• Category Archives Status Report
  • Writing, drawing, and publishing work status of author and cartoonist A.P. Fuchs

  • Status Report – 010625


    Status Report – 010625:

    This is it. New year. New stuff.


    If you’re a reader of my newsletter, you will know that 2025 is my Art Year where most of my creative efforts will be put toward artwork and comics. There are fun projects planned and some surprises I haven’t mentioned but will in due time.

    Obviously, the entire year isn’t scheduled to the letter but here is the general order of soon-to-complete items that will be handled first:

    • Finish production on, and release, the BATTLE OF POWER Trilogy for THE AXIOM-MAN SAGA
    • Continue through with Season Three of the REALM OF HEROES AND MONSTERS: STORY TIME Podcast
    • Do a new FREDRIKUS strip (with possible follow-up formal publication)
    • Review horror graphic-novel-in-progress and then pick it up from there (The graphic novel is written and in thumbnail form with about half the art drawn and inked; most likely this will air as a serial comic on my Patreon page)
    • Organize the upcoming Kickstarter for the special thing only my newsletter readers know about (at this time)

    The above is the general path I’ll be following until completed and then we’ll add on other things later. I’m excited for this year to be Art Year. It will be a nice change of pace and also a nice change for the eyes because paper is easier to stare at for hours on end than a screen.

    As usual, this website is the main hub for announcements and publications as well as access to free content, information, and entertainment.

    This has been your Status Report for 010625.

    Pst. Don’t forget: Today is Minifigure Monday!


    – APF

  • Status Report – 120224

    status report 120224

    Status Report – 120224:

    The main driver creative workwise these days is catch-up. I’m not dreadfully behind, but behind enough that it’s a bother, but I’m more behind in the business side of this industry than the creative part. After all, about 10% of this stuff is the making of it; the other 90% is running it.

    We had hoped to end the year with the BATTLE OF POWER Trilogy. For those who missed the news in my newsletter, all is in order except for a couple items outside anybody’s control. So, in terms of the creator keeping his end of the bargain, this has been done. It terms of others, not so much so we’re in a temporary holding pattern. I have a plan if this holding pattern continues as I don’t want it to push the trilogy way down the timeline. The odds of finishing 2024 with the trilogy release are pretty much nil but very early in the New Year is completely possible and doable.

    Still, we got three books out this year (with a possible fourth up in the air, an Eventual Book): AXIOM-MAN/CRIMSON CLOAK: SCARLET SYNERGY, CAUGHT IN BLACK HEADLIGHTS, and THE CANISTER X TRANSMISSION: THE VERY LONG YEAR SIX.

    Now that I’m dealing with a layoff from work, I won’t have to pull double duty and work both this job and the other one. So far, over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been able to get a good chunk of rest in and also make some solid headway in publishing-related items that were more “pick at” projects before due to the limited hours.

    A list is made and is being worked through. More stuff is being added to the list as I think of it. This is a longview program, meaning I’m giving myself three months to complete the items. All things being equal, three months is more than what’s required but you never know what might come up, like our logistics issue with the BATTLE OF POWER Trilogy.

    All right, I need to do something I’ve been putting off solely due to time.

    Last, a special Patreon index is coming to the blog. The idea is it’ll help you find items and navigate the Patreon page with ease right here at the blog. This will give you the chance to check out some content as well as consider joining the Patreon journey.

    By the way, it’s Minifigure Monday here on 120224 and an amazing 1989 Batman is on the docket.


    This has been your Status Report for 120224.

  • Status Report – 061824


    Status Report – 061824:

    We’ve been busy behind the scenes here at Axiom-man Central. Here’s a rundown of what’s currently going on this superhero year:

    • AXIOM-MAN: THE SUMMONING: About 1/3 complete with plans to finish mid-July then move on to AXIOM-MAN: TRANSFORMATIONS.
    • Axiom-man in-house collectibles for direct order and conventions and signings: Playing cards – in and done. Stickers – in and done. Special high-end-soon-to-be-revealed Axiom-man collectible – in production with an ETA at Axiom-man Central of approximately two weeks.
    • Blog/website coding upgrade: In process but gaining ground.
    • YouTube offerings: Set for the week.
    • Patreon: New material being slowly added for future postings.
    • In-house book stock: Under inventory review with the mind to get in copies of the first half of the year’s releases in July plus any additional stock I might need.
    • Secret FREDRIKUS project: Slowly coming along. Very slowly.
    • Freelancing: Two projects in the pipeline

    That’s about all my headspace can handle at the moment for immediate work. There are some other up-in-the-air items as well, but those are in a floating-in-the-ether stage without any firm landing point.

