• Category Archives Status Report
  • Writing, drawing, and publishing work status of author and cartoonist A.P. Fuchs

  • Status Report – 091823


    Status Report – 091823:

    It’s official. It’s done. As per this blog entry, ZOMTROPOLIS: A RECORD OF LIFE IN A DEAD CITY is complete. See the entry for the next steps in the process.

    Also what’s done is THE CANISTER X TRANSMISSION: YEAR FOUR and THE CANISTER X TRANSMISSION: THE LONG YEAR FIVE. Those went off to press late last week. Now it’s just an issue of the printer processing the files, sending me a proof, me approving it then getting it into distribution. Like the other collected editions, they will be available in paperback and eBook and contain a bonus issue of the newsletter exclusive to those collections.

    We’re programmed until the end of November thus far in terms of Book Spotlight Videos and the REALM OF HEROES AND MONSTERS: STORY TIME podcast. Other stuff is complete behind the scenes but not uploaded yet.

    For those who missed it, THE CANISTER X TRANSMISSION newsletter is back. The new issue went out this past Saturday. Subscribe here for this Saturday’s issue.

    Other than that, I’m pleased that I finally was able to share the FREDRIKUS animated short with you. I’ve been wanting to for the past couple of years but needed the adapter to connect my very old VCR to my also-old computer. I finally got one and the video was shared. There was some additional brief animation on the reel as well along with a few pieces of artwork. I’m not sure if I’ll upload it or not. I’ll have to think of a way to make it longer because the segments of animation and the few pics last all of twenty seconds. But they’re cool pics. Three-point perspective, some modern, some sci-fi.

    We’ll see.

    Anyway, I’m pretty tired and I still have work to do.

    A.P. Fuchs signing off.


    This has been your Status Report for 091823.

  • Status Report – 091223


    Status Report – 091223:

    Work, work, work. That’s what’s been happening every day since I got back from vacation.

    See, I’m middle-aged, which means–though still a ways off–retirement is approaching and I need to be prepared, especially in today’s economy, so I’ve been burning the candle on both ends with the day job and then with writing and publishing outside those hours. I also need to ensure a future for my kids. Not that I’m to take care of everything for them, but rather have the means to do nice things with them and their one-day families.

    The latest development-in-progress is an exclusive Axiom-man site, one solely dedicated to him and his adventures across various media.

    See, here at the Realm of Heroes and Monsters, the ol’ Canisterx.com, is a compilation of all my work, besides my webcomic. I want Axiom-man to have his own space and breathing room on the Web. I have for a long time. He had a site once, one dedicated to his webcomic, which was the published issues serialized on the Web. But he never really had a home and it’s time he gets one.

    So I’ve been working on that as well as toying with the idea of bringing my Patreon back in a kind of Version 2.0. It’d be streamlined, simple, loaded with content, and worth the $5-a-month I plan to charge.

    But one thing at a time.

    Axiom-man first.

    If you have not read the character, I suggest getting your feet wet with the first book. It’s the origin story and Axiom-man’s first big battle with a supervillain. It’s the story that started it all and spawned (thus far) seven additional books plus a side adventure and some short stories.

    By the way, he’ll show up in the podcast soon and in other ways on the Web as well. Stuff is done but I’m releasing things slowly instead of all at once. People are busy on the Internet and to dump everything Axiom-man on them all at once would only cause them to move on. So, yeah, a little at a time.

    Okay, that’s enough for today. Time to get back to work.


    This has been your Status Report for 091223.

  • Status Report – 083123

    status report 083123

    Status Report – 083123:

    Man, it’s been awhile since I’ve done one of these. The last one was this entry.

    Lots of web work being done these days. During my hiatus, my sites, my social networks, my books–everything got left behind and now, behind the scenes, needs some sprucing up. Most of it is metadata work and I’ve also been spending some of my time picking at a secret fun project that I hope to reveal soon. In fact, though I haven’t officially announced it, there is a link to it on this site.

    Can you find it?

