• Tag Archives photographs
  • Roses and Ashes

    Roses and Ashes

    Roses and Ashes

    Today we layed my grandmother to rest.

    This was my tidbit on Facebook about it yesterday:

    “Morning. Tomorrow morning we lay my grandmother to rest. She had passed over a year back but due to timing and other factors, she will be laid to rest tomorrow. I like the idea of one’s final resting place. My faith aside, just knowing that at one point I’m going to be lying in a box surrounded by cushion and going to bed for the last time is comforting. Sort of a well-earned sleep. (At least, the goal is to make it well-earned.) So for tomorrow, I’m genuinely happy. My grandmother gets to go to bed for the last time and have her well-earned sleep. Good for her.”

    Roses and ashes. Rest well. See you again one day.

  • Patreon Photos

    Patreon Photos

    Patreon photos collection

    One of the new features of Patreon 2.0 is photography. Not just plain click-click of the camera, but fun shots with a little bit of pizzazz to make it interesting. It’s also fun for me as a creator to play around with photos and make something cool out of them.

    old blue car

    The pic above is one such example of the pile of photography available at Patreon 2.0 and, yes, the one I’m showing here had to be a car. Well, Hotwheels, right? Right.

    Anyway, hope to see you on the Patreon Page. Lots of fun and tons of content, including Patreon photos.