    All we can do is focus on the above, get it done, then continue.

    This has been your Status Report for 061824.

  • Status Report – 052324


    Status Report 052324:

    I heard back from Archives Canada regarding my reserved eBook ISBN number for CAUGHT IN BLACK HEADLIGHTS. I’m in a position to upload now but when I do, I want to make sure my head is clear so I can make any last-minute adjustments correctly. This may happen within the next couple if days but definitely this weekend so we’re still on track for release.

    For those who read my recent newsletter, I came to an agreement with myself that for the secret Fredrikus project, if we average one item every few days, we’ll be in good shape come time when other stuff is wiped off the plate. Then after that, things will bulldoze ahead and my comic goals for 2024 will be met.

    Yesterday, I posted about how to overcome writer’s block. You can check out the entry here or the direct video here.

    Further, THE CANISTER X TRANSMISSION: THE VERY LONG YEAR SIX is about 70% formatted, which keeps us on track for an end-of-June release.

    Lastly, work on the BATTLE OF POWER TRILOGY is still underway and thus far we are on schedule. I’m going to be putting down a lot of words in the near future and I know I’ll feel lighter once the first installment is complete. The other two installments all feed from that one so once that one is complete, then it’s kind of an issue of expanding on it but not in a purple prose way. In a more story way. As mentioned, this concludes the first act of THE AXIOM-MAN SAGA.

    This has been your Status Report for 052324.

  • Status report – 041724


    Status report – 041724:

    All right, we’ve got a full roster going on over here. Between the stuff you see on a daily basis and working on stuff behind the scenes that you’ll see eventually, we have our hands full.

    Right now we’re:

    2) Freelance editing for a client
    3) Creating daily content for you both here on this blog and across the Web
    4) Getting the second season of the Realm of Heroes and Monsters: Story Time podcast ready for launch (I’m building a queue to ensure you get it weekly)

    And a day job.

    But basically, our creative focus is on the Axiom-man books for this year. My main goal is to get the first drafts done by summer with, say, mid-July completion at the latest. Then all the heavy lifting is done and it’s just an issue of cleaning things up before publication.

    The secret to getting all the above done and maintaining the schedule is just that: maintaining the schedule. Work on something every day and eventually you’ll get what you need out of it.

    Back to work.

    This has been your Status Report for 041724.

  • Status report – 031924


    Status report – 031924:

    The edge is where we stand as of this entry. The edge of what?

    Of things being complete.

    We now have all the pieces so we’re finishing putting AXIOM-MAN/ CRIMSON CLOAK: SCARLET SYNERGY together for you.

    CAUGHT IN BLACK HEADLIGHTS is pretty much ready to go outside of a final review.

    We just finished Season One of the REALM OF HEROES AND MONSTERS: STORY TIME podcast, with Season Two to start in a month. Make sure to subscribe to the channel so you’re set for the next season.


    Book spotlights for YouTube are nearing completion so we’re taking a break from them this week.

    Yeah, a lot of things wrapping up.

    Now it’s time to get ready to share things with you.


    This has been your Status Report for 031924.

  • Status Report – 021324


    Status Report – 021324:

    All right, so things are starting to come together. Just over the weekend I received back the edits for AXIOM-MAN/CRIMSON CLOAK: SCARLET SYNERGY, which means that after I go over the edits (which is me doing just that: looking at the edits only prior to a final pass), the book goes into the production machine, gets a final look-over, then off to you, dear reader.

    I’m really excited to release this book. It’s not your usual Axiom-man story and it was a chance for me to start a mythology that may or may not be true. I’ll leave that to you to decide for when the book comes out.

