vLog – Action Figure Shopping Trip Toy Haul (and some Matchbox and Hotwheels)
This was a good collectibles shopping trip. It happened to be one of those occasions where everything was on sale. Yeah, it involved a little bit of indulgence of the wallet but these are action figures I would have bought at some point anyway and, when that point would come, might be stuck paying full price or more for so had to take advantage of the sale.
Something Rotten Up North
Episode 11: Something Rotten Up North – When Axiom-man is notified of the dead coming back to life in Flin Flon, Manitoba, he takes flight and heads north to verify the terrible news. Upon his arrival, he is greeted by hordes of the walking dead. As he struggles to fight them and search for survivors, Axiom-man soon discovers the problem is far worse than he thought.
This episode is the pinnacle of Heroes and Monsters because this time we have Axiom-man facing off against zombies. Now, he’s done it before in THE DEAD LAND (stick around until after the credits for more on this book) but I wanted to have him fight the undead again, so this little publisher had a brainwave of an idea and assembled a group of indie writers who had superhero creations of their own. The rules? None, other than it had to be your superhero versus at least one zombie. What came in for stories was amazing and so the anthology, METAHUMANS VS THE UNDEAD was born, as was the METAHUMANS VS series.
Tune into this exciting episode of superhero and monster mayhem with A.P. Fuchs!
Thanks for listening.
Grab your copy of METAHUMANS VS THE UNDEAD in paperback or eBook at:
The latest and hottest in Axiom-man superhero collectibles is here! This special coin is gorgeous. The polish is so clean that, like in the video, it’s almost transparent despite being a shiny gold. Check out the detail and the amazing stamping and mintage of the coin.
This is a special high-end collector’s item and is available for direct order.
As we gaze together out onto the water and the camera drifts around, we take a few moments to reflect on superheroes and if they have the ability to truly get away from it all. This writer believes they can’t and is discussed in this vLog.
But besides that, who doesn’t like some relaxing scenery footage? (Ignore the wind. I’m not in charge of it lol.)
Don’t forget to subscribe to stay up to date on all the latest videos.
Like a Worm
Episode 10: Like a Worm – Gary wakes up surrounded by damp dirt. He can’t move. Trapped. And there’s others around him. He just can’t see them.
Playing into one of Fuchs’s fears, this episode is about both the short story itself and about being an introvert and the problem of confinement. Plus stick around for after the credits for an important PSA. No, really, it is important.
Tune in.
Thanks for listening.
Get your own copy of MAGIC MAN PLUS 15 TALES OF TERROR in paperback or eBook at:
It’s the Man of Steel versus the Most Powerful Man in the Universe in today’s episode of Funko Friday! To change things up, we take a look a couple of Funko Pop! enamel pins, the stories behind the them, and then the big Pop Culture question: Who would win in a fight? Superman or He-Man?
. . . A.P. Fuchs and welcome to my blog where superheroes and monsters and Pop Culture reign supreme. I’m an independent writer, cartoonist, publisher, and freelancer in the worlds of books and comics, and have been so for the past twenty-five years. This is Canister X, my official web site and the Realm of Heroes and Monsters, where we’re entering summer mode.
Most certainly you’ll be receiving content, but it’s going to follow the theme of the CANISTER X TRANSMISSION: YEAR SEVEN of fluidity. We’re gonna play it casual. We have a major deadline due for the fall for THE AXIOM-MAN SAGA so that project is going to require me putting all hands on deck to get done in time.
My Patreon page is here. It’s a very important place where I post serial novels, serial comics, essays and articles on the creative arts business, behind-the-scenes insights, art, photos, and more. Join me and my other patrons and be a part of something entertaining and interesting with consistent content. Check out the sweet trailer for the page.
I’m also the writer/artist behind the webcomic, Fredrikus, which you can read from the beginning here.
On Saturdays, I send out my newsletter, The Canister X Transmission. It’s a weekly newsletter where we all come together after the week, take a breather, regroup, and head into the weekend. Presently, we are in Year Seven. Join me and my readers and fans of fandom. I love the fan community as it’s a wonderful group of people to be part of, both physically and virtually. See you on the inside.
Since we’re now heading into summer, this is just a quick announcement to say that the content on this site won’t be as regular as usual, likewise for my other social platforms. The big reason is we’re on major deadline for the BATTLE OF POWER Trilogy for THE AXIOM-MAN SAGA, the second-biggest reason being I have some holiday time coming up and that will take away from entertaining you guys and, in the interest of self-care, it’s a good idea for me to just produce on a casual basis until the fall.
We all need to recharge our batteries now and then.
But, again, don’t worry. There will be content, but following the YEAR SEVEN model of fluidity versus a stringent schedule.
Be sure to check back here often. You never know what might pop up and catch your interest.
Have a great summer. Hope you like the Summer 2024 Content Schedule!
Publishing Books: The First Half of 2024 in Review
Since we’re at the halfway mark of 2024, I thought this would be a good time to review what’s been published this year so far. Link to book page in the descriptions, but this is where we stand so far in publishing books this year.
There will be a publishing gap until later in the fall. There might be one thing, but that’s in floating status at the moment. The work is done. Just an issue of assembly.
Surrounded by a strange red mist, Axiom-man finds himself in a world not his own. Not again. Meeting a man who calls himself the Crimson Cloak, Axiom-man and this red stranger must fight their way through a hotel of madness where each new floor brings on a deadly challenge. Go to book page.
All right, World, this is how it’s going to be: Rhymes and verse, Melodies rehearsed, across life’s rocky sea. Read a poem, maybe two, pick three if you wish to dare. Ramblings and coherence, sometimes jots of incoherence, anything for poetic flare. Enjoy and explore, please do, I implore. Let’s talk about life bizarre ’cause it’s pretty complex stuff, said Harvey Pekar. Go to book page.
Running from June 2020 to March 2024, readers received news straight from A.P. Fuchs’s bunker studio at Axiom-man Central that was meant to engage, entertain, and have some fun. Go to book page.