• Tag Archives shipping orders
  • Doing Stuff

    Been fairly busy since Comic Con, most of my time tied up in odds and ends all pertaining to this business: shipping orders, admin stuff, newsletter work, marketing, networking, freelancing, etc. Wish I could say I’ve been honed in on just a thing or two this past week and a half, but that hasn’t been the case. At the same time, getting these tasks done free up time for more writing and/or provide the monetary means to do so. Being a working writer means sometimes doing things outside of actual writing. But when I say that, I’m referring to the physical act of writing and not the mental act of doing it. I’m busy in my head all the time–pre-writing, if you will–thus making keyboard time easier and faster when I sit down to type things out.

    Anyway, this post is just meant as a brief update. More in-depth updates and book/comic/writing talk can be found weekly via my newsletter (see sign up link on the right). Don’t miss it.