Fighting and Other Animation Shorts and Artwork (VHS 2000)
This short chunk of animation and art made up the first part of my animation demo reel. “Once Upon a Weiner” with Fred (Fredrikus) the dog was presented after. I wanted to share these brief cartoons and art pieces with you as a way to bring the past into the present.
Fighting and Other Animation Shorts and Artwork (VHS 2000)
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Here it is, the cartoon that started it all. Made in 2000, each frame was drawn, inked, and colored by yours truly. This is 2D animation the old-fashioned way. No computer assistance outside of the coloring, staging the frames, and the sound. Everything else was good ol’ pencil, ink, and paper.
This is the dog that inspired my webcomic, FREDRIKUS. Of course, in the webcomic, he’s middle-aged compared to this reel where he’s still a young guy doing something stupid.
It was real cool and real fun to watch this reel after 20 years. Yes, it’s pixelated. Was originally formatted for VHS and the tape’s been sitting around gathering dust for a couple decades. I don’t know how much wear that puts on the tape itself (degrading over time), but I’m still glad I got to salvage this cartoon and share it with you.
Hope you like it! Enjoy!
Fred the Dog in Once Upon a Weiner (2000 VHS Animation Demo Reel)
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