• The Canister X Transmission Returning Soon

    Announcement: A.P. Fuchs’s long-running newsletter, The Canister X Transmission, will be returning in the near future.

    Once I get a few more things done here at Axiom-man Central, my weekly newsletter will once again start going out on Saturdays. We were in the middle of Year Five when I had to take a break to take care of life stuff. Year Five–now dubbed “The Long Year Five”–will resume quite soon so make sure you’ve signed up for free either via the signup box on the right or by going here.

    The newsletter is the only place you will find unique behind-the-scenes information, advance news on releases, and a lot of jackassery as I dump out my brain each week.

    Remember, subscribers get a free copy of The Dance of Mervo and Father Clown, my creepy clown novelette, upon signup as a thank you.

    See you in your inbox.

  • A.P. Fuchs Now on Ello

    The other day a thought occurred to me: Search out lesser-known social networks in an effort to get away from corporate monopolies. So I did. I had heard of Ello in the past, didn’t really like it (it was a different model then), and forgot about it. When I looked up lesser-known social networks again, I discovered Ello had changed its model to one that focuses on showcasing artists. I looked into it, liked what I saw, and so set up shop. Now here we are. The page is complete and has one image uploaded. I plan to add to it as the days go by but am purposefully spacing it out.

    That smiley face to the right is where you’ll find me, or you can go here.

  • Fall/Winter Broadcast Season Commences

    This is just my usual blog entry that lets everyone know I will be off the social feeds for the fall and winter. The bots will be doing my dirty work and broadcasting daily while I attend to creative projects behind the scenes.

    More announcements to come as items fall into place so keep checking back here to stay current.

    To contact me, please use email via the contact page on this site.

    Have a great fall and winter.

  • New! Artwork Showcase Now on Site!

    As part of expanding my on-line creative showcase, I have added an Artwork tab to the menu above. Currently, it’s a work-in-progress and will be updated when new items are created. Right now it is in three sections to depict the areas of art displayed: Lineart, Shadows, and Mixed Media.

    Thanks for giving it a look.

  • Winter is Coming

    Work is being done behind-the-scenes here at Axiom-man Central to get ready for the fall/winter season. After my hiatus, I’ve been trying to get my writing and art machine back up and running so, come winter, I can just work and have a bunch of stuff automated for me instead of having to worry about it. The plan is to go into full Broadcast Mode during this time. The other night I also made a lengthy list of all new things A.P. Fuchs and those will be revealed as time goes on.

    Keep watching this space.

  • Book Cover Design – Back in Business!

    After a hiatus, I am now back in full freelance mode. Book cover design services are my new offering. I have designed 160+ professional quality book covers since I began in this business all those years ago. My rates are affordable and a cover can be designed for your hardcover, paperback, and eBook.

    For more information on rates, how the average procedure goes, and samples, please see the My Services tab on this site.

  • On Blogging

    Here’s a transparent entry for you: These blog posts are just me yapping. Sure, some are intentionally informative articles, but in general? It’s just me creating content with the hopes that you’ll glean at least one thing from the post no matter how long the entry. I’ve learned over the years that not every entry needs to be this big important life revelation, but instead little tidbits of the here and there. My hope is some of these make you smile, some educate, some make you think. That’s all. No more, no less.

    This writer’s life is too short to sweat and toil over blog posts when book writing can be done.

    Thank you for tuning in. See you next post.

  • On Sharing Information

    If you follow my social feeds, you’ll notice they’re geared more for sharing information than simple social chatter. Sure, a few social things come through, but the main point for my social media is to inform and encourage and occasionally bitch and moan with an educational edge.

    There’s enough mindless social blathering out there so my plan is to [hopefully] bring something of value to the table instead of me complaining about my kids or whining about the President.

    Welcome to my [social] world.

  • On Broadcast Mode

    Some people might wonder why I periodically switch to broadcast mode with social media. The answer is simple: eliminate distraction. I program Hootsuite with my social media posts and let it run in the background so I can focus on producing more work in the foreground. It’s tough to constantly lead two lives—digital and physical—so to unplug and take a break from one lets me work on the only life that truly matters, which is the physical one I have on Earth.

    Besides, it speeds up getting books and comics to you because I’m spending my time making them instead of writing thousands of words in social media posts.

  • On One Thing a Day

    We don’t always have the same amount of energy every day. Heck, some days it’s impossible to move and get out of bed. Unfortunately, not moving equals not doing anything equals being unable to move your career along. I’ve always maintained that if, at a minimum, you can do at least one thing a day—big or small—to move your career forward, you’re one step ahead of yesterday and one step closer to achieving your goals. You can get some writing or drawing in, or get some marketing done, or drop some books off at the bookstore, or anything else. Point is, just do at least one thing a day. That’s at least seven things a week, which leads to 365 things a year.

    Now that’s a lot of work.