Live Stream No. 2: Marvel Legends Retro Action Figure and Hotwheels Shopping
We’re back at Dollarama because they restocked their Marvel Legends action figures. Last night I found some good ones so thought I would take a collectibles shopping trip today.
We did find some cool Hotwheels. 5-pack. A shorts reel to come.
Live Stream No. 2: Marvel Legends Retro Action Figure and Hotwheels Shopping
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I searched and I searched, high and low and low and high, then one day out of the blue a kind lady offered to gift me this SUPER action figure because she saw on social media I was looking for it but to no success.
Special thanks to Veronica and Zach for their kindness.
This is it! A Superman Super Powers action figure! This is a retro release by McFarlane Toys, utilizing the same branding Kenner did way back in the ’80s. I played with my Superman toy when I was a kid until I wore it out so bad my folks had to buy me a new one. It got lost over the years but now I have Superman anew and this fanboy is thrilled to the bone!