Canister X Transmission: Year Seven Almost Finished

Canister X Transmission: Year Seven Almost Finished

CANISTER X TRANSMISSION year seven newsletter

YEAR SEVEN for my weekly newsletter, THE CANISTER X TRANSMISSION, will be complete in the next two weeks. There are two issues left in this newsletter year then we’ll be moving onto YEAR EIGHT.

The theme of YEAR SEVEN was fluidity, the idea being there would be no set format for the newsletter and whatever was shared was whatever was shared. Nice and simple. Nothing complicated. That was the goal, at least.

As YEAR EIGHT gets ever closer, I have yet to decide on the format for the new newsletter year. I have some ideas but nothing set in stone. I usually reveal the format of the forthcoming newsletter year in the last issue of the current year and then often do a quick recap at the beginning of the new newsletter year for those just joining us so as to ensure everyone is up to speed and on the same page.

The completion of YEAR SEVEN also means the completion of another Eventual Book (newsletter readers know what these are), so look for the paperback and eBook of YEAR SEVEN in the New Year. Also, remember that each newsletter collection features a bonus issue unavailable through the normal electronic subscription.

Please join us for the tail-end of YEAR SEVEN and get yourself all set up for YEAR EIGHT. Costs nothing. You can subscribe to THE CANISTER X TRANSMISSION by visiting here.

If you’d like to support this free newsletter, please consider leaving a tip via the PayPal link on the this site or by grabbing a copy or two of the previously-published newsletter collections.

Canister X Transmission Years 1 to 6

THE CANISTER X TRANSMISSION: THE VERY LONG YEAR SIX was the latest release in the series. Please click on the image above to visit the series on Amazon.

Thanks. Hope to see you every Saturday going forward through the newsletter.


  • APF

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