Status Report – 091223:
Work, work, work. That’s what’s been happening every day since I got back from vacation.
See, I’m middle-aged, which means–though still a ways off–retirement is approaching and I need to be prepared, especially in today’s economy, so I’ve been burning the candle on both ends with the day job and then with writing and publishing outside those hours. I also need to ensure a future for my kids. Not that I’m to take care of everything for them, but rather have the means to do nice things with them and their one-day families.
The latest development-in-progress is an exclusive Axiom-man site, one solely dedicated to him and his adventures across various media.
See, here at the Realm of Heroes and Monsters, the ol’ Canisterx.com, is a compilation of all my work, besides my webcomic. I want Axiom-man to have his own space and breathing room on the Web. I have for a long time. He had a site once, one dedicated to his webcomic, which was the published issues serialized on the Web. But he never really had a home and it’s time he gets one.
So I’ve been working on that as well as toying with the idea of bringing my Patreon back in a kind of Version 2.0. It’d be streamlined, simple, loaded with content, and worth the $5-a-month I plan to charge.
But one thing at a time.
Axiom-man first.
If you have not read the character, I suggest getting your feet wet with the first book. It’s the origin story and Axiom-man’s first big battle with a supervillain. It’s the story that started it all and spawned (thus far) seven additional books plus a side adventure and some short stories.
By the way, he’ll show up in the podcast soon and in other ways on the Web as well. Stuff is done but I’m releasing things slowly instead of all at once. People are busy on the Internet and to dump everything Axiom-man on them all at once would only cause them to move on. So, yeah, a little at a time.
Okay, that’s enough for today. Time to get back to work.
This has been your Status Report for 091223.