Axiom-man/Crimson Cloak: Scarlet Synergy Cover Partial Reveal

What you have above is a sneak peek at an AXIOM-MAN/CRIMSON CLOAK: SCARLET SYNERGY cover partial reveal, which is coming out very soon. The partial cover was revealed on the socials to great excitement. It’s been a good long while since Axiom-man’s had an adventure and now his time has come and this time, he’s not alone.
Writing Axiom-man team-ups is always fun. FROZEN STORM was a blast (check it out if you haven’t already. Great reviews).
And upcoming this year is the long-awaited BATTLE OF POWER TRILOGY! Yes, in the fall three books will come out and wrap up the first act to THE AXIOM-MAN SAGA.
This is a superhero year for fiction here at Canister X, the Realm of Heroes and Monsters.
Time to take to the skies.