Canister X Mailbag – Poison Ivy Gulch Saddles Up Cartoon Strip Book Unboxing – Mar192024
Yet another unearthed package here at Axiom-man Central, this time from a Kickstarter I backed a good while ago called POISON IVY GULCH SADDLES UP by Max West. It’s a book of cartoon strips collecting Max’s webcomic of the same name.
Very cool to have and finally unbox. I’ve always been a fan of Max’s comics so to know he was doing a western with his kind of humor was a cool thing. I definitely enjoyed the webcomic so I’m sure I’ll enjoy this collection as well.
Don’t forget to subscribe to stay up to date on all the latest videos. Seriously, there is tons of comics and books and Pop Culture all over the channel. Just a fan making stuff for fans.
Hope you join me.
Canister X Mailbag – Poison Ivy Gulch Saddles Up Cartoon Strip Book Unboxing – Mar192024
My own webcomic, Fredrikus, is about an anthropomorphic dog in a dystopian sci-fi world and can be found by going here. Updates Fridays. (However, if you’re a patron subscribed to the Fredrikus tier on Patreon, you get bonus pages as well.)
The next is Poison Ivy Gulch, by friend and fellow cartoonist, Max West. This gag strip can be found here.
Another webcomic you should be checking out is by Colin Work, featuring his original superhero, Blackthorne. This super strip can be found here.
This concludes Various Bits from the Net for 062320.
Pictured above is my garden and it was set up this weekend. It was a lot of grunt work as we had to build the box (Friday) then fill it then plant in it (weekend), but work worth doing in our effort to make Axiom-man Central more self-sustaining. The garden has also now become a kind of getaway for me. I can go out there, inspect the plants, see if the soil needs watering, and just have time with nature.
I’m a little sore today and a little tired after a busy weekend, but whatever.
On today’s agenda is finishing up an episode of Fredrikus that is slated to air in a couple weeks, maybe three. I don’t know. I don’t have the interface in front of me at the moment. Read the current strips by going here.
Also today, my friend and fellow cartoonist, Max West, launched his new webcomic. It’s called Poison Ivy Gulch and you can read the first strip right here.
Let’s see what we’ve come across this time. Last segment is here.
If you’re a fan of Dave Sim and Gerhard of Cerebus fame, Dave does a weekly update on YouTube telling readers what’s going on at his end and what new Cerebus in Hell? issue is coming out (of which they do parody music videos for). Here is my favorite promo:
You can visit the Cerebus channel on YouTube by going here.
We’re watching Outlander on Netflix. They are based on the books by Diana Gabaldon. It’s enjoyable and encompasses an era I’d have no trouble living in. Here is the trailer:
In on-line tool news, here is a website that capitalizes your titles/headlines for you in whatever style you select. However, I also encourage you to see how it’s done in the interest of education.
Here is a link to Max West’s Twitter account for his webcomic debuting in June called Poison Ivy Gulch. This is the link to the website proper.
And thus concludes this edition of Various Bits from the Net for 041220.
For those unfamiliar with this segment, it’s just a list of a few items of note from the World Wide Web that I found interesting or thought worth mentioning. Perhaps you’ll agree.
First up, as mentioned last Various Bits segment, friend and fellow cartoonist Max West launched his Kickstarter for Dominic and Claire Circus: A Comics Cavalcade of Chuckles! I put in my pledge and will show you what I got in a video once it comes in. If I didn’t mess up my math, this Kickstarter has 9 days left for you to support Max and his terrific comics. Please show him some love by going here.
Those who know me know I’m a fan of Mark Borchardt, who is most commonly linked to the documentary American Movie, which follows his struggling journey to make his short film, Coven. Mark’s a very kind and smart guy whom I admire (side note: He and I seem to have had similar journeys in the creative field despite practicing different disciplines). This video shows a bit of why I like him and, if you know me, you’ll see which parts he and I line up on.
We got a teaser for Stranger Things Season 4. Only watch if you want a spoiler. (The thumbnail has the spoiler so use this link.)
Lastly, I want to end with a special nod to my friend and fellow superhero author, Frank Dirscherl. He is the creator of The Wraith, a pulp hero in the vein of the Shadow who has multiple books out, comics, and a movie. Frank’s also expanded the merchandising part of The Wraith character, which is quite interesting to watch unfold. Please visit Frank at The Wraith’s lair by going here.
For those unfamiliar with this segment (here’s the last one), it’s basically a round-up of a few items from around the Internet that I found interesting and thought were worth sharing. Do with them as you please.
First up, my friend and cartoonist, Max West, has a new Kickstarter starting up soon. It’s for Dominic and Claire Circus. I have the minicomics from the previous Kickstarter and they are a hoot. Go here to learn more about Max West and watch the video below to see the comics from the previous Kickstarter.
I missed sharing this on social media at Christmas time–thanks Broadcast Mode–so I’m going to share it here. It’s a parody of “Let it Snow” called “Make it So.”
As you know, I love newsletters and prefer them as a solid form of communication from creator to reader. Piers Anthony–whom I had the privilege of publishing in the Bits of the Dead anthology–has a monthly column that acts as his newsletter. He’s always up to something interesting even if his views and mine don’t always line up. His newsletter can be found here.
Lastly, Wil Wheaton’s blog is quite good and, while he’s well-known in fandom, he’s also a really down-to-earth guy so I check in on his blog now and then to see what he has to say. Please visit Wil here.
In personal news, the week is coming along. Finishing up things so I can move on to new things. All this is logged in my weekly newsletter, so if you haven’t already subscribed, be sure to get on board and join me and my other subscribers on Saturdays to wind down from the week. Hope to see you there.