    Also, I got the final piece I needed for my Writing 101 series I’m bringing to YouTube. There’s a method to the madness here and a bit of scheduling. It’ll all make sense as the episodes come out.

    Lastly, this week is also a major work week with a ton of hours needing to be put in so if I’m a bit silent on the social feeds, that is why.

    This has been your Status Report for 021324.

  • Status Report – 010224


    Status Report – 010224:

    As we get back into real life after the break, it’s time to put 2024’s self-publishing and media plans into motion. A lot of thought and planning went on during the break, and now with that in place, it’s just an issue of carrying it out.

    This month, AXIOM-MAN/CRIMSON CLOAK: SCARLET SYNERGY is top priority if I want to make a late January/early February release deadline. As of this writing, the book is done and is in the editing phases and the cover is currently being created. Once these two parts are complete, then I’ll have the components to begin the book production process and get the project out to you. Due to the nature of publishing, this may create an earlier release (early January) or a minorly-delayed one (early February).

    All I know is the book is my main thing this month with everything else secondary. The secondary stuff will still happen, but the primary gets the, well, priority.

    Okay. Enough blabbing.

    Time to get this book out to you. To get caught up on THE AXIOM-MAN SAGA, please go here.


    This has been your Status Report for 010224.

  • Status Report – 110723


    Status Report – 110723:

    Patreon. That is this week’s focus. The trailer is done and is premiering at 7PM CST November 12, 2023 (this Sunday evening) on YouTube.

    There are so many cool things about this new page and as a creator I get to play around with every single one of them.

    I plan to send out THE CANISTER X TRANSMISSION as usual this Saturday then a special Patreon Announcement edition on November 13, 2023. Might want to subscribe to make sure you get it.

    As well, promotion continues for ZOMTROPOLIS: A RECORD OF LIFE IN A DEAD CITY. I placed an order with the printer over the weekend so in the next couple weeks or so there will be an unboxing video revealing it as well as the two new collected editions of THE CANISTER X TRANSMISSION and a couple other titles I need some stock for.

    Watch this space, as they say.

    But it’d be better if you subscribed. For a creator, a subscription to something they do is important. It helps in so many ways on so many levels and, best of all, it’s free. Costs you nothing other than a click.

    I should probably put out a list of free things readers and fans can do for their favorite creators for free. I know money’s tight for everybody these days and I know there are a lot of readers and supporters out there who would like to try a creator’s work but can’t for whatever reason. That’s understandable and totally valid.

    So, yeah, if you can do something for a creator that doesn’t cost you a cent, take the second or two and go ahead and do it. The support is still there, and in the arts, as cliche as it sounds, it’s not always about the money. Art is meant to be shared. Creators just ask money for it so they can buy the time they need to make it for you.

    All right, enough rambling. Time to get back to work.

    This has been your Status Report for 110723.

  • Status Report – 101723


    Status Report – 101723:

    ZOMTROPOLIS: A RECORD OF LIFE IN A DEAD CITY is back from the editor therefore now it’s my turn to do go over the edits then do one final pass before book production and press time. As of now, we’re on track for a Halloween-ish release.

    You guys are gonna love this tale. It’s been in the works since 2008. One of my “eventual books” though it originally was never intended as such but, alas, life happens and projects get set aside so other things can be born. Since 2008, obviously, I written and drawn a lot of stuff, but it was time to finally finish ZOMTROPOLIS and here we are.

    Stay tuned for more news as this project develops.

    In other news, we’re just working and establishing a strong foundation for PROJECT REBUILD 2.0. Been at it for a few months now and it’s paying off.

    More thought is being given to the new Patreon page and how I’ll approach it from a content angle and how I’ll be able to pull it off without burning out.

    Like the above, more news as this develops.

    Lastly, I just finished a freelance editing project for a client. In other words, I’m open for business so if you need an editor, a formatter, or a book cover designer, I’m your man. Tons of experience. Details here.

    Okay, time to get back to work.

    Until next time.

    This has been your Status Report for 101723.