• Tag Archives Writing
  • Just Writing

    Been taking a step back in my on-line activities in an effort to get work done. On-line communication has been dropped to near nil and I’m making a conscious effort to just focus on the two projects that need to be finished and out for C4 at the end of October. However, I do plan on broadcasting an item or two a day via my various social media channels to give you guys something to look at. Hopefully by the end of next week, things will be back to normal and I’ll return to being more connected.

    Axiom-man Episode No. 3: Rumblings is underway and currently our hero is in a bind. That’s all I’ll say for now.

    Sign up for my newsletter at http://www.tinyletter.com/apfuchs and get a free thriller eBook as a thank you.


  • A Note on Facebook Pages

    Presently I’m running two Facebook pages, one a fan page, the other a personal page. They each have their purpose and there is minimal overlap of content.

    The fan page – presently, it’s straight-up broadcast. This is where I share only writing/book-related items pertaining to my career.

    The personal page – this gives you the broadcasted items plus me making comments about whatever and being an idiot on a daily basis. I also interact the most here.

    Depending on your cup of java, either of the above might work for you, or even both if you want to show extra support.

    Hook up:

    Fan page
    Personal page

    See you there.


  • Up and Running on Instagram

    After a bit of thought, I decided to open an Instagram account, which you can access here or via the camera icon on the right.

    Photography’s an interesting medium and one that, if used correctly, is fun to follow and learn from.

    Currently, my plan for my feed will consist of writing-related items, book stuff, comic stuff and perhaps some pop culture items.

    Already got one pic up as a test.

    Hope you follow along.


  • Blog Update

    I’ve missed blogging. Though I had to stay away from it for a while for good reason, prior to the New Year starting I was itching to get back into it.

    See, when I disconnected from writing/publishing almost a year ago, I pulled the plug on everything. I mean everything, which included deleting the content of this blog. I think it was over 900+ entries. I’ve salvaged some of them and re-posted. Other stuff was just fluff, which can be left deleted forever. But in hindsight, I wish I would have left things intact, handled the situation differently, etc. No matter. The past is the past.

    Here we are, 2015. Time to blog again. I’ve already started on working to restore my movie reviews so you’ll see those going up regularly. I’m also planning on posting the book reviews I have access to as well.

    Then there will be other blog posts, whether ones about what’s on my mind, maybe a writing exercise or two, articles/essays, things like that. In the end, I hope whatever I post is something you’ll find interesting.

    Just wanted to keep you updated.

    Please check this site daily to see what’s going on.


  • Top Ten List of Truths for Self-publishers Part Two

    Top Ten List of Truths for Self-publishers Part Two

    self-publishing top ten

    Also published at BadRedhead Media here

    6. Long gone are the days of just writing and nothing else.

    Like I said before, unless you catch a break or find yourself in Amazon’s “also bought” loop and bestseller lists, you’ll have to market your work. This goes beyond just having a website and telling your friends on Facebook and Twitter about it (though those items are a good start). Even if you score a traditional deal, you’ll need to put in the time to market your work until you have such a large fan base you know they’ll pick up everything you write regardless of what it is and all that’s needed is an announcement.

    A suggestion is to dedicate at least one day a week to marketing or, if you can spare it, do a minimum of two things a day to tell others about your book, two things that involve both the on-line and off-line worlds. Marketing on-line is harder, actually, because you’re competing with so many more voices. Local off-line marketing is much easier—unless there are two hundred thousand authors all shouting about their books in your local bookstore.

    Take the time to set up things like:

    – newspaper/radio/magazine/blog/website interviews
    – book signings
    – convention appearances
    – social media efforts
    – trunk-of-car sales
    – magazine ads
    – other

    It takes time. It takes work. But that’s what it takes. Simply uploading your book to one or two platforms doesn’t cut it anymore.

    7. Utilize both the on- and off-line worlds.

    It’s easy to fall into the trap of focusing solely on on-line sales. I’ve seen it, I’ve lived it, and I’ve had good times and bad times with it.

    Like I said about diversifying, you need to be both on-line and off-line with your book.

    My book, Getting Down and Digital: How to Self-publish Your Book, walks you through both processes step-by-step with your average self-publisher’s budget (a few hundred bucks). It gives a well-rounded approach to publishing and emphasizes using both the virtual and real worlds.

    I will admit, however, there is an on-line bias and that’s because of the off-line world’s system of book returns. You can be in every bookstore in every country, but unless your book sells and stays sold—bookstores allow customers to return books after all—you face the potential nightmare of having a ton of books returned to you at your expense.

    At the same time, off-line sales pose the chance to make a good buck per book. Like I mentioned about my convention experience—and I’ve been doing conventions steadily for seven years—I net $8-10 a book. Can’t do that on-line because even books sold through on-line retailers require the retailers get a cut.

