Station Ident – 011825
This is your station identification for 011825.
Good day,
This is A.P. Fuchs, Canadian writer and artist based in Winnipeg, Manitoba (center of the country right above the border line). Welcome to my main hub where superheroes, monsters, horror, and Pop Culture are the name of the game. I’m a veteran indie author, cartoonist, publisher, and freelancer in the cosmic gathering of books and comics, and have been sporting all those hats for the past quarter century. You have arrived at Canister X, my official blog and the Realm of Heroes and Monsters, where we’re back to making more digital content for your consumption.
My [multiple] social media presences are:
My Patreon page is located here. It’s a very awesome nook on the Web where I post serial novels, serial comics, essays and articles on the creative arts business, behind-the-scenes secrets, artwork, photos, and more. Join me and my other patrons and be a part of something fun and interesting with regular content. Check out the fun trailer for the page.
I’m also the writer and artist behind the webcomic, Fredrikus, a dystopian sci-fi about an anthropomorphic dog, which you can read from the beginning here.
On Saturdays, I send out my newsletter, The Canister X Transmission. It’s a free weekly newsletter where we all come together after seven days, take a breather, regroup, and head into the weekend. Right now, we are writing Year Seven which has the general theme of fluidity. Join myself and my readers and fans of fandom. I love the fan community as it’s the best bunch of people to be part of, both physically and virtually. It’s utterly the homeland.
So please take your time and explore this site and have a good time!
A.P Fuchs
Circa 011825.
End station identification.