Authortube: Open Letter to All Scammers, Spammers, and Solictors of Services

Authortube: Open Letter to All Scammers, Spammers, and Solictors of Services

vLog Authortube Open Letter to All Scammers, Spammers, and Solictors of Services thumbnail

This video letter is speaking on behalf of myself and thousands of other authors around the world. We are sick and tired of you spamming our book announcements and threads with solicitation of services we can easily do ourselves.

Two words: Stop it.

Another two words: Grow up.

You are not a professional. You are a scammer for anyone who spams scams. Period.

Please share this video if you’re an author/creator and feel the same.


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Authortube: Open Letter to All Scammers, Spammers, and Solictors of Services

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