Status Report – 052324


Status Report 052324:

I heard back from Archives Canada regarding my reserved eBook ISBN number for CAUGHT IN BLACK HEADLIGHTS. I’m in a position to upload now but when I do, I want to make sure my head is clear so I can make any last-minute adjustments correctly. This may happen within the next couple if days but definitely this weekend so we’re still on track for release.

For those who read my recent newsletter, I came to an agreement with myself that for the secret Fredrikus project, if we average one item every few days, we’ll be in good shape come time when other stuff is wiped off the plate. Then after that, things will bulldoze ahead and my comic goals for 2024 will be met.

Yesterday, I posted about how to overcome writer’s block. You can check out the entry here or the direct video here.

Further, THE CANISTER X TRANSMISSION: THE VERY LONG YEAR SIX is about 70% formatted, which keeps us on track for an end-of-June release.

Lastly, work on the BATTLE OF POWER TRILOGY is still underway and thus far we are on schedule. I’m going to be putting down a lot of words in the near future and I know I’ll feel lighter once the first installment is complete. The other two installments all feed from that one so once that one is complete, then it’s kind of an issue of expanding on it but not in a purple prose way. In a more story way. As mentioned, this concludes the first act of THE AXIOM-MAN SAGA.

This has been your Status Report for 052324.

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