• Funko Friday: Winnipeg Comic Con Funko Pop Haul! Superman and He-Man

    Funko Friday: Winnipeg Comic Con Funko Pop Haul! Superman and He-Man |

    Super Awesome Pops!

    Funko Friday Winnipeg Comic Con Funko Pop Haul Superman and He-Man Super Awesome Pops thumbnail

    Winnipeg Comic Con 2024 was a blast. I tabled in Artist Alley and shared my books of superheroes and monsters with people of all ages. The Axiom-man superhero books and the Zomtropolis zombie book were bestsellers.

    Winnipeg is really great at supporting the arts so, thank you, hometown.

    While we were there, of course we did a little shopping and found these five wicked Funko Pops! for well below their value. We’re talking old-school black and white Superman never mind the He-Man was I after. (You guys might have decent pricing in the States but here in Canada some of this run-of-the-mill stuff costs way extra.)

    Please check out this video for a Funko good time and check out this Funko Pop Haul!

    Justice League The Snyder Cut – Black Suit Superman at Amazon here.

    Superman Blue Electric Suit at Amazon here.

    He-Man at Amazon here.

    Prince Adam at Amazon here.

    Don’t forget to stay to the end for more Funk Pop! videos.

    Thank you for watching Axiom-man TV.

    Don’t forget to subscribe!

    Funko Friday: Winnipeg Comic Con Funko Pop Haul! Superman and He-Man | Super Awesome Pops!

    LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/apfuchs

    Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/apfuchs

  • The Canister X Transmission: Issue 355

    The Canister X Transmission: Issue 355

    Canister X Transmission Years 1 to 6

    Issue Three Hundred-fifty-five – November 2, 2024

    Greetings . . . and all that.

    As I start this edition, we are dead in bed from working heavy hours for two weeks straight.

    I remember the jobs I had in my early twenties and how my whole life schedule-wise revolved around them and I was all into it and having a blast—and that had nothing to do with a paycheck. I just enjoyed working. Was able to be in go-mode all the time without issue. Now that’s starting to slow down. I still enjoy working. I’m a workaholic. Current work-on-self project is finding balance between work and play so I’m still testing things out, but sheesh . . . fried.


    Okay, the Good news/Bad news. I don’t know if I should preface with the good then do the bad or . . . . Okay, that’s the path. Here:

    Good news is the writing of the BATTLE OF POWER Trilogy is getting done and on schedule for new deadline, and the general three-part cover layout is complete as of this writing. The bad news is we obviously missed our end-of-October release plan.

    But there’s good, solid, and valid reason and I ask for your trust in that regard.

    An event occurred beyond anyone’s control behind the scenes and it was a dead serious matter. Everyone is okay but it occurred out of nowhere thus skewing the schedule.

    Current aim is to release by end of year. I do indeed want to cap off 2024 with the trilogy so I can dedicate prime creative energy into art in 2025.

    We’re working on it. Thanks for your patience.


    Saturday AM.

    We argued with ourselves this morning, a grown-up human being lying in bed with the head craving the pillow and the body wanting to move. You feel like an idiot because it’s you vs you and there are valid arguments for getting up and staying down.

    We got up.

    Nap, certainly, later, but we got up. A cold started yesterday, and today I’m very coughy with yuck to go with it. It’s very much going to be a pace-it day unless things improve.

    Last weekend I did some live video at the Winnipeg Comic Con. They were this week’s effort on the socials for those who didn’t catch it live. I also took a ton of pics so plan to do a picture compilation video as soon as able.

    Here are the live ones:

    Live Stream No. 3: Dystopian YA Author Melinda Marshall at Winnipeg Comic Con 2024

    Live Stream No. 4: Winnipeg Comic Con 2024 Artist Alley Tour!


    I’ve been doing conventions for years and always heard people complain about “con crud” after the fact. (Con crud is basically you getting sick after a show because you were around 10,000-plus other people; last weekend’s turnout was 30,000, I was told.) Never been an issue but Melinda came down with something nearly right after the show. I was fine and conquered the week but yesterday the coughing really got going and I feel the inklings of a cold today. Even while in bed this morning I was freezing despite being completely dry (so not from a night sweat).

