Nightwing Shorts and Reels Compilation Vol. 1

Nightwing Shorts and Reels Compilation Vol. 1

Nightwing Shorts and Reels action figure Compilation Vol 1 thumbnail

Welcome to the first shorts and reels for Bludhaven’s protector, Nightwing! Seven showcase videos showing off awesome Nightwing action figures from across various toy lines.

Nightwing has always been a favorite hero of mine and is second to Superman. I got into Nightwing back in 1995 and haven’t looked back since. Interestingly, there was a hero on Krypton named Nightwing. That’s a whole other storyline to discuss so perhaps in another video. Until then, please enjoy these wicked Nightwing shorts and dive deep into these superhero action figures.

Be sure to subscribe for action figure videos.

Thank you for watching Axiom-man TV.

Nightwing Shorts and Reels Compilation Vol. 1

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