• Category Archives Stuff
  • Just general stuff that has no official category.

  • Checking In – Work Block

    Drawing Table 2017This is a note to let you know I’m still alive albeit working hard down in the mines. The picture you see is the current art table complete with stimulants to keep things going.

    I’m prepping two series for Instagram, and writing Axiom-man/Auroraman: Frozen Storm. Progress is being made on all three fronts.

    This is also a friendly reminder to tune into my weekly newsletter, The Canister X Transmission, for updates as to what’s going on and how insane I’m getting chipping away at these rocks somewhere around the planet’s core. Trust me, I’m starting to lose it down here.

    Presently, I’m sitting on a block of work outside of the aforementioned projects. There are four books already written that need to go through the production process before release. The Axiom-man/Auroraman title makes it five. Once this superhero book is done, it’s off to the races and to pumping out book after book in the hopes of entertaining you guys.

    Then I’m gonna nap. Forever.

    But on the off chance I awake, it’ll back down here with the shovel and pick-axe, working away.

    We’re getting there, people. New books are coming.

    I need a drink.

  • Brief Entry – Working

    Just a quick note to say I’m working my ass off behind-the-scenes and getting things done.

    The best way to find out what I’ve been working on week-to-week is through my newsletter, which you can subscribe to via the subscription box on the right.

    There will also be announcements on this blog in the near future as to what releases are coming your way.

    Stay tuned.

  • Notes from the Underground

    Art PileThis is a hello message going out into the blog-o-sphere letting you know I’m still alive and am working on various things as evidenced by the picture for this post. We’re doing a combination of writing and artwork over here, slowly but surely chipping away at the obscene amount of projects on the docket. No, really, there’s a ridiculous amount of work to be done and I’m not sure there’s enough coffee and uppers in the world to see me through. I am also not immortal so if you have an in on a mechanical heart that won’t conk out on me, let’s talk.

    However, it is my pleasure to report that work is being done and things are looking good in terms of achieving the end game of all this. If you are a subscriber to my newsletter–which you really should be–you’d see what I’ve been up to week to week. For those of you who are not, this blog entry is for you. (Though, again, you really should be subscribing to The Canister X Transmission. All the cool kids are doing it.)

    Further, despite having some medical issues occur that have knocked me on my backside and tried to take me out of the game, we’re still going strong here in a top secret location that is known only to me and the dog at my feet.

    In summary, for the artwork side of all this, follow me on Instagram because that’s where items are posted.

    For the wordsmithing side, you’ll just have to watch the newsletter and this blog for announcements. Actually, the occasional Instagram pic of what’s going on shows up now and then so there’s that, too.

    It’s a blizzard out there today and I’m about to go into it for something I need to attend. Got my snowshoes ready.

    Take care.

  • Going Off-line (Mostly)

    20160516_124932Please accept this as formal notice that I will be [mostly] off-line for the next 7-8 weeks.

    Deadlines are bearing down and I need to clear out my current task list so this means no social media for the next while. If you need to reach me, please use the contact page on this site.

    Emails will be responded to. My newsletter, The Canister X Transmission, will go out every Saturday as per usual.

    My social media accounts will still be active but will be run by the (auto)bots except for some manual posts here and there through Hootsuite.

    Watch this page for announcements and/or news as I will be posting here now and then.

    See you all in a couple of months.

  • Adjusting Workflow Settings

    keyboardmouseAttempting a new workflow this week. It’s similar to the current one, but with some adjustments to increase productivity.

    When you’re independent, you wear a lot of hats and sometimes you think you took off Hat A to wear Hat B, but then soon realize Hat B isn’t fitting right because Hat A got glued to your head. Which then indicates there was an imaginary motion in taking off Hat A, and, worse, the delusion that you did until confronted with the reality the stupid thing didn’t come off after all. This applies to Hats C and D, E and F. G’s a pain, and H is an idiot. It gets worse because I complicates things and J is a jackass. K is ok, I guess, but L drives me nuts.

    This is all just a complicated way of saying I got stuff to do and I need to do it and I have too many hats.

  • Building . . .

    Art starts with a blank page.
    Art starts with a blank page.
    Lots of off-line work going on behind-the-scenes and I’m presently in the process of a multi-part project that I’ll be rolling out hopefully soon. It’s one of those have-to-make-a-bunch-of-things-first ones before reveal so it takes time. Also, the clock is ticking over here and if I don’t get it all finished by a certain date, the whole career rhythm will be disrupted and there will only be more delays.

    I hate delays, self-inflicted or otherwise.

    In the meantime, I’m still active in the public eye via my social media channels and I’ve been trying to put something up there for you every day or two. (See links to the right.) The newsletter is also a good way to keep up-to-date.

    Have a good weekend. Just wanted to keep everyone posted.

  • Wrapping up 2015

    Hope everyone had a good Christmas week. As we head toward New Year, and since I finally have some breathing room after all the Holiday parties, I’m finishing up some odds and ends around the studio while also juggling admin catch-up work.

    I have some things planned for 2016, and it’s stuff that’s only appearing in 2016 because it wouldn’t be ready by the end of this year.

    I’m not one for New Year’s creative resolutions. Going to go into detail as to why in this Saturday’s newsletter. Tune in here.

    See you in 2016.

  • Doing Stuff

    Been fairly busy since Comic Con, most of my time tied up in odds and ends all pertaining to this business: shipping orders, admin stuff, newsletter work, marketing, networking, freelancing, etc. Wish I could say I’ve been honed in on just a thing or two this past week and a half, but that hasn’t been the case. At the same time, getting these tasks done free up time for more writing and/or provide the monetary means to do so. Being a working writer means sometimes doing things outside of actual writing. But when I say that, I’m referring to the physical act of writing and not the mental act of doing it. I’m busy in my head all the time–pre-writing, if you will–thus making keyboard time easier and faster when I sit down to type things out.

    Anyway, this post is just meant as a brief update. More in-depth updates and book/comic/writing talk can be found weekly via my newsletter (see sign up link on the right). Don’t miss it.

  • Just Writing

    Been taking a step back in my on-line activities in an effort to get work done. On-line communication has been dropped to near nil and I’m making a conscious effort to just focus on the two projects that need to be finished and out for C4 at the end of October. However, I do plan on broadcasting an item or two a day via my various social media channels to give you guys something to look at. Hopefully by the end of next week, things will be back to normal and I’ll return to being more connected.

    Axiom-man Episode No. 3: Rumblings is underway and currently our hero is in a bind. That’s all I’ll say for now.

    Sign up for my newsletter at http://www.tinyletter.com/apfuchs and get a free thriller eBook as a thank you.