    The plan is to load up on some cold-fighting home remedies, maybe a store-bought one, a hot shower, and some rest. For colds, my usual routine is simply load up on the above then sleep it off. Nine times out of ten I wake up with the cold mostly gone.

    Into battle, I suppose?


    Lastly, we scored big on Funko Pops at the show, stuff that was super pricey online and I got them for about 85% off, all perfect condition.

    The beauty of conventions.

    I’ll leave you be now. I need to heal up.

    Have a good weekend, and if you’ve got your own version of con crud going on, time to tackle it and deal.



    A.P. Fuchs

    Con Crud, MB

    Patreon: Serial books, comics, essays, pics, videos, and all sorts of fun nerdity.

    YouTube ongoing subscription drive: The channel for Heroes and Monsters. Pop Culture galore, stories, vLogs, collectibles, book spotlights, author advice, and more!

    End transmission

    Please go here to join THE CANISTER X TRANSMISSION newsletter for free. Thanks.

  • Live Stream No. 4: Winnipeg Comic Con 2024 Artist Alley Tour!

    Live Stream No. 4: Winnipeg Comic Con 2024 Artist Alley Tour!

    A.P. Fuchs Live No 4 Winnipeg Comic Con 2024 Artist Alley Tour thumbnail

    Join author and artist A.P. Fuchs live at Winnipeg Comic Con 2024 as he takes through a tour of Artist Alley. Starting off at his table then eventually circling back, this tour offers a wonderful insight into the various artists and writers who were at the show entertaining the public. You also get to see some other neat items folks had up for sale. Even a few smiled and waved at the camera. Winnipeg is loaded with friendly creators.

    Supporting the independent arts is important. It not only gives you a piece of entertainment, but it gives the creator a boost as well to keep on going and making stuff for you.

    Check everything from superheroes to horror to independent comics and creators, to authors and books, and, of course, some fun Pop Culture fandom.


    Thank you for watching Axiom-man TV.


    Live Stream No. 4: Comic Con 2024 Artist Alley Tour!

    LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/apfuchs

    Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/apfuchs

  • Live Stream No. 3: Dystopian YA Author Melinda Marshall at Winnipeg Comic Con 2024

    Live Stream No. 3: Dystopian YA Author Melinda Marshall at Winnipeg Comic Con 2024

    A.P. Fuchs Live No 3 Typhon Project Melinda Marshall Interview Winnipeg Comic Con thumbnail

    Live at Winnipeg Comic Con 2024 author A.P. Fuchs interviews author Melinda Marshall about her new Dystopian YA release, THE TYPHON PROJECT!

    This book was a hot seller at the show and Melinda put a lot of work into it. The miracle of this book is the first draft was written in three days as part of a novel writing contest. Of course, it went through revisions and edits after, but getting a first draft out in three days is an impressive feat.

    Listen to Melinda as she discusses her new book that debuted at the convention and found its way into many readers’ hands.

    THE TYPHON PROJECT by Melinda Marshall:

    Short synopsis:

    To save humanity, Leah is among the chosen for genetic modification. She is sent to The Typhon Project with the hope of finding a cure to save what’s left of the planet. But she can’t shake the suspicion something isn’t right.

    Available in paperback and eBook at your favorite bookstore or online vendor like:

    Amazon (US)

    Amazon (CAN)

    Amazon (UK)

    Barnes and Noble

    Thank you for watching Axiom-man TV.


    Live Stream No. 3: Dystopian YA Author Melinda Marshall at Winnipeg Comic Con 2024



  • Winnipeg Comic Con 2024 A.P. Fuchs and Melinda Marshall Books Unboxing – Dystopian YA and Monsters and Superheroes!

    Winnipeg Comic Con 2024 A.P. Fuchs and Melinda Marshall Books Unboxing – Dystopian YA and Monsters and Superheroes!

