• Hibernation Notice

    This is the official website of Canadian author and cartoonist A.P. Fuchs.

    I’m the author of over 30 books with more being created all the time. I write from Winnipeg, Manitoba, and am in the midst of a ton of deadlines, which is why this website will be quiet for a while. My main conduits to the outside world are Twitter and my newsletter, which is sent out weekly. To keep up-to-date with me, those two are your best options. I do pop in on Facebook once in a while, but will be scaling that back as I work off-line to finish a couple manuscripts and start some new ones.

    I bid you all well. Keep warm this winter.

  • Metahumans vs Werewolves: A Superhero vs Werewolf Anthology

    Metahumans vs Werewolves: A Superhero vs Werewolf Anthology

    Metahumans vs Werewolves edited by A.P. Fuchs

    The war between Good and Evil has raged since before Time began. Now it’s ultimate power versus ultimate savagery.

    With ferocious fangs, flesh-ripping claws and a feral hunger to destroy anything in their path, werewolves are one of the most feared monsters on the planet.

    Stepping in to stop their quest for blood are the metahumans, men and women with powerful abilities that set them apart from the rest of humanity. Some wear costumes as symbols of hope, others operate discreetly, using their special abilities for good. Put these two groups of people together and you have a clash between light and darkness that is sure to rock the foundation of the world and bring about an epic battle unlike anything seen before.

    Featuring familiar heroes like Axiom-man, Midnight Angel, Nightcat, The Wraith, The Cowl and others, these eleven stories of super-powered heroism and terror are a thrilling ride through the worlds of wolf and superhero, and to a place where only one can remain standing.

    Contains stories by Frank Dirscherl, Lorne Dixon, A.P. Fuchs, Anthony Giangregorio, Keith Gouveia, Jon Klement, J.L. MacDonald, Gina Ranalli, Jim Robb, Stephen Semones and Scott Story.

    Available as a paperback at:

    Barnes and Noble

    Available as an eBook at:

    Amazon Kindle
    Drivethru Fiction

    Check out this anthology’s superhero vs werewolf predecessor, Metahumans vs the Undead, by going here.

  • Metahumans vs the Undead: A Superhero vs Zombie Anthology

    Metahumans vs the Undead: A Superhero vs Zombie Anthology

    Metahumans vs the Undead: A Superhero vs Zombie Anthology edited by A.P. Fuchs

    The war between Good and Evil has raged since before Time began.

    Now the battle continues with the Ultimate Good versus the Ultimate Evil.

    Metahumans vs the Undead

    Metahuman: one of the human species endowed with one or more powers beyond that of mortal men; a person who uses those abilities to serve either themselves or society. Typically branded by a codename and colorful costume. AKA Superhero.

    Undead: one of the human species endowed with life even after death; a walking corpse. Typically branded by their decayed form and appetite for human flesh. AKA Zombie.

    In a world where superheroes and zombies collide, only one can prove the victor.

    Featuring indie heroic favorites like Axiom-man, The Wraith and Shadowflame, while also introducing newcomers like Nightcat, Spectrolite, Midnight Angel and more, Metahumans vs the Undead is a terror-filled action adventure where Light and Darkness collide and only one can prevail.

    Contains stories by: Rebecca Besser, Eric S. Brown, Frank Dirscherl, Lorne Dixon, A.P. Fuchs, Anthony Giangregorio, Keith Gouveia, J.L. MacDonald, Joe Martino, Rhiannon Paille, Gina Ranalli and J.B. Robb.

    Available as a paperback at:

    Barnes and Noble

    Available as an eBook at:

    Amazon Kindle
    Drivethru Fiction

    Grab the sequel to this superhero vs zombie anthology, Metahumans vs Werewolves, by going here.

  • Mech Apocalypse: A Military Science Fiction Thriller

    Mech Apocalypse: A Military Science Fiction Thriller

    Mechapocalypse: A Military Science Fiction Thriller by A.P. Fuchs

    A Stolen Weapon.

    A Rising Enemy.

    A Change to History.

