Status Report – 120224

status report 120224

Status Report – 120224:

The main driver creative workwise these days is catch-up. I’m not dreadfully behind, but behind enough that it’s a bother, but I’m more behind in the business side of this industry than the creative part. After all, about 10% of this stuff is the making of it; the other 90% is running it.

We had hoped to end the year with the BATTLE OF POWER Trilogy. For those who missed the news in my newsletter, all is in order except for a couple items outside anybody’s control. So, in terms of the creator keeping his end of the bargain, this has been done. It terms of others, not so much so we’re in a temporary holding pattern. I have a plan if this holding pattern continues as I don’t want it to push the trilogy way down the timeline. The odds of finishing 2024 with the trilogy release are pretty much nil but very early in the New Year is completely possible and doable.

Still, we got three books out this year (with a possible fourth up in the air, an Eventual Book): AXIOM-MAN/CRIMSON CLOAK: SCARLET SYNERGY, CAUGHT IN BLACK HEADLIGHTS, and THE CANISTER X TRANSMISSION: THE VERY LONG YEAR SIX.

Now that I’m dealing with a layoff from work, I won’t have to pull double duty and work both this job and the other one. So far, over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been able to get a good chunk of rest in and also make some solid headway in publishing-related items that were more “pick at” projects before due to the limited hours.

A list is made and is being worked through. More stuff is being added to the list as I think of it. This is a longview program, meaning I’m giving myself three months to complete the items. All things being equal, three months is more than what’s required but you never know what might come up, like our logistics issue with the BATTLE OF POWER Trilogy.

All right, I need to do something I’ve been putting off solely due to time.

Last, a special Patreon index is coming to the blog. The idea is it’ll help you find items and navigate the Patreon page with ease right here at the blog. This will give you the chance to check out some content as well as consider joining the Patreon journey.

By the way, it’s Minifigure Monday here on 120224 and an amazing 1989 Batman is on the docket.


This has been your Status Report for 120224.

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