• C4 Horror Con 2016 Recap

    On February 13 and 14 I attended C4’s first Horror Con here in Winnipeg at the RBC Convention Centre.

    C4 has been around for a long, long time and has run multiple conventions, but this was their first horror one. To be honest, I wasn’t sure what to expect or if, from a tabling point-of-view, it would be a good venue for me. Sure, there was the obvious: I write monster fiction and that should do well at a horror show, but that doesn’t matter if nobody shows up.

    Well, let me tell you, people did show up. A lot of people. I don’t know the exact numbers, but Saturday was hopping and there were times I had so many people getting books from me it was hard to keep up. There were a few lulls, but they didn’t last long and I was back to explaining my books, talking horror and having a good time.

    My table:

    Horror Con 2016 Table
    Horror Con 2016 Table


    On Saturday, I was on a panel for writing horror along with Chadwick Ginther and J.H. Moncrieff. It lasted about an hour and we talked about writing gore, going for the gross out, killing characters, that little nonsense thing called writer’s block, and a whole ton more.

    The panel:

    In order: Chadwick Ginther, J.H. Moncrieff, A.P. Fuchs
    In order: Chadwick Ginther, J.H. Moncrieff, A.P. Fuchs

    As usual, my zombie trilogy, Undead World, moved like crazy. I had to bring extra copies in for Sunday. As well, Magic Man Plus 15 Tales of Terror was a popular choice along with Viscious Verses and Reanimated Rhymes.

    In the end, I’m pleased to report it was a very solid show, both in terms of fun and selling books. I was shocked because my total-books-sold tally was not far under all those copies moved at C4 last fall, the big show that I wait all year for and with an attendance of over 40,000 people. This certainly makes a point about niche marketing.

    But all this book number junk aside, in the end, I was just glad to go, hang out with my convention friends and share in a common fandom.

    Putting books in a bag for a reader
    Putting books in a bag for a reader

  • Building . . .

    Art starts with a blank page.
    Art starts with a blank page.
    Lots of off-line work going on behind-the-scenes and I’m presently in the process of a multi-part project that I’ll be rolling out hopefully soon. It’s one of those have-to-make-a-bunch-of-things-first ones before reveal so it takes time. Also, the clock is ticking over here and if I don’t get it all finished by a certain date, the whole career rhythm will be disrupted and there will only be more delays.

    I hate delays, self-inflicted or otherwise.

    In the meantime, I’m still active in the public eye via my social media channels and I’ve been trying to put something up there for you every day or two. (See links to the right.) The newsletter is also a good way to keep up-to-date.

    Have a good weekend. Just wanted to keep everyone posted.

  • C4 Horror Con Appearance


    On February 13th and 14th I’ll be at C4’s first St. Valentine’s Day Horror Con at the RBC Convention Centre here in Winnipeg. I’m looking forward to it because I have a ton of monster fiction and it’ll be a good chance to connect with readers who will be there looking for that sort of material. I’m excited to see how it goes. As a bonus, I still have some copies of A Stranger Dead available and will be giving those away with each purchase. (Good while supplies last.)

    Stop by and tell me about your favorite monster.

    Hope to see you there.

  • Wrapping up 2015

    Hope everyone had a good Christmas week. As we head toward New Year, and since I finally have some breathing room after all the Holiday parties, I’m finishing up some odds and ends around the studio while also juggling admin catch-up work.

    I have some things planned for 2016, and it’s stuff that’s only appearing in 2016 because it wouldn’t be ready by the end of this year.

    I’m not one for New Year’s creative resolutions. Going to go into detail as to why in this Saturday’s newsletter. Tune in here.

    See you in 2016.

  • Doing Stuff

    Been fairly busy since Comic Con, most of my time tied up in odds and ends all pertaining to this business: shipping orders, admin stuff, newsletter work, marketing, networking, freelancing, etc. Wish I could say I’ve been honed in on just a thing or two this past week and a half, but that hasn’t been the case. At the same time, getting these tasks done free up time for more writing and/or provide the monetary means to do so. Being a working writer means sometimes doing things outside of actual writing. But when I say that, I’m referring to the physical act of writing and not the mental act of doing it. I’m busy in my head all the time–pre-writing, if you will–thus making keyboard time easier and faster when I sit down to type things out.

