What’s in a Book Blurb?

What’s in a Book Blurb?

black headlights collection

A lot, actually. Asking a fellow writer for a blurb can be both easy or daunting, depending on the ask. In the case of CAUGHT IN BLACK HEADLIGHTS, the writer/poet I asked to blurb my book is someone I admire and, frankly, was a little bit nervous handing over the galley for it.

I write poetry, sure, but it’s not my main medium. I used to blast out poems non-stop once upon a time, but these days they’re few and far between. However, the approach to CAUGHT IN BLACK HEADLIGHTS is different than my other stuff and, it seems, paid off.

I won’t give away details just yet, but the book did indeed wind up getting blurbed by that writer and it will be used on the front cover.

Vague blogging right now.


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