    So, yeah, throw in the day job and I’ve been pulling 12-hour days since August 8th. Worth it though. Needs to be done for a variety of reasons.

    YouTube is my big thing right now. Lots of content going up, mostly on a daily basis. Shorts and reels, long videos and podcasts. Plenty going on at the REALM OF HEROES AND MONSTERS on YouTube.

    I hope to do more interviews this fall and into next year. I had a blast on Travis Bruce’s YouTube channel, which you can watch here. (And be sure to subscribe to both our channels. It’s Nerd City!)

    On a serious note, I’ve been getting my thoughts together on doing a in-depth vLog on anxiety. It’ll be for adults only as I don’t want a kid (or even teen) stumbling across it because it will tell the hard truth about anxiety and its various treatments and I don’t want that info entering ears that might not be ready for it. In other words, I don’t want to scare a young person. But anxiety occurs at various degrees so some might not find it frightening, but others might, depending where they’re at. Even some adults might get triggered so I’m gonna try and remember to announce a little disclaimer at the beginning to avoid that.

    Anyway, the vacation I took at the beginning of the month did me wonders. It was a good reset and recharge for getting back to real life. Bittersweet that it’s over; almost like a dream. I’m hoping for a break at Christmas so we’ll see what happens.

    By now you’re probably sick of hotwheels videos. C’mon. It’s the batmobile. The coolest car around. Anyway, one more to air then I’m outta cars to show. Need to find one more so I can put together a third volume compilation of hotwheels shorts. Volume 2 is set to air Monday.

    Regarding FREDRIKUS, I have one more strip done. I thought it was colored but when I went to look into it, I learned that the page is done and scanned but that’s as far as it is. Next step is to enhance the scan so the blank ink is nice and sharp then color it. I think that’ll be a weekend task and then I’ll air it for you.

    Well, time to go. Work to be done.


    This has been your Status Report for 083123.

  • Status Report – 100422

    status report 010521

    Status Report – 100422:

    I’m sick today but am still trying to get things done.

    The eBook for GIGANTI-GATOR DEATH MACHINE went in to the printer’s this morning and is in processing. Assuming all is well, it should be available for your eReader soon.

    I think my plan for the day is to go slow and things will take as long as they take. Might have to get a nap in as well.

    I also landed a side gig that will take up most of my time but it was an opportunity I had to say yes to. I’m not sure how it’ll affect my arts career but in these lean times, money’s money.

    Anyway, my head feels like it’s been put through a cement mixer so I’m going to sign off.

    Sick days.

    This has been your Status Report for 100422.

  • Status Report – 092122

    status report 120420

    Status Report – 092122:

    Yesterday, I went to press on GIGANTI-GATOR DEATH MACHINE. Right now the printer is processing the files. My team member and I hit at snag on the eBook side of things so I’m in touch with my printer as to what to do. Hopefully it gets resolved soon. The main thing is the print copies turn out all right for Winnipeg Comic Con at the end of October. I can fiddle with the eBook side of things until then.

    Why am I having eBook trouble? It’s simple, really. The old way of how I did things doesn’t work for me anymore so I’m looking into new ways to distribute my eBooks from one central location. An eBook hub, as it were. Eventually all my titles will get migrated over but until then, I’ll be doing this new system with new books going forward.

    In other news, I barely slept Monday night, worked yesterday, but got a full night’s sleep last night. Still feeling the cobwebs, however, so I’m going to cut this one short.

    This has been your Status Report for 092122.

  • Status Report – 091322

    status report 091322

    Status Report – 091322:

    The body and brain aren’t cooperating today. I’ve got stuff to do and things to think about and I feel like my body and mind are filled with cement.

    Thus is the life of a writer: be at the keyboard anyway.

    We’re putting the final touches on GIGANTI-GATOR DEATH MACHINE and getting it ready for press. I also have the newsletter to start and a freelance gig to do.