    The following should be part of a self-publisher’s arsenal on top of on-line sales through the usual suspects, whether those on-line sales are for eBooks or paperbacks:

    – book signings
    – convention signings
    – book events
    – public readings
    – direct sales to family, friends, co-workers, strangers

    8. Publishing costs money.

    A lot of writers struggle with cash. I totally get that. I was once homeless because of me chasing this dream and have lived close to the breadline a few times as I pursued it. It’s hard when you look in your cupboard and there’s not much there and you have a family to feed. It’s hard when part of your income is walking back alleys looking for beer cans to cash in. I fully sympathize with any writer struggling right now and those who have struggled. However, the one thing that has always been consistent is it costs money to publish whether one is struggling or not. You need to either save up, work a few extra hours at the day job, get a second job, sell some stuff, do pre-orders or something else to raise capital.

    Some people you’ll need to pay:

    – an editor
    – book cover artist and/or book cover designer
    – printer set up
    – office supplies
    – paper and ink to print out your manuscripts
    – marketing expenses
    – other

    It costs money, too, if you want to get in books for events, signings and other things. However, you can quickly make it back if you get in small quantities like, say, twenty books a pop. (i.e. print books at $4 a book, sell them at $15. I’ve made back my $100 printer bill and then some after the tenth copy sells. Copies eleven through twenty are all gravy.)

    9. Stick to your own thing.

    Like I mentioned earlier, trends come and go. Recently, there was a huge zombie boom in literature and doing zombie books was like printing money. Now that bubble’s burst and the sales aren’t there like before. I know this from personal experience and from talking to those in my publishing circles.

    Vampires were huge for a while and those books were moving like crazy. Now, not as much on the whole. Urban fantasy is the new thing. Those are moving like hotcakes at the moment. But you know what? That’ll change, too, so unless you’re willing to write whatever is hot at the moment, you’re better off just writing what you enjoy. While it’s true some genres sell better than others (i.e. romance has always been a solid seller), you’re better off just doing your own thing. Your joy in writing whatever your genre is will come through on the page and make a better book. You’ll build your brand as “that guy/girl who writes thriller/mystery/superhero/weird” fiction and will develop your following of readers who love that stuff as a result. That’s the trick: finding that niche market of readers who’ll support you for each release. The goal after finding them is to grow that group and sticking to one or two genres goes a long way in making that happen.

    If your genre isn’t hot right now, odds are it will be at some point. I never thought I’d see the day when superheroes were all over popular culture. Thanks to Marvel’s efforts at the box office—and if DC gets their act together, them too, and Man of Steel was a sign their new shared universe is off to a good start—they’re everywhere, more than at any other point in history, and it’s put a spotlight into my main genre: superhero fiction (The Axiom-man Saga). Good deal for me. I stuck to my thing and now it’s poised to pay off.

    10. Have fun.

    Nothing kills creativity like discouragement. When we first start out writing, we’re all gung ho and looking to make a career. We’re hungry for it and sacrifice anything to get it—I was homeless trying to make this happen, remember? Sometimes success comes right away, other times you got to toil away for years and years. Look at J.A. Konrath. He put in around twenty years before things really came together. I’m sure there were times the fun stopped and, dare I say, he even considered quitting. But he didn’t. He made it work, made it fun and kept on going. Now it’s paid off.

    Writing is an art form above all else and there are many writers who never catch a break and just toil away at it their whole lives. They’ll say it’s because “they can’t help themselves but write,” but what does that mean? It means they’re having fun regardless of payoff. Writing is a source of joy for them and completes them in some way. Whether you publish or not, there needs to be a fun element. Very, very few writers write solely for money.

    Publishing should be fun, too, even if success doesn’t happen right away. Transforming a book from a manuscript into an actual book with two covers is also an art form, a fun art form, and should be part of the joy of creating something from nothing just like writing the story is. In fact, it’s becomes highly addictive after a while.

    Writing should be about honesty and good times. If it’s not, why bother?

    Anyway, thanks for reading my Top Ten List of Truths for Self-publishers. There are more, but these are the big ones. Others can be found in my book, Getting Down and Digital: How to Self-publish Your Book, which walks you step-by-step through the publishing process for print and eBooks, formatting, cover design, marketing and more. It’s an entire self-publisher’s education between two covers, one that covers multiple eBook and paperback markets, and is meant to be the ultimate go-to guide for the career indie author.

    Thanks again.

  • Secret Projects Announcement! The Titles are . . .

    I’ve been talking a lot about “Secret Projects” in terms of what I’m working on. Awhile back I revealed the titles of Secret Projects Nos. 1-3 via my newsletter (a good reason to sign up for it, by the way: you get info early), but I haven’t revealed them publicly here.

    That said, I’d like to formally announce the names of Secret Projects Nos. 1-3.

