Status Report – 061824


Status Report – 061824:

We’ve been busy behind the scenes here at Axiom-man Central. Here’s a rundown of what’s currently going on this superhero year:

  • AXIOM-MAN: THE SUMMONING: About 1/3 complete with plans to finish mid-July then move on to AXIOM-MAN: TRANSFORMATIONS.
  • Axiom-man in-house collectibles for direct order and conventions and signings: Playing cards – in and done. Stickers – in and done. Special high-end-soon-to-be-revealed Axiom-man collectible – in production with an ETA at Axiom-man Central of approximately two weeks.
  • Blog/website coding upgrade: In process but gaining ground.
  • YouTube offerings: Set for the week.
  • Patreon: New material being slowly added for future postings.
  • In-house book stock: Under inventory review with the mind to get in copies of the first half of the year’s releases in July plus any additional stock I might need.
  • Secret FREDRIKUS project: Slowly coming along. Very slowly.
  • Freelancing: Two projects in the pipeline

That’s about all my headspace can handle at the moment for immediate work. There are some other up-in-the-air items as well, but those are in a floating-in-the-ether stage without any firm landing point.

All we can do is focus on the above, get it done, then continue.

This has been your Status Report for 061824.

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