Axiom-man Prints and Original Superhero Art Now Available

Straight from the pages of The Axiom-man Saga, introducing new Axiom-man prints available for direct order!
You can now add the Cobalt Crusader to your print collection with these prints that debuted at this year’s Central Canada Comic Con.
(All prints and original art come with an optional signature and/or personalization. Signatures are free, of course.)
Please email apfuchs(at)gmail(dot)com to make arrangements.
1 print for $10
2 for $15
3 for $20
Plus shipping.
All prints come in standard-sized comic book bags and boards.

Axiom-man Original Artwork
The original art–pre-digital modification–for the above prints is also available for direct order.
The original art was produced on 8.5 x 11 paper using pen and ink and marker.
Each piece is $75 plus shipping.