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  • A.P. Fuchs Live No. 1 Bookshelf Tour

    A.P. Fuchs Live No. 1 Bookshelf Tour

    A.P. Fuchs Live No. 1 Bookshelf Tour 02232024 thumbnail

    So on Friday night, I decided to experiment with YouTube’s live stream feature. I’ve never used it before so hopped on the app and poked at some of the buttons to see what did what and what the interface looks like. Things seemed simple enough and we were able to get things going. To make the video interesting outside of me yapping at the camera and pushing buttons, I gave a brief tour of my home library along with some of the collectibles cluttering the shelf.

    The plan is to revamp the studio for 2024 and all those collectibles like Funko Pops! etc. that require a shelf for display will be moved into the studio and current swathe of action figures covering the studio walls will be replaced with some new ones along with the shelving.

    I also plan to do some other cool things with the studio when redecorating and I’ll share them with you when I do a 2024 Studio Tour video. Here’s the 2023 Studio Tour.

    Anyway, this was the live stream and bookshelf tour. I plan to do more but one thing at a time.

    Be sure to subscribe for pop culture and book and comic goodness!

    Live Stream No. 1: Test Edition – Home Library