• Tag Archives burn out
  • Status Report – 031321

    status report 031321

    Status Report – 031321:

    I’ve been keeping busy as I recover from burn out. Fredrikus is getting my top priority. New episodes have been airing and I’m having a ball making them for you. I also seemed to have found my comic-making groove, which is a good thing.

    As for other projects, they are temporarily on the back burner as I ease my way back into creating. They’re not going away and will get done, but my health comes first and I’m content just doing Fredrikus for the time being.

    To start reading Fredrikus, go here. It will take you to the first page, which is the cover to Issue No. 1. If you’ve been reading the strips, just go to the site proper for the latest comic.

    And, as usual, if you need to contact me, you can do so by going here.

    This has been your Status Report for 031321.

  • Status Report: Notes from Sabbatical – 100120

    status report 100120

    Status Report: Notes from Sabbatical – 100120:

    I’m still taking things day by day. I really burnt myself out good so am simply easing my way back into creating and doing some of the peripheral tasks for it (like tweaking stories).

    I honestly don’t know how long this burn out will last. I’ve been burnt out before and it took months to recover. Couple that with my chronic health issues and I don’t know when things will get back to normal. All I can do is try and put one foot in front of the other.

    I’m still taking on freelance work, however, and that work gets priority over the other things I’ve been doing so if you’re looking for an editor, I’m available. Please see my rates page here.

    Anyway, just wanted to keep everyone in the loop.

    This concludes Status Report: Notes from Sabbatical – 100120.

  • On Juggling Multiple Projects

    On Juggling Multiple Projects

    on juggling multiple projects

    I used to work on one novel, one short story, and a poem at the same time. Then I switched to working on one book and/or item at a time. Now I’m back to working on multiple things at once. It’s a stretch of the mind, to be sure, but also a method of getting a lot done because you are multitasking. These days I usually have one personal project, something freelance, and something art-related all happening at the same time. Thus far, things are working out okay. This will probably change in the future as the project schedule changes, but until then, I’ll stick with this method of working.

    On a personal note, I am looking forward to things slowing down a bit. Can only go hard for so long until you burn out and, frankly, that’s already happened several times over. Gonna need time to recuperate but this going hard is all part of my masterplan so you gotta do what you gotta do when juggling multiple projects.