    Riley Connor was one of the best skilled mech-pilots in the war between the Expherions and the Supremechs. Now, with the war over, he serves as a Peacemaker, part military, part law enforcement. When a secret weapon is stolen from the abandoned base Stake 47, he is suddenly thrust into a battle not just for the future security of the planet, but of the war he thought over with.

    Teamed with Sophie Jones, another highly trained officer and someone he is close to, they seek to discover precisely what this weapon is and what it can do. Also paired with them is Nick Fox, a seasoned war vet, and Grayson Wilder, a rookie exo-suit warrior. Together, the four must not only locate the weapon, but bring the thieves to justice.

    All goes haywire when the weapon is activated and an evil thought vanquished returns. Soon, Riley and Sophie find themselves in a place different from the world they left yet also familiar.

    From high flying exo-suit battles to giant mech-bots exchanging missile fire, Mech Apocalypse is an action-packed military science fiction adventure that will leave you on the edge of your seat!

    Available as a paperback at:

    Barnes and Noble

    Available as an eBook at:

    Amazon Kindle
    Drivethru Fiction

    Need more awesome books? Look no further than here.

  • And Then There Was Comics . . .

    Mech Apocalypse has hit Kindle and in a few days will be popping up on-line in paperback form. The book is almost out and then I can start marketing it. Now, with that project out of the way, I’m free to focus on other things so this week I came up with a graphic novel concept I’m eager to delve into. I wrote up a treatment for it–basically a story overview sans any specific details–and am about to hunker down and outline the thing scene-by-scene. Once that’s done, I’ll go back over it and expand the scenes by adding in dialogue, captions, camera angles and all the rest. It’s going to be a big book, over a hundred comic pages when done. The plan is to draw it once it’s written. I’ve wanted to get back into comics for a while and this seems like a good opportunity to do so. Don’t worry. It doesn’t mean I’m abandoning prose. Just taking a break from it. The sequel to Mech Apocalypse is half-written so it won’t take long to finish that up and bring it to you guys in the New Year. I’ll follow up with the third volume in the trilogy later on in 2015.

    Thing is, I want to do an “in-between” project, something to keep me busy while I let the Mech Apocalypse world of mech-bots and exo-suits percolate in the back of my head. Comics seems a good place to do so. I also plan on doing an in-between project between Mech Apocalypse 2 and Mech Apocalypse 3. I have a book that’s already 3/4 written. The problem is it’s horror and since I don’t do horror anymore, it’d be an awful shame to let so much of an already-written book go to waste. So I’m going to retool it into a sci-fi, which, given the story, would be quite easy to do. More details on that project when the time comes.

    In the meantime, I’m going to make some comics.

    I plan on giving more details about this graphic novel project, along with its title, once I script the thing. At that point, with the script locked down, it becomes official and I can then start talking it up to get you interested.

    Besides, I’ve been itching to draw comics again for a good while now.

    Now’s a good time.

  • Keeping Up-to-Date

    I realize this site has been awfully quiet over the past couple months. One reason is simply that I’ve been busy. The other reason is, thanks to my weekly newsletter, I don’t have much to post here as I put all my updates and whatnot in that.

    I’ve considered posting my newsletter here as well, but also think that if I do that, then no one would sign up for because they could simply get the info here on-site.

    Will have to mull this over more.

    Anyway, things are happening behind-the-scenes, but we’re still in work mode here so not much to report.

    Will have to come up with a plan for this site. It’s been through different incarnations over the years in terms of what and how I post.

    I preach updating your website at least once a week and yet here I am posting next to nil. That’s my task this week: thinking of a plan for this site. Again, because of the newsletter, that’s become my “info dump” as opposed to this webpage. I enjoy writing the newsletter and encourage you to sign up. Lots of goodies there.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

  • Redemption of the Dead (Undead World Trilogy, Book 3)

    Redemption of the Dead (Undead World Trilogy, Book 3)

    Redemption of the Dead, a zombie novel by A.P. Fuchs

    A Rising Army.

    The Devil.


