Authortube: A.P. Fuchs Superhero and Monster Writer Launched!

Authortube: A.P. Fuchs Superhero and Monster Writer Launched!

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Did a pile of work this weekend, one of which was sending CAUGHT IN BLACK HEADLIGHTS off to press. If all goes to plan, it’ll be out June 1, 2024.

In the meantime, I’ve been doing a lot of Authortube videos so I decided to make an official playlist for them for you to enjoy. I also took the time to link one video to the next to ensure a smooth viewing experience. Please click the graphic above to be taken to the playlist. Also be sure to subscribe because there are plenty of Authortube videos coming, including a separate series on writing basics, the goal being that if you get the basics down as your foundation, everything else is just finer-point details going forward. Plus, if you understand the basics of writing–in this case, fiction–then it’ll save you a pile of headaches and frustration later come the revision process. It’ll also help ensure a quality book instead of the stuff being released today where writers don’t even understand the basics of writing and rush right into publishing.

Anyway, these Authortube videos are meant to get your head in the right space for creativity, the publishing business, and the craft in general.


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