Status Report – 021324


Status Report – 021324:

All right, so things are starting to come together. Just over the weekend I received back the edits for AXIOM-MAN/CRIMSON CLOAK: SCARLET SYNERGY, which means that after I go over the edits (which is me doing just that: looking at the edits only prior to a final pass), the book goes into the production machine, gets a final look-over, then off to you, dear reader.

I’m really excited to release this book. It’s not your usual Axiom-man story and it was a chance for me to start a mythology that may or may not be true. I’ll leave that to you to decide for when the book comes out.

Also, I got the final piece I needed for my Writing 101 series I’m bringing to YouTube. There’s a method to the madness here and a bit of scheduling. It’ll all make sense as the episodes come out.

Lastly, this week is also a major work week with a ton of hours needing to be put in so if I’m a bit silent on the social feeds, that is why.

This has been your Status Report for 021324.

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