    Canister X Mailbag - Winnipeg Comic Con 2024 A.P. Fuchs and Melinda Marshall Books Unboxing - Dystopian YA and Monsters and Superheroes thumbnail

    Winnipeg Comic Con is coming up on October 25, 2024, which is one week away from the posting of this video. Wonderful book stock just arrived and author Melinda Marshall and myself want to share the opening of these boxes with you because they contain new titles by both of us!

    The big highlights are:

    THE TYPHON PROJECT (Dystopian YA) by Melinda Marshall:

    To save humanity, Leah is among the chosen for genetic modification. She is sent to The Typhon Project with the hope of finding a cure to save what’s left of the planet. But she can’t shake the suspicion something isn’t right.

    Amazon (US)

    Amazon (CAN)

    Amazon (UK)

    Barnes and Noble


    Surrounded by a strange red mist, Axiom-man finds himself in a world not his own. Not again. Meeting a man who calls himself the Crimson Cloak, Axiom-man and this red stranger must fight their way through a hotel of madness where each new floor brings on a deadly challenge.

    Amazon (US)

    Amazon (CAN)

    Amazon (UK)

    Barnes and Noble

    CAUGHT IN BLACK HEADLIGHTS (Poetry) by A.P. Fuchs:

    All right, World, this is how it’s going to be: Rhymes and verse, Melodies rehearsed, across life’s rocky sea. Read a poem, maybe two, pick three if you wish to dare. Ramblings and coherence, sometimes jots of incoherence, anything for poetic flare. Enjoy and explore, please do, I implore. Let’s talk about life bizarre ’cause it’s pretty complex stuff, said Harvey Pekar.

    Amazon (US)

    Amazon (CAN)

    Amazon (UK)

    Barnes and Noble

    Be sure to check these hot books out and support independent writing and publishing!

    Thank you for watching Axiom-man TV.


    Winnipeg Comic Con 2024 A.P. Fuchs and Melinda Marshall Books Unboxing – Dystopian YA and Monsters and Superheroes!

    LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/apfuchs

    Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/apfuchs

  • Funko Friday: Peter Pan and His Shadow Funko Pops

    Funko Friday: Peter Pan and His Shadow Funko Pops

    Funko Friday Peter Pan and His Shadow Funko Pops thumbnail

    Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie is one of my favorite stories of all time. It’s been presented in different ways over the years depending on audience, but the concept and background of the character has always remained the same. Being a superhero nut, I’ve always equated Peter Pan as a kind of swashbuckling superhero, “super” because he can fly.

    These two Funko Pops hold a great meaning to me for a few special reasons of which are given in this video. Hope you check it out and join me as we take the second star to the right and straight on ’til morning to Neverland.

    Peter Pan and His Shadow Funko Pops at Amazon here.

    Thank you for watching Axiom-man TV.

    Don’t forget to subscribe!

    Funko Friday: Peter Pan and His Shadow Funko Pops

    LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/apfuchs

    Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/apfuchs

  • Canister X Mailbag – Spoiler Funko Pop! Unboxing – 10122024

    Canister X Mailbag – Spoiler Funko Pop! Unboxing – 10122024

    Canister X Mailbag - Spoiler Funko Pop Unboxing - October122024 thumbnail

    I collected the Robin comic books series back when Tim Drake was the star. Spoiler was a fantastic character and a Robin to his, er, Robin. But she also held her own and even held him in check at times. Of course, there was the romantic tension between them and while they were shy–they were teens, after all–they both knew they had it bad for the other person.

    When they made this Funko Pop, I had to have one to go along with my Robin, Batman, and Nightwing as part of the bat-family. Welcome aboard the Funko ship, Spoiler!

    Snag your own slick Spoiler Pop at Amazon here.

    Don’t forget to subscribe to stay up to date on all the latest videos.

    Thank you for watching Axiom-man TV.

    Canister X Mailbag – Spoiler Funko Pop! Unboxing – 10122024

    Webcomic, FREDRIKUS.


    LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/apfuchs

    Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/apfuchs

  • Station Ident – 101524

    Station Ident – 101524

    station ident 101524

    Station Ident – 101524

    This is your station identification for 101524.

