• Tag Archives public journal
  • Recap Tunnel: Reviewing 2019

    Superman Intarsia Clock
    Background: A Superman intarsia clock I made in junior high.
    Foreground: a Lego Enterprise (a gift from my son)

    Very soon the Timeline of All Things goes into a new decade so it’s fair to begin reviewing 2019.

    Soon we’ll all be taking some time to think and reflect and look forward to the 2020s with excitement and a little fear.

    Soon everyone on Earth will have to get used to writing 2020 when they date something.

    This is a heads up that between now and when the year closes out, some blog entries will show up recapping various items from the past year in an effort to play some good old-fashioned “remember when.”

    First up, and solely because I want to give people time and not do it at the last-minute, my freelance rates are changing January 1, 2020, so if you would like someone to edit your book/comic, design your book/comic cover, layout the interior, or do custom artwork, please go here to see my current rates and extensive experience. I will honor 2019’s rates if I’m booked by the end of the day on December 31 even if you’re project won’t be ready for me to work on until early in the New Year.

    Second up are the Public Journals. These are the entries that are titled, “On Fill-in-the-blank.” I’m thinking of making a page here on the site linking to them all. They regularly air on social media. These have been fun to do and are a bit cathartic. Due to their short nature, they are good for voicing an opinion or concern without going on and on about it. In short, they are meant to be straight, brief, and to the point. Feel free to poke around the blog to track down the entries. You can make a game out of it. (Or just use this cheat link.)

    Have a good day, people.

    Remember, The Canister X Transmission goes out tomorrow. Be sure to subscribe here so you don’t miss it.

  • Public Journaling

    Some say blogging is dead. Others still keep at it. I honestly don’t know if blogging is indeed dead, but I do know that writing is very much alive. I’ve been giving a lot of thought to blogging lately–as if I already don’t have enough to do–and want to revive this blog again. It used to be done five days a week, and most–perhaps all–of that was lost to the meltdown of 2014. Anyway, I was thinking that a good exercise would be to do some sort of weekly–maybe at one point daily–public journal. It could be about anything: Tell a life story, show a poem, post a picture and talk about it. Whatever.

    In terms of weekly commitments, my main one is my newsletter. To add another, I’m hoping, won’t be too much. Who knows? Maybe one day there’d be enough journal entries to make a blook (a blog book)? The entries would probably be short, maybe a few hundred words, unless I really get going. The idea would be to clear the cobwebs and dump out whatever I’m thinking about. Some sort of alternative reading resource.

    Blogging. It’s been awhile.

    Journaling might be even better.