• Tag Archives The Axiom-man Saga
  • Taking Notes Superhero Style

    DSCF3331As per my last post, the project right now is to reread The Axiom-man Saga thus far. It took a few days to get going, but now I’m in the midst of reading the first book. It’s strange reading it as just a reader versus going over it for edits. I admit that the editor side of my brain is looking at ways to tweak this or change that, but then I remember that I’m reading it for the joy of reading it and also to take notes, no other reason. A writer’s work is never done, it seems. The book was also written by a different guy some eight years ago. I was a different man back then with a different writing style.

    It is cool, however, to see the character in his infancy, to see him stumble along as he tries to figure out this whole superhero thing. At the time the story takes place, he’s only been at it four months, a time frame that isn’t long enough for someone to be truly adept at being a hero. It’s also neat considering I know where the story goes and is going, and I’m looking at Axiom-man thinking, Man, you have no idea of the scope of things ahead of you, how your universe and the reason for your existence is this huge thing and here you are still getting used to wearing a costume beneath your clothes.

    Like the picture shows, I’ve been taking notes, little things that I want to mention in the upcoming four-book arc or things simply for me to keep in mind while writing it. The main points I’m after are mythology-related and certain items that foreshadow where I’m ultimately leading everybody. I want to make sure I don’t leave anything out because the upcoming storyline is meant to wrap up everything that’s come before.

    After reading this first book, it’s onto First Night Out, which takes place between the “Four months earlier . . .” segments of Axiom-man and the novel’s main story.

    Like last entry, I’m asking for those who’ve read the series to come forward and write reviews. Reviews help spread the word and I’m hoping to grow The Axiom-man Saga in the coming year into something more prominent in the superhero fiction market.

    On a side note, I’m tabling at the Winnipeg Comic and Toy Expo this Sunday at the Viscount Gort Hotel in Winnipeg. Hope those in town can come out, say hi, and talk superheroes with me.

    Until next time . . .

  • Project Announcement: Axiom-man, Four-book Arc

    Cover to "Outlaw," the latest book in The Axiom-man Saga
    Cover to Outlaw, the latest book in The Axiom-man Saga
    Last entry I mentioned I decided what series of projects I’m going to do next.

    Today I reveal them.

    They are four new books in The Axiom-man Saga!

    They will make up the first-ever prequel and trilogy in the series. They will still follow the main feature/episode/main feature/episode reading format established thus far, with the prequel to be an episode novella and the trilogy–name to be revealed later–to be one main feature book, an episode, then finishing in a main feature book.

    I have these all blocked out in my head and what each one is going to be about. The plan is to tie up all loose storylines from the first seven books.

    The cool part, too, is these will all be written marathon-style as I’ve found with my past few books that I write really well just going whole hog and typing 6-10k a day (sometimes more). For this series I plan on writing all four books first then releasing them so fans can get the whole story in one shot instead of waiting between each installment.

    The titles for each of the books will be revealed after they are written. I found a word count widget–I think it was yesterday–that I’m going to use for each one and post them on the side of the blog so you can check in and see the progress of each book as I go along. The goal word count will be an estimate as I really don’t know the final word count until a book is finished, but the widget requires I put something as my end game.

    This week is Spring Break so my boys are home thus working is tricky as I juggle Dad duty and book stuff, so my first step is to re-read The Axiom-man Saga to date and make sure I remember all loose threads so they can be addressed when I go to town writing the new series. I also have some cool plans for the cover art so I’ll be getting in touch with the artists soon to share with them my vision.

    I’m really excited for this next set of books as they’ve been in my head for years but only now is Axiom-man at a point in his superhero career where he is able to take things to the next level.

    In the meantime, I’m asking readers who’ve read the first Axiom-man book–or any of the others–if they’d be willing to put up a review on Amazon. Reviews go a long way in selling books and I’d really like Axiom-man to have his day in the sun, so if you’ve enjoyed any of the books in the series, would you be willing to help out and take a few minutes to post a review? The first book in the series can be found on Amazon here. Thank you to those who are able to write something. It means a lot.

    I have more things planned as we lead up to the release of this new story arc, but in the meantime . . . I got some reading to do.

  • Canadian Scribbler: Collected Letters of an Underground Writer

    Canadian Scribbler: Collected Letters of an Underground Writer

    Canadian Scribbler: Collected Letters of an Underground Writer by A.P. Fuchs

    Bringing together letters from 2005 – 2013, Canadian Scribbler: Collected Letters of an Underground Writer is a look into the world of independent publisher, author, editor and cartoonist, A.P. Fuchs.

    Topics include: self-publishing tips and tricks, writing advice, the C4 Lit Fest short story critiques, Fuchs’s superhero epic The Axiom-man Saga, book reviews and commentary, the Second Coming, thoughts on the comic book market, the gray areas of modern day society, and much more.

    Includes letters to such literary notables as Stephen King, Dave Sim, George Clayton Johnson, Piers Anthony, Brian Michael Bendis, Kevin J. Anderson and many others.

    Always insightful, often witty and consistently inspirational, Canadian Scribbler: Collected Letters of an Underground Writer is a thoughtful collection of letters from one man whose passion for the creative industry—and trying to survive in it—shines through on every page.

    Available as a paperback at:

    Barnes and Noble
    Other On-line Retailers

    Available as an eBook at:

    Amazon Kindle
    Drivethru Fiction

    For more non-fiction, consider Look, Up on the Screen! The Big Book of Superhero Movie Reviews.