Status Report – 010224


Status Report – 010224:

As we get back into real life after the break, it’s time to put 2024’s self-publishing and media plans into motion. A lot of thought and planning went on during the break, and now with that in place, it’s just an issue of carrying it out.

This month, AXIOM-MAN/CRIMSON CLOAK: SCARLET SYNERGY is top priority if I want to make a late January/early February release deadline. As of this writing, the book is done and is in the editing phases and the cover is currently being created. Once these two parts are complete, then I’ll have the components to begin the book production process and get the project out to you. Due to the nature of publishing, this may create an earlier release (early January) or a minorly-delayed one (early February).

All I know is the book is my main thing this month with everything else secondary. The secondary stuff will still happen, but the primary gets the, well, priority.

Okay. Enough blabbing.

Time to get this book out to you. To get caught up on THE AXIOM-MAN SAGA, please go here.


This has been your Status Report for 010224.

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