    My name is A.P. Fuchs and welcome to my website where superheroes and monsters and Pop Culture reign galore. I’m an indie author, cartoonist, publisher, and freelancer in the worlds of books and comics, and have been so for the past 25 years. This is Canister X, my official blog and the Realm of Heroes and Monsters, where we’re in summer mode despite it being fall in terms of content.

    Summer mode will continue until the Axiom-man books in the BATTLE OF POWER Trilogy are off to press as creative stuff like that gets priority, but it’s going to follow the theme of the CANISTER X TRANSMISSION: YEAR SEVEN of fluidity. We’re gonna play it nice and loose.

    My social media presences are:














    YouTube Music

    My Patreon page is here. It’s a very special place on the Internet where I post serial novels, serial comics, essays and articles on the creative arts business, behind-the-scenes insights, art, photos, and more. Join me and my other patrons and be a part of something entertaining and interesting with consistent content. Check out the slick trailer for the page.

    I’m also the writer/artist behind the webcomic, Fredrikus, which you can read from the beginning here.

    On Saturdays, I send out my newsletter, The Canister X Transmission. It’s a weekly newsletter where we all come together after the week, take a breather, regroup, and launch into the weekend. Presently, we are in Year Seven. Join me and my readers and fans of fandom. I love the fan community as it’s the best group of people to be part of, both physically and virtually.

    See you inside.

    End station identification.

  • Lego Minifigure Monday!

    Lego Minifigure Monday!

    LEGO logo

    Last week I launched my latest Pop Culture collectible YouTube effort: Lego Minifigure Monday! This is to compliment Funko Friday.

    I love Lego minifigures. I mean, who doesn’t? And I found a supply source that doesn’t crush my bank account so for the past while I’ve been ordering up all sorts of Pop Culture Lego figures like Superman, Batman, Nightwing, Spider-Man, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Ghostbusters, and more!

    First short reel aired last week and Clark Kent got the spotlight and the debut. Check it out below.

    Lego Minifigure Monday: Clark Kent

    Today, the second one is Christopher Reeve Superman or classic Superman.

    Check this bad boy out! I mean, Superboy.

    More next week. And yet more in the weeks to come. Be sure to check out my YouTube channel once a week for a new figure.

    These are shorts and reels so they don’t get the same attention on the blog as the full-length videos so be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode of Lego Minifigure Monday!

    Lego Minifigure Monday: Classic Superman



    PS. Seriously, there are a TON of cool figures so stay tuned. Lots coming.

  • Monsters and Mechs Bestsellers in September

    Monsters and Mechs Bestsellers in September

    A.P. Fuchs Giant Alligators and Zombies and Mech Bestselling Books

    Though I’m not one to have a constant eye on the sales charts, running a publishing house requires administration now and then to keep things organized and knowing what’s where and what’s what so that, should the paperwork ever need to be looked at by an authority from the outside, I have all my ducks in a row.

    I’m a huge proponent of proper business management for any creator regardless of craft or medium. If you’re selling your work, you’re a business therefore things need to be addressed in that light.

    September 2024 saw some cool titles for top sales. While true that every book is an author’s baby, let’s be honest, some babies are cuter than others. In the case of MECH APOCALYPSE, GIGANTI-GATOR DEATH MACHINE, and ZOMTROPOLIS, these are babies I personally consider among the top cute ones in my crib. They also have favorable reviews so, I suppose, that means others think they’re cute too.

    Ah, metaphors.

    Thank you to everyone who supported these titles last month. I truly hope you enjoy(ed) reading them and that they take/took you on a wild ride through the fantastic, whether terrifying or scientific or a bit of both.

    Oh, and let’s not forget the action part. Lots of that in all of them, too. I mean, monsters and mechs. What else would there be?

    Thank you again. It means a lot to a creator when their work is supported. Like I’ve mentioned on this blog before, if I was independently wealthy, all this stuff would be free and paperbacks would only be charged at cost so a sweet deal for you. Until that day, thank you in advance for any further support.

    – APF

    Ps. If you want free stories, check out my podcast, THE REALM OF HEROES AND MONSTERS: STORY TIME with A.P. FUCHS. Two seasons so far, 52 stories shared. More coming next season. Peace.