    The forces of Good and Evil are gathering, each side preparing themselves for what could be their last confrontation because the commander of the armies of darkness has arrived on Earth—the devil himself.

    Overwhelmed after witnessing the manifestation of Heaven’s fallen angel, Lucifer, Billie is assigned two final tasks before the big battle. These assignments take her across the world where she meets two German brothers who prove to be tremendous allies as she goes to recruit brave men and women for humanity’s last stand, and the strange supernatural tool required to finally set all things right.

    Back in the city, Joe and Tracy have to lean on each other and learn that a world full of zombies with Hell’s army at the door isn’t a time to keep secrets and risk the lives of others to keep them safe. The two go head-to-head as they struggle to survive what they discover are the last days of the zombie invasion and the powerful supernatural forces behind it.

    This final installment in the Undead World Trilogy is a wild adventure through a post-apocalyptic world that takes the reader to the very gates of Hell for one last strike against an enemy that has destroyed a planet.

    This is Redemption of the Dead.

    Available as a paperback at:

    Barnes and Noble

    Available as an eBook at:

    Amazon Kindle
    Drivethru Fiction

    Be sure to complete your Undead World Trilogy set with Blood of the Dead (Book 1) and Possession of the Dead (Book 2).

  • Possession of the Dead (Undead World Trilogy, Book 2)

    Possession of the Dead (Undead World Trilogy, Book 2)

    Possession of the Dead, a zombie book by A.P. Fuchs



    Giant Zombies.

    Things have changed.

    Ever since returning through the Storm of Skulls to the present day, Joe, Billie and August have discovered the world they now inhabit, is not the world they left behind. The zombie threat has evolved to gargantuan proportions. Now aided by giant undead—massive monsters with phenomenal strength and power, with deadly appetites just as vast—the zombie population moves to devour any and all life.

    Separated from his friends, Joe learns that not all hope is lost for humanity when he meets, Tracy, a woman who exudes a strength to rival his own. Tracy brings him to the Hub, an underground sanctuary where life continues in a dead world, but his thoughts linger on his missing friends.

    August and Billie have problems of their own, and soon learn the same plight that affected a past friend of theirs now affects many: zombies with shapeshifting capability. Now, anyone is suspect. Yet even with this newfound knowledge, more is heaped upon them when the agenda of the undead is revealed and humanity is the one caught in the crossfire.

    A war is raging, one between angels and demons, monsters and man.

    And it’s only escalating.

    Welcome to Possession of the Dead.

    Available as a paperback at:

    Barnes and Noble

    Available as an eBook at:

    Amazon Kindle
    Drivethru Fiction

    Be sure to check out the other books in the Undead World Trilogy, Blood of the Dead (Book 1) and Redemption of the Dead (Book 3).

  • Blood of the Dead (Undead World Trilogy, Book 1)

    Blood of the Dead (Undead World Trilogy, Book 1)

    Blood of the Dead a zombie novel by A.P. Fuchs

    One year ago, the world came to an end.

    First came the rain.

    Then came the screams.

    Then came the undead.

    The Haven became the only place in the city free of the walking dead. A place of community. A place to be safe.

    Now, things have changed.

    The zombies are coming to the Haven, seeking out the remaining survivors of the human race.

    Joe Bailey prowls the Haven’s streets, taking them back from the undead, each kill one step closer to reclaiming a life once stolen from him. Billie Friday and Des Nottingham soon have Joe to thank for their lives.

    As the dead push into the Haven, the trio is forced into the one place where folks fear to tread: the heart of the city, a place overrun with flesh-eating zombies.

    They soon discover they are not the only humans there. After meeting an old man with a peculiar past, Joe and the others must make one last stand against the undead or unwillingly meet the same fate.

    A desperate escape leads them to a place thought impossible to exist and to a discovery that will shake the future.

    Welcome to the end of all things.

    Available as a paperback at:

    Barnes and Noble

    Available as an eBook at:

    Amazon Kindle
    Drivethru Fiction

    Be sure to check out the other zombie books in this series after Blood of the Dead: Possession of the Dead and Redemption of the Dead.