    We’re at the stage in book production where I’m now going to focus on releasing them one at a time instead of working on all three (GATORS, YEAR FOUR, THE LONG YEAR FIVE) at once behind the scenes. Basically what’s left to do is double check the formatting and cover checking.

    All this takes time because I’m working with a team so can’t go whole hog and do it all in a single day like the old days. Was mentioning to Melinda last night how I once heard publishing is a young man’s game. The older I get, the more I feel that. But don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.

    Off to work.

    This has been your Status Report for 091322.

  • Status Report – 090622

    status report 090622

    Status Report – 090622:

    Yesterday marked the end of summer for me thus the end of my easier summer schedule. Today I’m preparing the fall one. Lots going on in the fall in terms of book production and releases as well as two comic convention appearances.

    As a reminder, I will be at the following events so mark your calendars. I’ll have books for sale and you can bring copies from home for signature, if you’d like. I do not charge for autographs or pictures.

    Winnipeg Comiccon – October 28 to 30, 2022 – RBC Convention Centre (Winnipeg)
    FanQuest – November 12 & 13, 2022 – Norwood Community Centre (Winnipeg)

    Part of prepping for these appearances is ensuring I have enough book stock to take along with me so I’ve been slowly going through what I have and setting up an order at the printer for what I need. As long as my print order is in by the end of the month, that will allow enough time for printing and shipping.

    I’ve also been reevaluating current and upcoming work in terms of what I reveal to the public about these projects. How many times have I said such-and-such will be ready for such-and-such a date and it hasn’t been? Sure, part of it had to do with me being ill. Another part had to do with summer. Another part had to do with my own disorganization. You’d think after all these years of doing this that I’d have this down to a science. But, again, in the big picture, being ill and spending a long time doing a webcomic would slow things down in terms of release(s).

    No matter.

    New season.

    New start.

    Here we go.

    This has been your Status Report for 090622.

  • Status Report – 031321

    status report 031321

    Status Report – 031321:

    I’ve been keeping busy as I recover from burn out. Fredrikus is getting my top priority. New episodes have been airing and I’m having a ball making them for you. I also seemed to have found my comic-making groove, which is a good thing.

    As for other projects, they are temporarily on the back burner as I ease my way back into creating. They’re not going away and will get done, but my health comes first and I’m content just doing Fredrikus for the time being.

    To start reading Fredrikus, go here. It will take you to the first page, which is the cover to Issue No. 1. If you’ve been reading the strips, just go to the site proper for the latest comic.

    And, as usual, if you need to contact me, you can do so by going here.

    This has been your Status Report for 031321.

  • Status Report – 020721

    status report 020721

    Status Report – 020721:

    I’ve been off my sabbatical since the beginning of January. Since then, I’ve done my best to work at a pace that is more health-ful. It’s one thing to go 1000mph, but it’s also important to know when to ease off the gas. I had my foot to the floor for too long and paid the price, which was burn out. It took about five months to recover to the point where I can go a little harder without compromising my health. I still made art during those months but at a much slower pace.

    Since being off sabbatical, I’ve spent most of my time making comics, namely Fredrikus.

    Episodes 18-20 have aired along with the front cover and first page of Issue 2. Go here to check them out.

    Episode 21 to air shortly.

    If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop me an email by going here.

    This concludes your Status Report for 020721.

  • Status Report: Final Notes from Sabbatical – 010521

    status report 010521

    Status Report: Final Notes from Sabbatical – 010521:

    It’s time to draw my sabbatical to a close. It lasted about 5 months, all time spent recovering from burn out.

    I’m feeling much better now and my health has improved.

    During my sabbatical I was still making art albeit at a much slower pace. I learned some things about myself and about how to approach my creative career going forward.

    That said, changes are happening over here in terms of how I approach the art biz and work within it. I made some changes during my sabbatical to test the waters of these new methods and I’m pleased to report I learned a thing or two about how to best go about them.

    Thank you for your patience while I got better. I look forward to entertaining you again.

    This concludes Status Report: Final Notes from Sabbatical – 010521.