    Anyway, this post is just meant as a brief update. More in-depth updates and book/comic/writing talk can be found weekly via my newsletter (see sign up link on the right). Don’t miss it.

  • C4 Winnipeg 2015 Appearance

    All packed and ready to go for C4 Comic Con 2015
    All packed and ready to go for C4 Comic Con 2015
    Just a heads up I’ll be in Artist Alley at the RBC Convention Centre here in Winnipeg this weekend for the annual C4 Comic Con. I’ll have my entire catalogue on hand as well as giving away free copies of my first novel, A Stranger Dead, with each purchase.

    Show hours run:

    Friday – 2pm – 9pm
    Saturday – 9am – 7pm
    Sunday – 10am – 5pm

    I plan on being there from open until close each day. If, by chance, you come by my table and I’m not there, it means I’ve stepped out for a few minutes to stretch my legs but will be back shortly. Just hang tight. Likewise, if you have any books you’d like signed, bring them down and I’d be happy to sign them for you.

    See you then.

  • NaNoWriMo Plans for 2015

    20141022_161746_resizedAs much as I’d like to sit down and start a new novel from scratch, present deadlines dictate otherwise so even though this is my first year doing NaNoWriMo–I’ve always never bothered because I was writing anyway so just did my own thing–I’m not going to do it 100%. Yes, I’ll do the 50k, but no, I won’t be doing a new novel.

    What I will be doing is the following, which will use up that 50k:

    – Finish Zomtropolis (10-15k to go)

    – Finish Mech Apocalypse 2 (25k to go)

    – Two short story commissions (around 4-5k each)

    If the above doesn’t tally 50k, then I’ll do something short to round it out. You’ve got to basically do about 1,700 words a day to achieve the NaNoWriMo goal. I can do that. As well, since I’m working the Comic Con this weekend, Nov. 1 is out for me as a writing day, so the earlier I can start is Monday. Might be Tuesday because the day after the con I’m usually trashed and just veg out.

    Regardless, 50k before November is over. Done.

  • The Axiom-man Saga Reading Order (Updated)

    perf5.000x8.000.inddIn light of yesterday’s release of Axiom-man Episode No. 3: Rumblings, below is the updated reading order for the saga. In short, it’s real easy: full-length book, episode, full-length book, episode, etc. While there are a few short stories that take place throughout, the main storyline follows the books.

    Episode No. 0: First Night Out
    Doorway of Darkness
    Black Water (short story)
    Episode No. 1: The Dead Land
    There’s Something Rotten Up North (short story in the anthology, Metahumans vs the Undead)
    City of Ruin
    Rite of the Wolf (short story in the anthology, Metahumans vs Werewolves)
    Episode No. 2: Underground Crusade
    Episode No. 3: Rumblings

    For ordering information, please see the Book and Comic Shop on this site.


  • Rumblings (The Axiom-man Saga, Episode No. 3)

    Rumblings (The Axiom-man Saga, Episode No. 3)

    Axiom-man Episode No. 3: Rumblings Front Cover

    Axiom-man has been captured and locked inside an enormous electric cage. Within? A small city and residential zone. Who made them or for what purpose, he doesn’t know. One thing is certain, however: he is trapped and at the mercy of those who took him captive.

    The intentions are soon made clear with the appearance of two super-powered beings: the tank-like Battle Bruiser and the playful femme fatale Lady Fire. Soon the battle begins and Axiom-man is forced to survive against those with powers that rival his own. And it seems these two new metahumans are only the beginning. Something is brewing beneath the surface of reality, something sinister that will change the course of history and Axiom-man’s life forever.

    Something is rumbling.

    Available as a paperback at:

    Barnes and Noble

    Available as an eBook at:

    Amazon Kindle
    Drivethru Fiction

    More Axiom-man adventures after Rumblings to be had by going here!