L. Kilpatrick
    4 out of 5

    Pandora Collins, one of Hollywood’s most famous movie stars, has a stalker. To eliminate the threat, she hires a hitman to pop the guy. Quickly, all goes awry as the hitman delves into plans of his own, betrays Pandora, and slips away without a trace every time he strikes. Add a romantic subplot between Pandora and Jerry Leger, the detective assigned to her case, and you’ve got yourself a compelling read.

    Kilpatrick has succeeded where only the best authors do: he tells the story to you straight and not once are you thinking, “Hey, wait a sec. What happened here?” and you’re forced to reread the last paragraph or two or, sometimes, even chapters. But the most important aspect of his storytelling is his ability to make you believe he knows what he’s talking about and that every word you read is truth.

    I’m a huge fan of the small press and of self-published titles. I’ve said it many times, but these “lesser known” books are far more engaging and far more authentic than so much of what comes out from large publishing houses these days. Kilpatrick has written one heck of a novel and the fact he went independent with it instead of selling out to some big name publisher (which he could easily have done), speaks of his desire to keep things simple and give you, the reader, a superb tale, an engrossing story, and an honest-to-God page-turner.

    Being an author myself, it’s easy for me to pick apart someone’s work (I’m not saying I’m perfect, but after writing a few books, you develop an eye for “near-perfection”), and with Kilpatrick’s novel, that is extraordinarily difficult to do. This story is one worth reading several times over and one that gives you a sense of comprehension of how those who have been hurt in the past grow into the adults they become, whether for good or ill.
