My plan, I mean.
Project-wise, I have an idea of where I’m going, that is, I know what I’m writing, just an issue of what project comes first.
So that’s good.
In terms of my on-line presence and whatnot, the “simply working” thing is, and will be, in place. Sometimes I forget what things looked like from your perspective, so while it seemed, to me, I was always on-line, the times I actually popped my head up were about average to those looking on. That’s not to say I loathe being on-line. Quite the contrary. I find myself slipping into the Twitter vortex rather often. Used to be a Facebook junkie until I switched to a fan page versus a personal one. Now I can’t see anything other than logging in. Which is fine as Facebook, for me, will become more of a broadcast point and central hub. Twitter is where I’m at these days. I really like how I can streamline the news feed and see what I want to see and, because it’s only 140 characters per post, it’s very neat and tidy.
Simply tweeting?
Anyway . . .
I’m going to start next week on getting my panels together for the Central Canada Lit Fest at the end of the month, while also doing some of the administration chores left over from my days as a traditional publisher. I hired out some help with that so, pressure-wise, a good chunk of it has been lifted.
Then there’s the writing and my hope is by next week I’ll know what project I’m going to embark on. After that, assuming I maintain a good schedule, you’ll start seeing new books from me rather quickly.
That’s it for now.
Off to make dinner.
To me, it looked like you were always online. That was one of the things I was fearful about. It looked to me like you were addicted to being online and social media. Constantly updating about your meals and this and that all throughout each day. That’s never healthy. I hope changing that is part of the plan.
Happy to check in when needed now versus “always being around.” It got very draining. I admit, for a time there was an addiction element, but part of it was also required because of the job. Now that I’m primarily flying solo, I can pace my on-line time much better. I’ve seen the negative effects of all the computer time both personally and to others. Our society as a whole is way too tech/computer/smart phone-dependent and much too plugged in. Realistically, it’s just not needed, but we’ve made it needed in a lot of ways. I’m glad to step back from it and spend more time off-line than on- these days. Unless on-line gaming counts as computer time, then I put in my fair share of DC Universe On-line. But I get to play as Axiom-man, which is pretty awesome as I was able to match the costume pretty close to the books/comics. 😉
I completely agree with you, AP. Whenever I go online, it’s briefly to check a few things, and then I’m off. I agree with you re: society, too. There’s just no need for so much of all this online stuff. I’m so glad to hear things are on the improve for you. Sounds like you’ve got the right idea/balance with things now 🙂
Yup. I’m on-line off and on during the day, then come 5 that’s it. I might check Twitter in the evening or if I’m expecting an email, but otherwise I’m off-line. Weekends I take off now, too, barring the occasional convention or pressing deadline.