Canister X Mailbag – Nightwing 12″ Action Figure Unboxing – Jan312025

Canister X Mailbag – Nightwing 12″ Action Figure Unboxing – Jan312025

Nightwing 12 inch Action Figure Unboxing

This 12″ Nightwing action figure was a bit of a trick to get, as you will see in the video. The first time around, Amazon got the order wrong and sent the wrong figure. I was hesitant to try again, thinking maybe the folks in the warehouse had only the Stealth Armor Nightwing (which looks almost identical) instead of this regular one so were sending that as “good enough.” Well, “good enough” doesn’t work for this collector so a gamble was taken and, fortunately, it was a win.

This figure now matches my other, which is Nightwing in his red and black outfit. It’s the same figure, just with a different color, but I’m a completist on certain things so had to have both. I’m sure my fellow Wingnuts would understand.

If you’d like one of your own, you can grab one off Amazon here.

Be sure to subscribe for more action figure unboxing videos.

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