    They are:


    Mechapocalypse 2

    Mechapocalypse 3

    They’re about, you guessed it, mech robots and mech war on an epic scale. Right now the title is one word though I might break it up into two prior to publication. Not sure yet. Regardless, it’s an exciting series with tons of action and I’m having a blast writing it. Book one is done, and I’m working on getting to the halfway mark of book two. I hope to have these finished and published in time for comic con in the fall. They will be released all in one shot. Will books 2 and 3 carry subtitles? Maybe. I’m also happy with just a simple numerical sequence for numbering the sequels. Something basic about that that I find charming.

    Can’t wait until these are all wrapped up, polished and published so I can share them with you. I know you’ll dig them.

    Hope everyone had a good weekend.


  • Laying Low

    This site has been fairly quiet as of late. Part of it has to do with a change in personal schedule, the other part being I don’t have much to report on a platform like this blog right now. Lately, my on-line efforts/time has been spent on Twitter and in my weekly newsletter. Like my last post said, I’m having a great time writing a newsletter and am really enjoying its potential for communication with readers. It’s my current method of bringing my thoughts to the virtual page and sharing it with you guys. I suggest signing up for it–it’s free–as a means to a) keep in touch with me more regularly and, b) to receive information on things pertaining to the writing life, publishing stuff, life stuff and other stuff.

    Been also juggling multiple projects so am in kind of a working season where not much is going on publicly but with stuff happening beneath the surface. It’s been awhile since I’ve had so many irons in the fire, but as it is with these things, it takes time to complete each one. So, yeah, in work mode, in figuring-stuff-out mode, and am just plugging along.

    Been thinking about my publishing schedule for this year and how it might need to be changed to accommodate some other life changes that are happening. We’ll see how it all pans out, but, of course, I’ll keep you posted. In the meantime, I’m going to be laying low for a while as I get things done because in the end it’s getting the work done that matters. However, I’ll still be active on Twitter and, as I’ve been pushing, in my newsletter.

    Like they say, watch this space.

  • Having Fun Writing a Newsletter

    I’m having a blast writing The Canister X Transmission. Just yesterday I sent out the seventh issue. It’s weekly and I’m having a ball. I think it’s the idea of publishing something new each and every week that appeals to me. Unlike blog entries, a newsletter is something that is “sent out” as opposed to just posted. Sure, some people get my blog posts via email, but a newsletter is meant to go out, be read, possibly even shared.

    I’d like to invite you now to sign up via the signup box on the right hand side of this site. It’s free. You can also visit the newsletter’s page at Tiny Letter to read back issues and see if it’s for you. I hope so. I try to make them interesting. They’re not terribly long either and only take a few minutes to read. I cover musings on the writing life, some fanboy and pop culture stuff, writing updates, and publishing and marketing tips.

    I also got a master file going in which I write out each newsletter first. The plan? Why, make a book out of them, of course. I’m thinking of doing it annually, so 52 newsletters per collection. Might even craft a bonus newsletter that you can only get in the book.

    Hope you sign up. It’s a fine method of communication and I’m having fun doing them. Likewise, if a particular issue speaks to you in some way, you can reply to it and let me know your thoughts.


    See you on the list.

  • Secret Project No. 1 is Complete!

    Yesterday I finished writing Secret Project No. 1. It came in at roughly 51,100 words, which is about 1,100 more than I estimated, which is fine. I think it was Sunday that I thought of the ending and Monday I was able to put it down.

    Taking today off writing-wise, though I did write the first draft synopsis for Secret Project No. 1 along with this Saturday’s newsletter. (It’s free to sign up for, by the way; just use the email box on the right of the screen.)

    I hope to reveal the title to Secret Project No. 1 in the near future, and by near future I mean between now and the end of June. Might even throw the titles to Secret Projects Nos. 2 and 3 in there, too. Stay tuned, as they say.

    But it feels good, takes some pressure off, and I’m able to gear up for Secret Project No. 2. Like the first one, you can watch my progress via the word-o-meter on the side of the screen. I can’t remember how long it took me to do the first one–maybe a month-ish–but Secret Projects Nos. 2 and 3 first drafts are due by the end of June. That’s 100,000 words minimum in 41 days. Totally doable as that averages 2,400 or so per day, every day. I know some days I’ll do more so I’ll be on track barring the world doesn’t end or something. July will be spent editing–both by myself and my editor–and I hope to release all three of these projects in August sometime.

    As for another hint as to what the story might be about, it involves mechanical things. Big ones and small ones.


  • Progress Report – May 14, 2014

    About to settle in to do some more work on Secret Project No. 1. As of this writing, it’s sitting at roughly 39,300 words, which, according to my word count-o-meter, means I’m 78% percent done. I’m hoping to finish this book by Monday at the latest, hopefully sooner.

    It’s coming along well. I’m taking things scene by scene while keeping a general direction in mind. This book is a definite departure compared to my usual stuff, which is good as I think it’s important for writers to try new things. I hope you’ll all agree it was a good move come publication time.

    I’ll drop another hint as to what I’m cooking up here in the North . . .

    It involves armed forces.