Status report – 041724:
All right, we’ve got a full roster going on over here. Between the stuff you see on a daily basis and working on stuff behind the scenes that you’ll see eventually, we have our hands full.
Right now we’re:
2) Freelance editing for a client
3) Creating daily content for you both here on this blog and across the Web
4) Getting the second season of the Realm of Heroes and Monsters: Story Time podcast ready for launch (I’m building a queue to ensure you get it weekly)
And a day job.
But basically, our creative focus is on the Axiom-man books for this year. My main goal is to get the first drafts done by summer with, say, mid-July completion at the latest. Then all the heavy lifting is done and it’s just an issue of cleaning things up before publication.
The secret to getting all the above done and maintaining the schedule is just that: maintaining the schedule. Work on something every day and eventually you’ll get what you need out of it.
Back to work.
This has been your Status Report for 041724.