Authortube: My Book is Not Selling! What Do I Do? | Part Three: The Copycat Method

Authortube: My Book is Not Selling! What Do I Do? | Part Three: The Copycat Method

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This particular method of book marketing is very effective because it allows you to take what works and apply it to your own projects. The copycat method is just like it sounds: Copy.

All marketing is based on the copy principle. The “how to copy” is different depending on what you’re marketing, but in this case, we’re talking books and comics–though the principle applies to any product–and how to take things to the next level as you market your book.

Watch this video to find out how to go about it and how to execute the Copycat Method. I won’t lie. It will take some work, but it will be worth it in the end.

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Authortube: My Book is Not Selling! What Do I Do? | Part Three: The Copycat Method

1001 WAYS TO MARKET YOUR BOOK by John Kremer:

Canister X Book Review

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